May 2018 Running Challenge



  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I took a break yesterday but decided to go get that gym membership on this soggy morning (with nothing but soggy mornings in sight for a while). So I did 2.5 miles total (2 miles at a slow jog) on the treadmill before work. I felt like I could have run another mile by the time I was done, but I was running late. I'm going to try to run3 miles on Saturday if it feels ok. I've signed up for a 5K in June!

    11.75/10 (yay!) for the month and 18.75 miles total forward motion :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Just a quick check in. I'm swamped at work, swamped at home, and 15 pages behind. I did manage to read the fantastic race report by @PastorVincent though...great job, man!!! What a beast to do two huge races so close to each other. I loved reading your report. What I really want to know, though, is when is your next ultra?

    @7lenny7 - I am strongly leaning towards dropping the road marathon from my schedule completely, do a half instead and then do a trail ultra in its place. I joined a local trail running club and hope to run with them at least once a month. 90% of my running will still be road just due to time and the availability of terrain, but I am shifting I think.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    edited May 2018
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I'm in need of some need trail shoes. My usuall surface is chipped granite/gravel. I occasionally run the grass area next to the trail, can be muddy and a little technical.

    I'm looking at some Scott's. Any one try them? Any favorites? I'm currently in mizunos hayate, which I like just fine.

    I have never tried Scott's, but these are what I ran the Ultra in and I was very happy with them:

    Altra Lone Peak 3.5s

    Those are "men's" shoes, but I am sure they have female versions.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2018
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I'm in need of some need trail shoes. My usuall surface is chipped granite/gravel. I occasionally run the grass area next to the trail, can be muddy and a little technical.

    I'm looking at some Scott's. Any one try them? Any favorites? I'm currently in mizunos hayate, which I like just fine.

    I have never tried Scott's, but these are what I ran the Ultra in and I was very happy with them:

    Altra Lone Peak 3.5s

    Those are "men's" shoes, but I am sure they have female versions.

    Thanks. I'll have a look at them. I passed over the altra's because I think/thought they are a lower drop shoe... I pulled the trigger in the Scott's trail. I'll see how they do and look for my next road shoe (Scott if I like them, if not 90 day return). The drop, ~5, and weight fit my liking... So, we'll see. Trail runner :wink:
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited May 2018
    I put off my Wednesday morning run to Wed night, but then to Thursday morning, and then tacked it on to my 6 mile scheduled run tonight because I AM THE BEST AT PROCRASTINATING. But now I'm 7 pages behind on the forum so...... what's new? :s

    I did get to try some Altra Torrins at the group run tonight as a demo. I liked them. Too bad I don't have new running shoes in my budget currently... I need walking about shoes for my July vacation instead. Oh well!

    5/1: 3.2 miles
    5/2: 3 miles
    5/3: 7 miles of Track Thursday
    5/4: 5.4 miles
    5/5: 12 miles
    5/6: 3.6 miles + gym workout
    5/7: 6 miles
    5/8: 8 miles of Track Tuesday
    5/9: Rest day
    5/10: 6 miles
    5/11: 3.2
    5/12: Lazy day
    5/13: Lazy weekend
    5/14: 4 miles
    5/15: 8 miles Track Tuesday
    5/16: Lazy day
    5/17: 10.2 miles

    Current: 79.6
    Goal miles: 150

    Upcoming Races:
    5/20: Watershed Running Festival - Trail 10k - Pennington, NJ

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I'm in need of some need trail shoes. My usuall surface is chipped granite/gravel. I occasionally run the grass area next to the trail, can be muddy and a little technical.

    I'm looking at some Scott's. Any one try them? Any favorites? I'm currently in mizunos hayate, which I like just fine.

    I have never tried Scott's, but these are what I ran the Ultra in and I was very happy with them:

    Altra Lone Peak 3.5s

    Those are "men's" shoes, but I am sure they have female versions.

    Thanks. I'll have a look at them. I passed over the altra's because I think/thought they are a lower drop shoe... I pulled the trigger in the Scott's trail. I'll see how they do and look for my next road shoe (Scott if I like them, if not 90 day return). The drop, ~5, and weight fit my liking... So, we'll see. Trail runner :wink:

    The Alta’s are zero drop. That is what attracted me to them :)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    5/1 - rest
    5/2 - 2.38 km
    5/3 - 6.23 km
    5/4 - cake
    5/5 - meetings
    5/6 - 4.18 km
    5/7 - 5.15 km
    5/8 - life conspired against me
    5/9 - 6.4 km
    5/10 - 3.0 km
    5/11 - rest day, walk
    5/12 - 10.11 km, after which there will be 6 year olds and shouting
    5/13 - cross training (aka I walked almost 10 km)
    5/14 - 5.65 km
    5/15 - blah
    5/16 - 8.90 km
    5/17 - 5.52 km

    57.52/115 km

    Good run tonight. Since I skipped this week's scheduled speedwork I decided to run tonight's 5K on the faster side. Came in at 37:11 which is 1:20 faster than the fastest timed 5K I've done, but slower than the first 5K of the half I ran in April. In retrospect, that may have been why I walked most of the last 3km rather than the hills alone.

    2018 Races: (italics means not registered yet, only pondering)
    1/1/18 Resolution Run 5K ~38:00 (no official times)
    3/4/18 MEC Road Race #1 10K 1:30:57
    3/17/28 St Patrick's Day race 10K 1:24:53
    4/7/18 Jasper Half Marathon 3:05:55
    4/22/18 MEC Trail Race #1 5Kish 1:00:00? (Or 48:45...)
    5/20/18 MEC Trail Race #2 10Kish
    6/24/18 MEC Trail Race #3 10Kish
    7/1/18 Canada Day 15K
    7/28/18 Idaho Peak 10K Trail Race
    8/18/18 Edmonton Marathon 10K
    8/25/18 MEC Trail Race #4 10Kish
    10/7/18 MEC Trail Race #5 15Kish
    10/22/18 Heartbeat Run 10K
    12/1/18 Santa Shuffle
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @Orphia 38k for a training run is HUGE!! And feeling good afterwards is even better! Way to go. I don't want to sound like your other half, but what plan has you doing a 38k training run on a weekday? :)
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    easy 6 this am.
    @RunsOnEspresso my default on heartrate zones is that if they don't make sense adjust them. There should be a correlation to perceived effort. Zone 1 should be easy but if your down to walking that might be too little. I'm sure it won'r hurt you but seems very boring. Most of the time I focus on above zone 3 and above and zone 2 and below. If I'm going hard I'm in the first and if I'm going east in the second. I then track the numbers to see but pace and perceived effort dictate while in the run. When you're looking at zone 4 and 5 you could be there at pace and effort before your heartrate catches up and most of us don't immediately return to zone 2 just because we've slowed down and recovered. Monitors have glitches, heart beats can be effected by many factors don't let a machine cause you to go against what your basic instincts are telling you. Don't completely ignore it either. Data is good but what makes data information is the human element.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I ran 38 km this morning, which was what I’d planned.

    About 16 km on footpaths/road, 22 km on fine gravel paths.
    Bio/fuelling 200 metre walk breaks at 9 km and 18 km; short walks up steep hills at 24 km and 34 km; had to wait for cars twice.
    Had 2 cereal bars and 2 Wiggle mocha caffeine gels with a few mouthfuls of water from my Camelbak before & after each.

    Feeling awesome. :)

    When I got home and told my other half I’d done 38 km, he said, “Why?” Because it was my plan!

    Did I mention I did 38 km? :D

    Well done!!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Just over 5k, partly on trails, in the pouring rain. There were branches in my way, a little mud, and I had a BLAST.


    Upcoming races:
    6/2 Solidarność Half Marathon
    6/30 Silesian Highland [trail] Half Marathon
    7/16 CityTrail OnTour 5k

    @Orphia remind me what you're training for? Awesome run!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - yay! you are back! I haven't been here much either!

    <non running> Last day for seniors was yesterday. At my school the seniors write thank you notes to everyone on the entire school campus - everyone -- cafeteria workers, cleaning people, teachers, receptionist, and any adult on campus. We all get a bag with at least 12 notes in it and candy, water bottle and a few other little things. But the best part is the notes. I'm just sharing this with you all in case you have kids, have them write a note to their teacher(s) - just a couple sentences. It means so much - believe me there's no money in it, so a few words of thanks is priceless. Since I teach programming my students usually write me a little program, so cute. This was the best senior class I've ever taught and I am going to miss them! :cry: But I am expecting great things from them so it will be fun to watch and see what they do. </non running>

    Four miles on a very humid morning. Lost two pounds of sweat again. :lol: It'll be back tonight with wine and pasta.
    Tomorrow have to go to a funeral (just a friend's dad, didn't know him) in the morning so no cycling ... another run!

    5/1 - 4 miles + strength training W12-A
    5/2 - 4 miles + Cycling 22 fast miles
    5/3 - strength training W12-B
    5/4 - Rest day
    5/5 - 44 miles cycling
    5/6 - strength training W12-C + 3.7 miles treadmill
    5/7 -4.5 miles + strength training W12-D
    5/8 - strength training — back to W9-A, heavier weights!
    5/9 - 22 miles cycling
    5/10 - 5 miles!
    5/11 - Strength training - w9-B
    5/12 - 44 miles cycling
    5/13 - 50 miles cycling
    5/14 - Strength training - w9-C
    5/15 - 4.5 miles w/tabatas
    5/16 - Strength training -w9-D + 1.5 miles treadmill
    5/17 - 4 miles
    5/18 - 4 miles + tbd


  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    @Orphia 38k for a training run is HUGE!! And feeling good afterwards is even better! Way to go. I don't want to sound like your other half, but what plan has you doing a 38k training run on a weekday? :)

    I don't care what her plan is - all I know is what she does works for her life schedule and that is all that matters.
    Awesome and inspiring as always Miss Orphia.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i was going to run after class last night and i fell asleep, and then i slept thru my alarms. guess my body wanted the rest. -among many things wrong with me-ideopathic hypersomnia

    5/4-0mi (but we hiked 4+mi)
    5/5-13.13 mi
    5/6-1.78 mi (5+mi hike+porcupine)
    5/9-0mi (2 hours of aerial yoga)
    5/10-maybe get a few in tonight, getting itchy. outer ankles still hurt
    5/11-stupid ankle
    5/12-0mi (2 hours of aerial yoga)
    5/13-1.9mi rough run.
    5/14-nope-lawn mowed
    5/15-3.06 mi
    5/16-1.2mi (2 hours aerial yoga)
    5/17- (1 hour aerial yoga)
    5/18-hoping for miles tonight


  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,741 Member
    May 2 – 5.2 miles
    May 6 – 13.3 miles
    May 9 – 6 miles
    May 10 – 4.65 miles
    May 11 – 6.03 miles
    May 12 – 12.05 miles
    May 14 – 5.07 miles
    May 16 – 5.01 miles
    May 18 – 7 miles

    @greyparks206 – Hope you do great with your 5K this weekend.
    @Elise4270 – You are doing so good with your PT and running comeback! I admire your consistency.
    @7lenny7 – Good luck with your 50K on Saturday. Thanks for sharing the video. Loved the runners hanging out at the top on that flat rock.
    @skippygirlsmom and @rheddmobile – Good to see you back!
    @kgirlhart and @BruinsGal_91 – Good luck with your HMs on Saturday!
    @MobyCarp – Good luck with your race on Sunday, and next weekend, and next weekend, and…..
    @ddmom0811 – That’s so sweet and such a great idea for students to write those thank-you notes. Well-deserved too.
    @noblsheep – LOL! You may need to change your name to @hotpants!

    7 humid miles this morning. Just a few sprinkles though. Did the same last night in bootcamp and they actually felt great.

    My favorite part of checking here on the weekends is reading everyone’s race reports – especially the ones with pictures!

    Upcoming Races:
    June 16 – Run the Gate 5K
    September 7-8 – Blue Ridge Relay
    October 20 – Cherokee Harvest Half Marathon
    November 11 – Rock n Roll Vegas Half Marathon