alt5057 Member


  • You can use MapMyFitness and enter in your route through the computer. You draw out your route (I find it helpful to turn off the "stick to roads"). If you note your start and end time, it will give you your average pace for the distance in the map you draw.
  • Thanks! I never even noticed the link to an older version! I'll give that a try!
  • Love it!
  • I drink fruity teas because it is something different than water (I drink mine without sweetener, which I can do with green and white teas - usually the fruity ones). If I am craving something sweet at night, I can make up a fruity tea instead of a sugary I don't drink it FOR weight loss and expecting that to…
  • I don't think it matters what time you eat calorie/weight gain-wise, but for me, personally, if I eat right before bed, I wake up feeling famished in the morning and will devour anything in I try to not eat anything large within a couple hours of going to bed.
  • You could always try a padded slipper instead of a full on shoe if you don't want to wear shoes around the house?
  • I'm also 5'6" and losing on 1490 a day (currently at 186)...and I am usually eating more than that once I add back some calories earned through exercise :smile: The main thing for me is to plan...I keep my breakfast pretty consistent and eat a smaller breakfast and then some kind of fruit mid morning to get me to lunch. I…
  • I do better with weight loss when I don't eat bread every day...I know you can do it, but my body just feels better when I don' lighten up the bread, I find low calorie pitas to make sandwiches. I also do a variety of salads (I put fresh mozzarella cheese on it when I don't have any leftover chicken or…
  • And if it helps at all...I took my blood pressure when the dizziness started (husband has an electronic BP cuff). It was normal...111/73. I'll look into getting something to measure blood sugar. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Holidays are over and need to get focused again. It has been a wild 6 weeks and I have fallen off track - surprisingly, though I knew I had gained, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was after not stepping on a scale for 6 weeks! I'm not setting my goal too high, because I know I tend to lose I am hoping for…
  • Lay out a piece of foil, add a chicken breast (salt and peppered), pineapple chuncks, chopped bell pepper, a little bit of pineapple juice, chicken broth or water (whatever you have on hand), 1 Tbsp of bbq sauce. Fold foil into a packet and grill for 15ish minutes until chicken is cooked through (or bake in an oven, don't…
  • It's not alongside the data, but if you go to My Home->Check-in->Track additional measurements, then add another measurement, you could track it there, but I think you can only track once per day with that. You could try a google doc and add in a chart? I know its a pain to have things in multiple places, but I do that for…
  • Many restaurants can give you the nutrition info if you ask for it. That can help get you close. When I am estimating something that I don't have the info for and there are lots of entries, I try to pick a mid-high one figuring that at least if it is underestimating, it will be underestimating less than if I picked the…
  • I have been weighing and logging it each day. I have been at this a little over a month now and it is interesting to see the trends...I keep a separate google doc where I track loss on a weekly basis so I can see how I am actually progressing since weighing each day, you don't really see the "big picture" each week.
  • Calories burned/week is for the extra activity you expect to do. My schedule can be hectic so I don't always get in real "workouts" more than just walking the dog...and those I just let my fitbit make the steps adjustment in my calories for me. SO when I have senedtary with 0 workouts, calories burned/week for me comes up…
  • I do...just to see how bad it was. Sometimes I think I'm "cheating" for dinner getting takeout after a long day, but usually that means I haven't had any snacks during the day and spent a lot of time on my feet so it ends up not as bad as I expect.
  • Just like in Weight Watchers where when you exercise you can earn more points, in MFP you can earn more calories. Most people only eat back a portion of their exercise calories though because they tend to be overestimates. So if you do eat back all of your exercise calories and are not seeing results, try only eating half…
  • I make vinaigrettes heavy on the vinegar. A recipe might call for 1 part vinegar, 2 parts oil...I reverse it. So the oil is just enough to give it the emulsification and the rest is vinegar. I like the bite it gives to salads. :)
  • Look up some similar foods and estimate. I never pick the lowest of the foods...usually try to stick with mid-high range because I would rather overestimate than underestimate calories. Realize that it is only one meal and it won't completely ruin your weight loss. Even if it is an extra 1000 calories (trying to be…
  • I have found eating a good piece of chocolate (the high quality stuff!) can help satisfy a chocolate craving. I find the darker the chocolate, the less it takes to satisfy a sweet tooth because the good stuff is so much more don't need to keep eating it.
  • I like to have snacks during the day, so I eat smaller breakfasts and lunches to account for that. I also like to be able to have a larger dinner and some kind of dessert (depending on how many calories I have left) at I plan my breakfast/lunch accordingly.
  • I love to bake! Has been one of the hardest things about this journey so far!!
  • I find that I feel better when I eat less carbs. For the most part, I cut out pastas and breads, but I will still plan to eat them on occasion. But it might only be one night of pasta in one-two weeks instead of 3 nights a week. If I am eating bread, I try to get a bakery-fresh bread that makes it feel like it is worth the…
  • You'll still lose weight. I find I retain less water weight and feel better if I don't drink soda daily. I don't fully cut it out...I just don't drink it every day like I used to. Now when I am bored with water, instead of reaching for soda regularly, I will drink some fruit-infused water (combine cut up fruit and water…
  • If I don't have a box or package to look at and am using a "generic" listing for fruits/veg/etc, I try to look for ones with the green check-mark and says that it is "verified". And if listings for something seem wildly different, I will usually pick the mid-range one. Since you can enter your own, there will always people…
  • I typically always log it. But I was at a wedding last weekend where they had a bunch of delicious food - cocktail hour, dinner and desserts - and decided ahead of time that I was going to enjoy the day. I didn't log there because I wasn't going to spend the whole reception on my phone logging one of this, one of that. So…
  • I find if I can keep myself doing something it helps me keep from constantly snacking in the evenings like I want to...walk the dog, do some sort of crafty thing...something that keeps me and/or my hands busy so I am not just reaching for food. I have heard of people chewing gum...that doesn't work much for me because I…
  • Personally, I don't like the negative adjustments. I have my level set to sedentary, and most days I do move more than that so I earn some extra calories. When I did the negative adjustments, I found it too hard to plan for (at least while I am still starting out). I didn't like how if I had a day where I was at my desk…
  • If it is from a fitbit adjustment, I tend to eat those back (but still in the beginning and so far it hasn't slowed down my weight loss). If I add in some other form of exercise (like biking, swimming, etc), I tend to only eat back a portion of those, since they are usually overestimates. I have a desk job, so am set to…