Spocky Member


  • The everything in moderatin idea not works for me. If I open a bag of crackers, I will eat a lot of that. I loved a certain type of hamburger but I stopped missing it.
  • I would advise buying dumbbels for home if you find it cheap somewhere. I have 2 5kg dumbbels at home and I do some simple sets while watching Netflix. Good thing that you can talk with a trainer, I keep postponing that and have no idea how much would it cost.
  • Hi! I also hate when I have to wait for a machine, usually I do some other exercise while I am waiting. What if you try to avoid rush hours at the gym or look for an other one less crowded. The place where I go is never crowded, I usually go there at for 13:00 so most people are working that time. Maybe more expensive gyms…
  • If you lift heavy your muscles will grow and that is a faster and more visible change than just following your diet. Take a before picture of you so you will be able to see the changes.
  • While I am watching Netflix from bed I do about 50 half-sit-ups every day. Just spend 5 minutes with training your abs every day, don't wait until you are skinnier.
  • +1 ,,Cardio is less important for fat-loss than weight lifting."
  • I met a girl who sad that she could run 10 km in 50 minutes, I was so amazed that I started running. At first I coud run only 1 km and walked 4 km, later I could run 2 km. Even later I used a counting method in which I ran for 100 seconds and walked for 5 minutes. Now I just very rarely switch to walking but I still can't…
  • I hope you can find a better job! I don't like my job either. I have a sitting job too but I can walk a bit in the room when I don't have customers, and I can do some squats holding my chair. Think about that with a good shape you will have better chances at job interviews.
  • I am using MFP mostly for the forums. I lost about 7kg in the last 8 months but I still have to lose about 3 kg. Now you can never talk about losing 3 kg in person with other people because for most people it sounds like bragging and and other bunch of people never had a weight problem. Having MFP friends and seeing them…
  • Same here because at the workplace I have limited access to food but it is different at home. And it is also hard because weekend is the only time I can eat home-cooked meals. Well when you eat something wait about 2 hours before you eat again and drink a strong coffee because that takes away your hunger for a while too.…
  • Every day is a new day. You should eat about 6 times a day to avoid being very hungry. Junk food should be cut back to once it 2 weeks. If one day goes wrong think about what happened and change your diet the next day.
  • I eat about six times a day. You should never really feel too much hunger. I am not hungry at 11:00 when I eat my orange and not really hungry when I eat my apple at 16:00. It can seem weird to eating this many times but we don't have endless willpower so when you become very very hungry you will eat too much.
  • I weigh daily. This way I can see the difference between workdays and free days. On free days I tend to eat more. If I see my weight going up I can try to focus more and I don't lose a week without this information.
  • Hi I came to tell you that I disagree with the idea that you can't lose weight while building muscles. Only if you starve yourself can that happen. So you need, cal deficit, enough protein, cutting back on carbs. I would advise more lifting and less cardio. 10kg dumbbells? That's heavy.
  • Well you see yourself every day so I would suggest taking a photo of yourself every other day or once in a week and later compare them. I noticed the muscles from lifting so much easier than my weight loss.
  • Good question. I have a similar job. Good idea to eat fruits as snack. Try doing squats too once or twice a day if it is not a problem in your workplace. Squats gets the blood flowing after too much sitting. Yes, your breakfast should be more calories.
  • +1 vote on that you should eat 1200 cals a day. I am in a similar boat, I have to lose about 3-4 kg. Good luck!
  • I think maybe you should check if you are overtrained. +1 vote for lifting here. Btw I weigh myself daily maybe you should try that.
  • I really liked the first move but when he talked about juicing I translated that as eating healthy. I did a little research and I realized that juicing is very expensive so instead of that I can eat more healthy and eat more vegetables instead of pasta or other carbs. He said that he almost died from some some kind of…
    in Juicing? Comment by Spocky January 2015
  • Hi! You can add me as friend if you would like it, sorry I don't log my food. I am pissed off at pizza because I love the taste but It never makes me full. If I eat pizza, I'll become hungry very soon after that so that is why I don't eat it anymore. I had a theory about junk food in which you can eat one junk food on one…
  • I have similar parameters. My goal weight is 66kg I am stuck at 69 now, I was stuck at 72 too. Maybe you train too much, are overtrained, maybe you eat too few calories. I asked for advice from a trainer: eat less carbs, don't eat simple carbs, don't eat meat cooked with oil or flour+eggs+roll. Sorry my english failed me…
  • Big meals always make me sleepy. It is related to sugar levels in the body. So far eating small amounts worked better for me but thanks for the advice.
  • You are right snowflake. So far keeping a good diet was enough to lose but it seems like the only way to improve is exercising more.
  • flumi_f Well, I agree with you but there is a risk or limit in lowering calories, I mean if I become too hungry my willpower won't be enough to stop me from eating carbs and my next meal will be too big. I eat small amounts of food that is enough for the next 3 hours.
  • Same here. I do HIIT indoors while watching tv.
  • Seeing new muscles on you can be a great motivation for you to keep on exercising and losing weight. You can gain muscles if you don't starve yourself and eat more protein, less carbs.
  • I don't eat junk food because that does not make me feel full. I like the taste of a xy burger and a pizza but I get hungry soon after eating them. I eat mom-made cake but only a little amount. Okay I eat chocolate but very tiny pieces a day.
  • Every morning after I went in the toilet. This way I can see the differences in losing weight on workdays or on free days.
  • Looking for more friends. I have only left about 3-4 kg-s to lose but I am stuck.
  • Thanks herrspoons! I just wanted to ask the average calorie value of an apple. Of course it depends on the size of the apple too.