How often do you log your loss?



  • preeJAY
    preeJAY Posts: 46 Member
    I don't intend to weigh at all until, by clothing and photos, I feel I'm at a good weight.

    Then I plan on weighing weekly in order to maintain.
  • kbaker001
    kbaker001 Posts: 61 Member
    I log my weight once a week.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I weigh daily. It's automatically logged, because I have the Fitbit Aria scale. Trendweight pulls my scale weigh-in's from Fitbit and smooths out all the fluctuations to show me what is actually happening with my weight.

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  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    I log every time I step on the scale. I'm busy, so that happens sometimes once per week, sometimes 3 times, sometimes 0 times.

    Here's what I've found: I weigh the least on Sat. morning post-shower. I don't know why showering makes me weigh less, it just does. I don't know why Sat. morning is different, but it is...

    I weigh the most on weeknights.

    I agree with this. I find I weight the least after a night of drinking Vodka, but watching my calories and staying away from heavy food. I drink a cup of water for every drink I have that night (I already knock off 80oz by the end of my work day as well). Saturday morning I wake up and see that I look thinner. That is the time I weigh. If I look the same or heavier, I won't bother with the weigh in but I'll still do the tape measure.
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    I log my weight weekly but weigh myself daily for motivation.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Aria FitBit Wi-Fi scale that auto logs for me. I weigh first thing in the morning everyday. Sometimes it goes up sometimes down. Today, down 2.9 pounds, yea! Before you say its a mistake I gained over five pounds this past weekend partying so that bloat comes off pretty easy for me. Never weigh more than once with a auto logging scale because what it giveth it can take back too. The worst was when I went for a long party weekend and gained 9 pounds so fast it said "welcome guest". I had to manually input my weight again to get it back on track.
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    I weigh every morning, log it to FitBit and then Fitbit updates it here. I turned off the Weight Loss notifications from my wall though so it doesn't post daily anymore if I lose. Weighing daily is definitely a personal preference that is not for everyone. I weigh daily because I like having the data to review should my weight fluctuate more than normal.
  • Osiris275
    Osiris275 Posts: 228 Member
    Once a week. But I'm thinking of swapping to every fortnight because I always end up over eating after I've weighed myself, because I think I'll get it all off by next week when really I'm just makin it harder for myself.
  • Benphi91
    Benphi91 Posts: 31 Member
    Once a week. Usually Monday
  • LadyMcClure
    LadyMcClure Posts: 42 Member
    I weigh every morning, log it to FitBit and then Fitbit updates it here. I turned off the Weight Loss notifications from my wall though so it doesn't post daily anymore if I lose. Weighing daily is definitely a personal preference that is not for everyone. I weigh daily because I like having the data to review should my weight fluctuate more than normal.

    Same here. I like knowing how I'm progressing and it motivates me to stay on track with what I'm doing. If I go up a pound or two and nothing has changed, I just assume water and/or hormones and just keep on trucking. I haven't gained any "permanent" weight since beginning to weigh myself every day.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I weigh daily just to see what's going on. The second it drops to the next whole pound, I change my MFP weight. If it says 187.9, I'm going to list 187 on MFP to keep an eye on what MFP thinks my macros should look like. Right now, they're set by the doctor, but that'll ease up come January.

    Each Tuesday, that's the weight that I mentally log as my progress weight.
    Each month on the 19th, that's the weight I log for the doctor.
  • alt5057
    alt5057 Posts: 62 Member
    I have been weighing and logging it each day. I have been at this a little over a month now and it is interesting to see the trends...I keep a separate google doc where I track loss on a weekly basis so I can see how I am actually progressing since weighing each day, you don't really see the "big picture" each week.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I weigh every day and log that in a spreadsheet. Once I see a new low on the scale for a few days running, I log it on MFP.
  • momoharuno
    momoharuno Posts: 141 Member
    I weigh everyday but I also don't get emotional or distressed by weight fluctuations especially near my TOTM, I just shrug and say "oh well maybe tomorrow" and carry on. If I lose then great and I log it on mfp and Libra. Rhe first couple weeks I weighed I would get emotional but I'm pretty much removed from it now, I also take pictures every ten pounds or one month from the last photo whichever one comes first, those are extremely helpful to have :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I weigh several times per week, write each new low on my calendar, and log in MFP when I weigh in with trainer every 1-2 weeks. His scales are about 2-4 lbs higher than mine due to later in the day and a small difference between equipment.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I weigh daily and put it in a weight grapher. I like graphs.
    On MFP I only put in a new number if it's a new low.