In search of an Insanity Buddy

Hi all..

I am on day 3 of the insanity program by Shaun T (and by jove do I know about it!) Currently struggling to walk up the stairs!

Wondering if anyone else is currently doing it?


  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    Insanity Max 30 here. Yes, I have had banister days both up and down the stair. Once your legs heal from the soreness you will love the results. Just wait.
  • Pinkemi
    Pinkemi Posts: 963 Member
    Troy I caved... was meant to do my workout on Saturday morning.. woke up and my legs were so sore I felt like crying. Didnt do a workout on Sat or Sunday. :(

    Planning to pick up where I left off tonight! But not sure if I am "insaine" enough to do both workouts that I missed in one day?

    What is Insanity Max 30? The same but just 30mins?
  • jennice23
    jennice23 Posts: 17 Member
    I've done it and it's no joke. I would do a good stretch before and after the workout. Good luck
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    Pinkemi, you are wise for taking those rest days. Remember that recovery is part of the process. Insanity is an intense workout, you will need some time to adjust at first.
    Two in a day? Think of it this way, what can you do to get the most out of your workouts without injury? If that means two in a day then go for it. Or you may need another day or two to recover so you can come back hard. All depends on how you feel.
    Max 30 is 30 minutes long with very limited breaks at 30 seconds or less each, no yoga or stretching is mixed in until the cool down at the end. It is easier to work into a schedule but the workout itself is more difficult IMO than Insanity.
  • Pinkemi
    Pinkemi Posts: 963 Member
    It doesn't feel like I was wise.. as I feel that it will hinder my progress.. but at the same time I feel so much better for it! My legs were constantly tight and felt like they wanted to cramp at every chance they got.

    Honestly.. two in a day is not going to happen! Espeically not "Pure Cardio" and the other cardio one..!

    Max30 sounds good.. My main annoyance with Insanity is the fact that it is so long. But then at the same time at least you really feel like you are doing a "proper" workout (at least I do.) I have Focus T25 which is good.. but I never feel like I have worked as hard as I do with Insanity.. you know?
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    T25 I have never tried so I can't compare but I have read other's comments that it is not as hard as Insanity. The Max 30 is more condensed and compact. Insanity being too long annoyed me as well.
    An extra rest day that is well selected every now and then will not hinder your progress, but an injury will. When I am feel like crying sore, I will switch it up and do something different with different muscle group or something. Otherwise it is sort of like wasting some of the workout because of how hard it is to obtain full range of motion for certain exercises, like power jumps or lunges, at the speed desired for top results.
    Have a good one tonight!