Ladies only- weight loss question

hey ladies (men might not want to read)
Is it normal to lose 4lbs in the first week on a 1700 calorie diet? When I weighed in for the first time Wednesday of last week, I was 171.
Been working out every other day and doing pretty well staying under my calorie count but I didn't expect to lose 4lbs right away. Stepped on the scale this morning before my workout and I weighed 166.4. Stepped on it two more times, same numbers. Checked it once more before work and still the same, so the scale is accurate.
However, I'm wondering if my original weigh in was higher then I normally would be since I started my period 3 days later... Water weight maybe?
Any kind answers are welcome!


  • It could be water weight. Did you have a full stomach. What clothes were you wearing? There are a lot of factors. Just weigh yourself weekly keep track and when next month AF comes you may have your answer
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Could be a number of things. You could have really lost the 4 pounds, and some of it being water weight (this can happen when you are new to eating at a deficit), you could have weighed more because of your period when you started, the time of day/circumstances, etc. Just go with the weight you got today, and now every time you weigh yourself make sure it's in the AM, after the restroom and before you eat. Same day every week.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Ah, it's nice to see that number as encouragement that early on I bet. It's likely at least partially water weight, but some people do lose a lot right away depending on their starting weight. I can "lose" or "gain" 3+ pounds just depending on the time of the month, if you know what I mean. Good luck and keep going! :D
  • Lissa_Kaye
    Lissa_Kaye Posts: 214 Member
    Yes tom can add a lot of weight. 3-5lbs if not more sometimes. I can always tell when I am getting close because it'll start creeping up. Don't despair, and don't give up, It'll go back down after, just sucks because it seems like your not making progress for a week.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I had a really kind answer for you then but I cant give it to you since it is a question for ladies only....
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Your first reading may have been higher because of hormones.
    Most people, male and female, see abnormally large losses the first week or two of dieting. You decrease your calories and everything else as well, including carbs and sodium, which usually lead to a good deal of water weight loss. Your rate of loss will settle into match your deficit soon. Keep up the good work!
  • Yawnetu
    Yawnetu Posts: 53 Member
    Anything we say is a guess and our guesses are as good as yours. Keep eating at a healthy deficit and working out. At some point, you might find that your weight stays stable but you notice your clothes fitting more loosely, your muscle definition getting better. The weight on the scale really means very little in the's about how your body looks and feels that makes the difference.
  • lovabee
    lovabee Posts: 30 Member
    I also lost 4lbs during the first week while eating about 1600 kcal daily. After that I continued losing 1lb per week as expected, so perhaps it was mostly water weight. It's great motivation though :)
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    You also have to take into account what you ate a couple of days before starting the diet. It MAY NOT be the case for you, but some people have this habit of gorging on food "one last time" before starting the program.