Yawnetu Member


  • According to so-called coffee connoisseurs, darker or "bold" roast = burnt beans. The light or mild has more nuanced coffee flavor and is probably much more easy to get used to. When I started drinking it in college, I put loads of sugar and cream in it. Gradually I stopped adding the sugar and cream and finally began to…
  • Bret Contreras is known as The Glute Guy. He has just achieved a Ph.D. in exercise science so he knows what he's talking about. I recommend his book known as "Strong Curves: A Woman's Guide to Building a Better Butt and Body". He also has a LOT of videos on You tube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL475FA57E28C60EE4…
    in Squats Comment by Yawnetu January 2016
  • 4 oz. curried tofu with a Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout. Oh YEAH!
  • I have the same problem. I tried eating egg white alone, and my stomach rejected that too. If the egg is mixed into breads or cakes or cookies, etc., then my stomach will not reject them. If it's a quiche or omelet, stand back. It won't take 3 minutes before the stomach reacts. Hardboiled or scrambled - don't even THINK…
  • The fact that you feel a little intimidated by the guys is a signal to you that it is EXACTLY what you should do. Walk right through that fear and watch it evaporate. You can't get strong without lifting some weights and you can't get confidence without challenging your fears. You go, girl. You will never regret doing it,…
  • Wow, love this! Meerataila, you're one of my heroes.
  • I like Bodylogix. No artificial flavors or colors and it's whey based. Lower calorie than some. Do you insist on vegan/vegetarian? Because I've never had one of those that hasn't been chalky/grainy/even chewy like hemp. GAK.
  • Even if you eat nothing, air is chemicals. You, my friend, are a nitrogen breather. Ha, bet you thought you were breathing mostly oxygen, didn't you? Surprise! :wink:
  • I use Bodylogix whey protein powder because it doesn't contain artificial ingredients, I enjoy the flavors, and the calories are low for the amount of protein you get. As a small girl who lifts, I struggle to get enough protein to meet the 0.82g protein/pound of bodyweight and not go over my calories. You don't have to use…
  • Interesting to follow the posts here. Occurs to me that those bashing the OP for bashing his friend aren't doing anything different from what the OP did. Pot/kettle/black much? For the record, I don't think you can automatically draw an equality sign between wine = bad choice here. That's assuming action not in evidence,…
  • Would you prefer that others not add their own pics to your thread, or does that give you presentation ideas? Not to mention recipe ideas?
  • Anything we say is a guess and our guesses are as good as yours. Keep eating at a healthy deficit and working out. At some point, you might find that your weight stays stable but you notice your clothes fitting more loosely, your muscle definition getting better. The weight on the scale really means very little in the…
  • Does it matter what kind of Chuck Taylors, or is one as good as another?
  • DISCLAIMER: I read the first few pages of this thread and then skipped to p. 17 to see how the conversation had developed. Apologies if someone here already stated this obvious point, so let's say this is for those like me who jumped into the middle of the conversation: The obvious fallacy here is that 2,000 cal = health.…
  • Sounds right. However, if they reduce services and start charging, those of us who leave will find somewhere else to go. They will leave a void, and Nature abhors a void. It will be filled by another startup, so no worries.
  • Ironically, a post about orthorexia is actually being orthorexic itself.
  • Isn't that the truth? I keep getting beaten up by vegans when I post recipes which contain meat, so that I can refer to them later. WTF? Are you my food police? Unfriend me or hide my posts from yourself. smh...
  • This. She's right, you know. Your fat isn't actually "burned". It is metabolized as carbon dioxide and exhaled.
  • Buy yourself a copy of Bret Contreras' STRONG CURVES: A Woman's Guide to Building a Better Butt and Body. Check out his videos on YouTube. The guy knows what he's doing. And most of all, enjoy. Booty building can be fun. :smile:
  • What are your goals?
  • Any of you can add me...I love to lift, but am still in a learning mode.
  • This thread makes me rethink running. I never considered it because it seemed so hard, and I was afraid it would damage my knees in the long run (no pun intended). So...could one run into their elder years, as Ernestine Shepherd (one of my heroes!) has kept up her bodybuilding into her late 70s? Or is this something you…
  • I'm using Bret Contreras's "Strong Curves: A Woman's Guide to Building a Better Butt and Body". Very competent author, lots of photos with discussions on proper form. You can also find him on YouTube. These guys are right, proper form is essential. Learn to do it CORRECTLY the first time around.
    in Squats Comment by Yawnetu January 2015
  • lean ground beef patty seasoned with adobo and green Tobasco, baby lettuces with a light splash of sesame ginger dressing, glass of blackberry merlot. So I've got Latin, Asian and French going on here. What's for snacks tonight?
  • Instead of having cheese on pizza, I take a very savory hard cheese like Sartori Bellavitano Merlot and slice an ounce of it thinly, then put it on Sesmark flavored rice crackers and eat it. It's delicious, not calorie-expensive and satisfies my immediate need for tasty cheese. Pizza is an occasional cheat meal, not…
  • Welcome, Anita. You'll find a lot of good people here, and support when you ask for it. :)
  • Curiosity motivated me...that and the ticking of the clock. What could I do with this body, given the chance? Where can it take me? I didn't want to look back someday and say, "Why the hell didn't I do this earlier when it could make such a difference in my confidence, trust in myself, strength, performance, independence,…
  • Hey I need that recipe! But do I have to slap myself?
  • I've known some chunky Hindus who've been vegetarians their whole lives. Maybe they use too much oil?