troytroy11 Member


  • Jump up squat down to plank push up jump feet up to hands stand up jump up repeat. Add in a pull-up after the jump for extra fun.
  • One mile warmup, sprint 20 seconds, jog 10, repeat for a total of eight times, two minute jog, run fast almost sprint 60 seconds, start over again and repeat for around four miles or so cool down. And to me sprint means a bear if running after me all out sprint. I love Tabatas. Maybe tomorrow I will work in some fast power…
    in Tabata Comment by troytroy11 July 2018
  • Yes like the others have said it is personal preference. Try it both ways and see what works for you to get your highest performance and results. I work out fasted very early and mix cardio with strength.
  • Sprint intervals and power jump intervals are my favorites. The object for me is to get as much as possible and push as hard as I can with each set. I might do 20 seconds on 10 seconds off Tabata style for 8 total or 30 on and 30 off for 6 rounded and sometimes up to a minute with a minute recovery. The sprints are even…
    in HIIT Comment by troytroy11 November 2016
  • Insanity Max 30, You Are Your Own Gym, free style barefoot sprinting, uneven boulder box jumps, yoga.
  • My ability to move and think are the only things I can lose that will prevent me from being fit. Find, scrap, build.
  • Last Thursday was Tabata style sprints. Love the feeling!!!!
  • Think about what you would consider the funnest thing to do as exercise. What would you look forward to each day? At the gym maybe try all the machines and equipment. Learn how they work and feel. Start easy and light am with the one you like the most. Build from there in variety and intensity. Your road to your weight…
  • Power jumps and any kind of dance
  • I workout with my daughter every morning HIIT and go to the gym on Saturdays. If one of us has to travel or be somewhere at the time we normally workout, the other still does the routine alone. That way no one is slowing anyone else down. The attitude is pretty much we are each going to work out or catch up with or without…
  • I have been doing that for years. It is just easier that way for me not to worry about what is in my gut as I work as hard as I can. Good meal the night before helps with energy levels. Another thing is I don't have that mental battle about whether or not to skip it and make excuses. First thing in the morning and no time…
  • Just a pull up bar. Lasted through one move, and costed around 20 bucks. I use it all the time and have had it so long I even had to retape the grip pad.
  • Agreed with most of what has been said. For me it is water water water directly after with a relaxing cool down followed by a good meal of easily digestible protein and some high glycemic carbs and I regularly work out to muscle soreness by changing up routines and rotating muscle groups. Also When I am already sore, I…
  • First of all big congratulations on your major lifestyle change! Your goals seem very reasonable and with persistance you will achieve them. One of the most important things is to make these workouts, training sessions or exercise times fun. Make it something you look forward to doing every time, not something you dread.…
  • I use Defined Fitness, they have a decent set up here in a Rio Rancho, NM. I'm not sure how all the others are but this one the staff is super cool as well as the other members.
    in Gyms? Comment by troytroy11 October 2016
  • If you love walking then continue. I love walking and prefer it over other forms of transportation if everything is in close proximity. As a form of exercise it definitely counts you just have to be honest about the calorie burn. You have the added benefit of being outside with the stress reduction oh and you are with your…
  • Log it as circuit training. I love this program. Remember to keep the abs engaged and Full range of motion with everything!
  • The next time I travel and stay in a hotel I am bringing a level.
  • One tends to be committed at a studio more than at home for a variety of reasons. Something to keep in mind is the routine may differ considerably even if it is the same style. But that can be kind of fun :)
    in Yoga Comment by troytroy11 October 2016
  • T25 I have never tried so I can't compare but I have read other's comments that it is not as hard as Insanity. The Max 30 is more condensed and compact. Insanity being too long annoyed me as well. An extra rest day that is well selected every now and then will not hinder your progress, but an injury will. When I am feel…
  • Pinkemi, you are wise for taking those rest days. Remember that recovery is part of the process. Insanity is an intense workout, you will need some time to adjust at first. Two in a day? Think of it this way, what can you do to get the most out of your workouts without injury? If that means two in a day then go for it. Or…
  • There are many variations of jumping jacks and lots of ways you can modify to make them more difficult, reaping more benefits. Here is a simple link that summarizes some basic benefits. I love jumping exercises but it has been a long time that I have…
  • At 46, and in decent but not by any means Olympic shape, here is what works for me: My diet is a combination of whatever I want when I want and performance based. So rather than watching the macros closely, I stay in tune with what my body is needing. Overindulgence in sweets or overeating rarely happens but if I want to…
  • Insanity Max 30 here. Yes, I have had banister days both up and down the stair. Once your legs heal from the soreness you will love the results. Just wait.
  • Start slowly and carefully some upper body strength training. Make it easy and doable at first with something like modified wall push ups, or regular push-ups. Just make it something you can and will do. You can progress as you feel yourself getting stronger.
  • Here are my suggestions for walking (not running) stations: Cocorosie, Sleep, Adele, Gorillaz, Kimbra, Black Keys, Sundays, Modest Mouse, Amy Winehouse, Explosions in the Sky. Enjoy!!
  • Daily is planche practice followed by Insanity Max 30 Monday through Friday with YOYOG Ap mixed in some of the days. I am Almost ready to go back to 3 minutes of sprints on Tues and Thurs as a post work out topping. Friday post workout push-up challenge happens when I feel like it. Saturday alternates between treadmill…
  • Hiking is one of the oldest natural exercises we can do. I absolutely love it. It is not the main workout for me but rather a supplement to existing routines.
  • Yes happens to me to. Some Medications may cause that retention as well.
  • Thank you!! How was your week 7? Bring on that soreness is what I say :)