cpw2109 Member


  • I 'train' fasted a couple of times per week. By train, I mean cycle-commute (try to stay in HR zone 2-3, just over 13 miles average ~14mph) so I'm taking it steady. Usually do the fasted commute on a Tuesday and a Friday. Last week, I decided to do Tuesday and Wednesday fasted, but I bonked/hit the wall/ran out of juice 2…
  • I always take note of Strava and Garmin Connect for my calorie expenditure when cycling - even they show a difference using the heart rate monitor. I rarely eat back all of my exercise calories, but if I was going to, I'd take the lower figure.
  • I have: Kona Zing AL road bike Claud Butler road bike (winter/hack bike) Diamond back hardtail And I'm deciding over getting a CX bike. The reason 'because I haven't got one' is perfectly fine, isn't it?
    in Cyclists Comment by cpw2109 June 2018
  • Might create a 'club' on Strava for the MFP Cyclists.
    in Cyclists Comment by cpw2109 June 2018
  • Well, last week, I hit the 3st loss mark. I'm due a treat of some sort, but I'm now getting to a point where I don't really want the naughty food treats. I might save it for a rainy day...
  • Just stick to it. The way I've seen it, is that I'm no longer aiming at that big weightloss figure. I'm looking at a sustainable way of losing, then managing and maintaining my weight. So, while I may have been 20st 10lbs (290lbs) and I may be aiming (long term) at 14st (196lbs), I'm not going to get overly hung up on…
  • I had a mini-stall during January, but the scales are back on the move. I lost 6lb, rather than 8. Running picked up - I run on a Tuesday (shorter run), Thursday (middle-ish run) and Saturday (longer run). Last week's distances were 1.55 miles, 2.4 miles and 3.6 miles. Badminton happened whenever the club was playing.…
  • Just clicked to join, then started typing the reasons why I want to join. I typed one word then accidentally clicked 'join' as my reason. Feel free to either accept me, or to refuse so that I can re-type.
  • It's the treadmill that's the issue. Once the snow has gone, you'll be able to get out there and do some outdoor mileage. Do you do the same distance/pace each time? Maybe do some different runs - tempo, interval, short & fast, long & steady.
  • I read this thread expecting to read about loading phases and other such Broscientificals. But found nothing but the advice that I was going to give. Top banana.
    in Creatine Comment by cpw2109 January 2016
  • For me, it took a similar slap of reality to do something about how I was. I saw a photo and didn't recognise myself - it was like me, but, well, bigger. I'm now at a weight that I used to think was particularly fat. It's taken 3 months of effort for me to get to a point that I was disappointed in myself a few years ago…
  • I've just come through 2 weeks of no loss. I stuck at it and rather than throw the towel in (like I would have done countless times before), I knuckled down and made sure everything was accurately weighed and accounted for. Then the loss came. I'm sure it'll happen again. You have to remember that it took some time to put…
  • Awesome work! Good to see sensible, practical advice!
  • So far... I'm behind on weight lost - I had 2 weeks of no loss. We'll see what this week brings. Run has happened once. Gym has happened once. Badminton has happened Snacking has been cut out (but only very recently, which I think explains why my scale loss has stopped
  • Detox. I dislike the phrase and I dislike the 'detox' diets. I have liver/kidneys etc. They detoxify me just fine, thanks. I do NOT need to 'go on a detox'. I like to ask, specifically what toxins am I purging from my body?
  • I got back into a pair of trousers for work. Woo hoo! I also need to wear a belt for them as they're getting baggy! Woo hoo again!
  • I usually have 2 eggs, microwaved for breakfast. Especially when I'm at work. Put them in a bowl, whisk with a fork, microwave for 70-90 seconds (based on 2 eggs and a 700 watt microwave).
  • My PB lifts from last year - then I fell out of training and I'm a couple of months away from them... Deadlift - 185kg Squat - 180kg Bench - 135kg Total - 500kg = 1100lbs I saw my weights go steadily up doing the 5/3/1 programme, then all of a sudden, my gym mojo went. I carried on eating the same amount and put on a heap…
  • Have a think about the following... - Hips are rising before the weight moves. Make sure you brace your core before you squat up. - Bring your elbows further forward so they're directly underneath the bar. - Your knees were moving in & out. Imagine you're 'screwing' your feet outwards as you squat - keeps the knees out.…
  • People who drop weights - unless it's a heavy deadlift. If you can't put it down, don't pick it up. People who don't re-rack weights, including the plates. People who do bicep curls in the power rack. (The power rack is for more than squatting (I squat, shoulder press and rack pull in them), but bicep curling the bar +…
  • Name: Carl Age: 37 Height: 5'9" Start Weight (1st January): 18st 10lb Goal Weight (1st February): 18st 2lb 1st January: 18st 10lb 8th January: 18st 7lb 15th January: 22nd January: 29th January: 1st February: Weight lost/gained this week: -3lb Weight lost/gained this month:-3lb Successes/struggles this week: Had a good…
  • Can you make it at work? I do mine at work. By the time I've made a coffee and put my lunch in the fridge, I've blasted my eggs and popped them on the bagel.
  • My everyday breakfast is: 2 x eggs, scrambled (in the microwave) - nothing added to them. Then put on a Warburton's Thin Bagel. Works out at ~250kcal, depending on the eggs. As a special treat, at Christmas, I added 2 rashers of bacon medallions (grilled). EDIT - I always use the egg yolk. I really don't get the yolk hate…
  • Thank you - I suppose it depends on your 'relationship' with food. I'm not emotional with food. I've lost weight by cutting out rubbish snacks, not eating fast food, eating a proper breakfast (9/10 my breakfast is 2 x eggs on a thin bagel), I've also cut out calorific drinks - I was getting into the habit of having 4-5…
  • Aims... * -2lb/week - started January at 18st 10lb, hopefully I'll be around 18st 2lb come month-end. * Run twice per week * Gym once per week * Badminton once per week * Cut out the snacking that crept in over Christmas Going to be tough, but what's the point in challenging myself, if it's easy.
  • Name: Carl Age: 37 Height: 5' 9" Start Weight (1st January): 18st 10lb Goal Weight (1st February): 18st 2lb 1st January: 18st 10lb 8th January: 15th January: 22nd January: 29th January: 1st February: Weight lost/gained this week: start weight Weight lost/gained this month: -n/a Successes/struggles this week: following the…
  • Amanda, I find it far easier if I sit down and plan out my evening meals for the week. I even have a dry-wipe thing on my fridge so that I know what I'm doing otherwise I'd find it too easy to go down the take-away/junk route. I clearly don't lead a very exciting life...
  • I weighed in before Christmas Eve and was 18st 12lb (a weekly loss of 2lb). Then weighed again when I got home after eating all of the Christmas foods. 19st 4lb! I put on 6lb in 3 days! I weighed in again this morning after getting back on the wagon and was 18st 11.5lb. So, overall, this Christmas has been a good one -…
  • Name: Carl Age: 37 Height: 5' 9" Start Weight (1st January): TBC (likely around 18st 10lb) Goal Weight (1st February): 18st 2lb (will change depending on weight on 1st January) 1st January: 8th January: 15th January: 22nd January: 29th January: 1st February: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month:…
  • I'll be having a normal breakfast of 2 eggs in a bagel. I *might* treat myself to a slice of bacon. For dinner, it'll be turkey, mash, roast veg, pigs in blankets, steamed veg and gravy. I'll also be having some christmas pudding. So, really, it's not going to be all that different to any other day where I have a roast…