May 2018 Running Challenge



  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,012 Member
    edited May 2018
    shanaber wrote: »
    Procrastinated going out today because, well, because I can and it is staying cool enough right now to not be an issue. Soon (like this weekend) that won't be the case though! Once I got out the run was great but I am realizing I cannot wear my Saucony Kinvaras any longer - they hurt my feet, make my toes fall asleep, have rubbed a painful callus on my little toe and the top of my foot is still sore hours after running :( I kept stopping and trying to readjust the laces (the Nathan stretchy ones) so that they weren't so tight but didn't feel like my heel/foot were going to step out of them. Maybe if I found them in a wide it would be better IDK...
    I was having a similar problem with several different pairs of shoes - toes falling asleep (even hours after taking them off!), top of foot pain etc, but re-lacing them completely fixed the problem. This is what I did:yr1rowxv8f9h.jpg
    I can't remember where I found it, but I had read an entire article somewhere online with different ways to lace your running shoes, depending on the problem you are having. With what I've got, the bottom of the shoe now has more room, but I can still pull the top part tight enough to not feel like I'm running right out of them.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Thanks for the response @girlinahat. Those are some amazing pictures.
    As are your pics @ROBOTFOOD. I can't even imagine snow on the ground in (almost) June anywhere in the US.
    I'm going to try to run with a backpack on Saturday. Don't think I am going to like all the extra weight and sloshing, but this will be the only way to get enough water on a long run in the Texas heat and humidity.
    Determined not to lose another 8 lbs. of sweat this weekend.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I have a shoe question if anyone has answers. My Saucony Guide 10s are coming to the end of their useful lives and I need a new shoe. I have to say that I loved my Guide 8s...and liked my Guide 9s...and I've tolerated the 10s. I like them better the more I run in them, but they just aren't as good as the first couple of pairs. To be fair, it may be because I noticed the difference between my awful old shoes and the first good running shoes and now everything is just ok by comparison. Anyway, I see that there are Guide ISOs available, or I could buy another pair of 10s...or I could buy a different shoe entirely. Any thoughts? The only other brand I've been ok with are Brooks. I have a pair of Cascadia trail shoes I love. My daughter likes Mizuno, but I've not tried them on myself. I have a foot that is shaped like a fish...wider in the front, narrow in back and flat as a pancake.

  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @cburke8909 200 miles in a month is a fantastic accomplishment! You are in rarefied air! In my wildest dreams I can't imagine doing that.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i've been stuck in the 12 min miles so it's nice be to be hanging in the 11 min mile range

    5/4-0mi (but we hiked 4+mi)
    5/5-13.13 mi
    5/6-1.78 mi (5+mi hike+porcupine)
    5/9-0mi (2 hours of aerial yoga)
    5/10-maybe get a few in tonight, getting itchy. outer ankles still hurt
    5/11-stupid ankle
    5/12-0mi (2 hours of aerial yoga)
    5/13-1.9mi rough run.
    5/14-nope-lawn mowed
    5/15-3.06 mi
    5/16-1.2mi (2 hours aerial yoga)
    5/17- (1 hour aerial yoga)
    5/19-(2 hours aerial yoga)
    5/20-5.2mi lots of rain
    5/22-push mower lawn mowed
    5/23-1.51 mi(1 hour aerial yoga)
    5/24-(1 hour aerial yoga)
    5/26-1.21mi (4 hours of aerial yoga/aerial hoop)
    5/28-3.17mi (forgot water so cut the run short. i might have been able to keep going but the dogs needed water
    5/30-3.37mi (1 hour aerial yoga)
    5/31(1 hour aerial yoga)


  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @ROBOTFOOD Great Pictures. You can imagine how much snow we still have on our Canadian Mountains.
    That shelter you were crouched in looks like a man made foundation hole for a structure - the corner you are crouched in is to square for a natural hole. You should join the MFP Monthly Challenge Strava Group or the MFP Long Distance Strava Group

    @Orphia Destroying the challenges and monthly goal.
    girlinahat wrote: »
    A quick run this morning – though at first my left calf was going to give up, but after a while it woke up and was fine. It’s sort of annoying that my body doesn’t like running until I’ve got a couple of miles in. Makes short runs pointless.
    @girlinahat That is exactly how I feel - if I want to do a 5km event I need to do a equivalent distance pre-event warmup to get the niggles out. Pub Walks - exercise and entertainment with a friend. A 3hr drive is all relative to your life experiences. Where I live we have up to 5hr drive between communities so you need to know how far your vehicle will go a full tank of fuel. As example yesterday was an 11 hr workday - 4hr drive - 3 hr work - 4 hr drive home.

    @Scott6255 A good hydration bladder should be hugged by the structure of the backpack and if you take all the air out of the bladder before you start it should not slosh or move around.

    @5BeautifulDays I call my feet Duck Paddles. The Saucony Guide and Mizuno Wave Inspire are my Go To Shoes when I shop. Also tend to be a shoe sale - end of model year hound. I have Guide 9's in my closet - original box with 20km on them. A short 5k and mid distance 15k test runs to make sure they had no structural deficiencies then back in the box until I Km out a pair. Also have Mizuno Wave Inspire 10 and 13 in my closet in a similar state. I might have a Shoe Hoarding Problem ;) .

    Hope to be off work early so I can get one more run in tonight.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Wow.... despite TWO taper weeks (one for a road marathon, and one for trail ultramarathon) I still managed 173 miles for this month. ALMOST makes me want to run 27 miles tonight after work :lol: Not quite. Not in this humidity/heat!

    I hope to get some miles in tonight. We will see. Maybe 12?

    I think for summer I will try to run MORE times a week, for fewer miles each run to help survive the weather. Still need figure out running schedule around the new job, and moving to a new neighborhood.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @PastorVincent I'd run 2 and make a nice even 175. Lol
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    One last run for me tonight. Hoping to get around five miles in and that will bring my total for the month to a somewhat feeble 53 miles. But that 53 does include a half marathon, so not too bad I suppose. I missed too many long runs this month thanks to a calf injury.

    I probably won't get any running done next week as I'm away in the UK visiting family, but the week off will give my legs time to heal from any niggling injuries and I'll be raring to go when I get back.

    I'm still using my old Saucony ISO Hurricanes which have got around 450 miles on them (a lot of those miles are treadmill miles, so they're not as beat up as they could be). I'm pretty certain my Brooks Revannas caused some of my calf problems, but I think they're OK for shorter runs. My plan is to try them again for a 5k and see how I feel, and then buy some new shoes for my longer runs.