i can't beleive i can lose weight eating 1400 calories :(



  • katiebean
    katiebean Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 5'3 and losing weight on 1500 a day + exercise calories. It can be done!
  • Obnoxa
    Obnoxa Posts: 187 Member
    edited March 2016
    It can be tough breaking through the mindset of 'if I don't feel hungry/deprived then I'm not going to lose weight', but you will!
    Give yourself a little time to acclimate, the 5 billion plus dollar a year diet industry was built on the idea that we can't do it without going to extreme measures, but as you start to see your success it will quickly chip away at those old notions.
    Good luck :smile:
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    You definitely can! I was shocked when I first started that I could lose on 1800 calories (static goal, not eating exercise calories), but 25 lbs. later I weigh about what you do and need to aim for 1500 or so to see losses.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Obnoxa wrote: »
    It can be tough breaking through the mindset of 'if I don't feel hungry/deprived then I'm not going to lose weight', but you will!

    This. I put off "dieting" for so long because I couldn't bear the thought of starving myself or having to cut out the foods I love, even though I knew my weight was unhealthy. If only I'd known about MFP years ago!

    OP, I'm also 5'6" and have lost 13lbs in 2 months on 1400 calories a day. Granted I'm heavier than you (started at 217), but still I'm finding that I can eat a decent amount of food and can have chocolate and other 'treats' within that 1400, so I don't feel deprived. For me it has been - and still is - a process of trying to find the right foods to make me feel satisfied while not having too many calories, and while I do have days when I feel hungry and want to binge on something I usually find those days are when I haven't made the right choices. (The right choices for me, that is - everyone feels satisfied with different foods. :smile: )

    It won't necessarily be fast, but if you can learn to "trust the process", as people around here like to say, and accept that some weeks you won't lose anything and may even go up a little, then eventually you'll reach your goal and will form new habits to help you maintain it. Try to be patient, and gauge your success in other ways like taking your measurements and noticing how your clothes fit, as well. Good luck!
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    I like this community's advice on maintaining calorie deficits. It simply works. The mind however needs tweaking. We are so use to quick results, hence your past experience of binge and starve. But think ahead - if you only lose a pound a week, you can lose 52 pounds in a year. This is the newspaper of dieting, not the internet.
  • alt5057
    alt5057 Posts: 62 Member
    waafaae wrote: »
    _Figgzie_ wrote: »
    what do you currently weigh and what is your goal?

    i am 5' 6'' , 171 lbs, goal weight is 120-130 lbs

    I'm also 5'6" and losing on 1490 a day (currently at 186)...and I am usually eating more than that once I add back some calories earned through exercise :smile:

    The main thing for me is to plan...I keep my breakfast pretty consistent and eat a smaller breakfast and then some kind of fruit mid morning to get me to lunch. I plan out each lunch/dinner so I know what I have available. I also know I am a night snacker so I make sure to leave some wiggle room to have something after dinner. Sometimes popcorn, sometimes chocolate...if I don't have any calories left, I try to curb any cravings with a fruity flavored tea.
  • fionamcsharry
    fionamcsharry Posts: 2 Member