spoonyspork Member


  • You WANT to gain weight - 35 lbs was the 'healthy amount' you're expected to gain last I checked. Where I went for prenatal care, if you didn't gain at a steady rate for a certain amount of time, you were let go from the center and referred to a hospital (it was a birth center so they only took low risk pregnancies. Not…
  • It finally really hit me... last week. I was at an event talking with someone about the bird sanctuary, and she said volunteers needed to be 18, and asked if I was in college yet. It took me a second to realize she thought I was 18 at most. I'm in my mid-30's... Apparently thin = young (and I am about as thin as I was at…
  • Not at all confusing! You were either: -Eating more than 500 calories those three days -Eating more than making up for those three days of starving yourself on days you weren't. So say your limit says you can eat 1500 to lose weight, or 10500 a week. Day 1: 500. Day 2: 3000. Day 3: 500. Day 4: 2000. Day 5: 300. Day 6:…
  • Problem is: size IS irrelevant, because *nothing* is true to size. I currently have size 2's that fall off me. I'm 5'7" 130-135 lbs. My measurements are basically 34/28/36 (chest/waist/hip). I *should* be in ~ an 8, but every 8 I've tried has been waaaay too big (with the exception of Old Navy jeans and some stuff from…
  • Yes, it's 'generally' correct. I'm not 100% as I've slipped counting reliably (still do 90% of the time, but weekends are often slips)... because if I strictly track I keep losing, faster than calculators say I should. Faster than when I was still 'dieting'. No idea why. Anyway, calculators put me 1600-1800 calories, and…
  • I'm in my mid-30's and was overweight for about 12 years. I lost ~100lbs pretty quickly (less than a year), but was lucky enough that I've always had pretty small arms and waist compared to my weight. 6-ish months into maintenance, my obvious loose skin is all in my boobs and a bit in my stomach. At first I had a bit on my…
  • My son used to eat the whole peanut, shell and all. I had no idea as we almost never went anywhere with in-shell peanuts and I usually bought shelled ones. One day we were eating at a Five Guys and I about flipped when I realized he was eating the whole thing. Said his dad did it too (which was also a surprise - we were…
  • Sounds pretty legit. Spaghetti squash is the best (I used to hate it, then someone made it 'right' once and now I can't get enough of it) My favorite spaghetti squash recipe: Poke holes in squash Microwave 5-10 minutes (depending on squash size -- when it's somewhat squishy to the touch, it's done) Cut in half, scoop out…
  • Eh. I think butter in coffee tastes 'okay', though you have to use a lot more of it than regular creamer to really have a 'lightening' effect on coffee. It works in a pinch, when you have no milk or cream or even non-dairy creamer. I don't find it particularly oily - no more than heavy cream. Never thought of it as being…
  • I ran my DNA results through something called 'promethease' (small fee to do it) since the FDA shut down 23andMe's results. Each marker is color coded by how 'rigorous' the studies were, with links to papers and such on said studies. It's interesting at the very least. You could also run it through an 'eye analysis' and it…
  • Hahahahaha XD For me: garlic. Can NOT live without. I probably sweat garlic I eat so much of it.
  • 3 oz cashew milk, drop of vanilla extract, .5oz creamer of choice (for a little extra fat and a tiny drop of sweet) to 12 oz coffee. If I'm wanting more protein or just wanting cow milk for whatever reason I'll sub cashew milk for 2 oz of either full or 2% milk (both are WAY creamier than cashew milk so less is needed).…
  • I've still not exactly figured that out - 6 months later! - because every time I've started really tracking there's some huge event with massive amounts of food. However, my weight hasn't fluctuated more than 3 lbs in either direction in those months (even after a week of all the free Disney food I could shove into my…
  • WW is similar to MFP, really... but tries to 'simplify' things with points instead of calories. On the plus side, many foods have the points right on the packaging (but then... calories are listed there too... it's just bigger numbers in finer print)! The only thing that makes me wary is that veggies and (some?) fruits are…
  • I (accidentally) ate too little fat for quite a while at the beginning of dieting. Realized this when I started getting weird flaky ugly skin patches around my eyes and mouth, and my hair started falling out. It wasn't immediate (so for example, the person in the video won't have seen it a month later), but had some…
  • Yeah, gotta be careful! You could easily actually be under-eating (I found I was funny enough, sometimes by a LOT. Worked it out when I started showing signs of not eating enough fat). Hamburger is one of those fun ones. If you eat higher fat hamburger, but drain it, you could be eating significantly less than you think. I…
  • Just to make sure! When you weigh things, do you weigh them before AND after cooking? The 'cooked' calorie listings I've found vary *wildly* and many are not in any way accurate. Weigh raw and enter the 'raw' calories, then weigh at the end only in order to split the meal equally. Example: when I cook fish, the packaging…
  • I eat what people consider 'junk'. A LOT of it. I have to, as I'd otherwise only get like 1100 cal/day and never meet my other nutritional goals. My '80/20' is probably more like '60/40'. I know what you're thinking, and it's because I don't like beans, avocados, or really many nutritionally 'dense' foods at all. And the…
  • Yep! It's good to move, don't get me wrong... so if you gotta move anyway, just make it worth your time. Stairs instead of elevator/escalator, parking further away, etc... every little bit counts! ;) It sure has! It's brought the whole family together in fact - we all actually sit down and eat our meals together, set aside…
  • Nono -- my point was just what you said - people are satisfied on different things, and certain carbs could be leaving them feeling unsatisfied, leading to overeating. My campbells' beef noodle soup (which yes, is mostly broth and noodles) is 140 calories for 2 servings. I also ate it at 11 and am just now getting hungry…
  • The 'reasoning' for it is completely bass-akwards, but it's not... wholly wrong? I mean, some processed carbs leave one feeling like they'll never be satisfied, but that still turns into overeating/CICO... I mean, I could eat a whole loaf of cuban bread (960 cal) and still want more... but a nice big bowl of beef n noodle…
  • I eat hot cereal every work day. I don't feel complete without it. Today my bowl cracked in half when I added the milk. :(
  • Awesome! Congrats! Guessing from the hair color changes that you experienced the same thing I did: the blue that was only supposed to last 'a few weeks' stayed bright neon blue for MONTHS and you finally bleached it out? And now the purple fades out in less time than it says should? XD
  • Lost significantly more than 30 lbs, but went from 16-18 (target 14-16), to... well.. this. Similar height and weight to you, same size. When I was skinnier than now (and also quite muscular) as a teen, I was in 5-7. Ordered some size 7 pants out of China based off so many people complaining the sizing was 'off' (too small…
  • 5'7 130-135 size 'what?' bottom: ON -- high rise 6 too big, low rise 8 too small Target -- could probably squeeze into a zero, 2's range from 'slightly loose' to 'muffin top but somehow falling off???' Stopped trying at Wal-mart when the 4's got too big (can't remember my measurements exactly, but I know they point to…
  • At last, context for this picture!
  • It's probably mostly skin. Someone here once said 'it takes about a year to lose the fat, and another for your skin to catch up depending on how much you lost and how fast'. Finding that to be the case myself. About 3 months ago (when I started maintaining) my stomach looked like that. I haven't continued to lose, but…
  • I am at goal (been maintaining a couple months now - lost close to 100lbs), but my plan now is the same as it's been the whole journey here: enjoy eating what I want, in sane amounts. I still eat potato chips, but 1-2 servings a day instead of a whole bag. One donut instead of a half-dozen, etc. No food is evil, and all…
  • I think for some people it's actually more of a 'perfectionist' thing. They don't feel they'll ever be 'skinny' or 'beautiful' even if they lose weight... or there will always be someone who's skinnier or prettier than them, so why really give it effort? From there they come up with a million other excuses why it wouldn't…
  • Ditto. By my count using the super-low-fat frozen thighs and 'lite' (80 cal per 148 g) potatoes I use, it's still ~450-500 calories. Still not bad, but yeah :)