43501 Member


  • "Clean" as in they're basic foods, you know what's in them and you can prepare them yourself. Pork is pig meat. An egg is an egg. I don't know if I would necessarily call oats "clean" but depends on the brand, some stuff them full of sugar. Foods that aren't "clean" would be most pre-packaged things with numerous…
  • I don't have anything super different to mention than the above posters, but I know an ultra-fit personal trainer lady who is super into the "clean eating" *kitten* and I have known her to be like "hey I haven't had McDonalds in like 6 months, to hell with it, why not" and then ended up violently ill. She's made the same…
  • I have a sweet tooth too and here's how I manage it: - Jar of candy on my desk that only has gum pieces and suckers. Gum and suckers make for a 'prolonged' experience and after chewing/sucking for a while you don't feel like tearing through a bag of gummi worms anymore, usually. Suckers and most gum are caloric so they…
    in Sweet tooth! Comment by 43501 July 2018
  • Tea itself (as everyone here has stated) is basically non-caloric. You only have to account for whatever you're adding to it. Should also be worth saying that coffee (pure with nothing added) is virtually non-caloric too. If you add sugar, log how many teaspoons. Non-caloric sweeteners (i.e. stevia, equal) are non-caloric…
    in Tea Calories? Comment by 43501 July 2018
  • I'm 26 and I literally have no friends. I get all my social needs from my spouse and my coworkers, I guess. When I go out it's alone or with my husband, but mostly I stay at home, especially since it's winter in my hemisphere and too cold to do much outdoors. The few times I had something resembling a "friend circle" it…
  • It is for someone with a very small appetite to begin with, and that's just a baseline increase, doesn't count eating back exercise calories. I'm 25, female, small (160cm), 60kg and my job is completely sedentary. I go to the gym 5 times a week. At the moment it's 3 weight training sessions and 2 cardio sessions in…
  • Tired but will check thread again when I wake up, again, thank you for posting. I'm nervous about suddenly eating so much more than I'm used to and it helps to hear multiple people say it's a good idea.
  • 2-3kg worth of gain sounds like a lot, but really, I've been stuck in the same place spinning my wheels for so long I'm willing to try anything new if it has results in the long term. Thank you for offering your advice.
  • I knew someone was going to ask this eventually, and yes, I track everything that goes into my mouth no matter how little and I use an electronic scale. The approximation is because some days it works out to 1100, some days it's 1250. I don't think it's feasible to literally have a square, exact 1200 calories every single…
  • Thank so much for the quick answer. I'll give some thought to how to approach it. And thanks for answering my next question, I was wondering if I was supposed to drop down/cut back again later. Yeah, I feel this. I don't always eat back exercise calories. I'm paranoid about doing so because people always say "you're…
  • This is deadass one of the reasons I stopped making my own rice. Several of the entries vary and you have to do some mental math re: the dry vs. cooked ratios. Forgive me if this is unhelpful, but I use microwave rice packets whenever I can now. At least I know exactly how much I'm eating that way.
    in Basmati Rice Comment by 43501 May 2018
  • I like both men and women and I've learned over time that my range of "tastes" is incredibly broad. I like chubby men that're covered head to toe in burly body hair. I like slender ottermode guys who look like they should be a twink in a gay porn video. I like women who tower over me and are full of muscles and look like a…
  • Physical attraction can't really be distilled to one thing or another, there are objective and subjective factors to it (and as you duly noted, different societies prize vastly different things). 400+ years ago plump women were highly prized and considered attractive because plumpness indicated good health and good social…
  • Move around a lot. Doesn't Freelee the Banana Girl have a calorie intake of like, 6k cal a day or something crazy like that? But she sprints and jogs and walks from sunrise to sundown every day of her life, so.
  • So anyone feel like dropping the details of this program, because I can't seem to find them anywhere for free (at a quick glance, anyway). I'm not going past a paywall. At the very least, what's the idea behind this program? What is it that supposedly makes it that much more effective than others?
  • I think I'm reiterating some of the people who already posted, but: Fruits, especially berries (strawberries, raspberries etc). You have to get your mouth used to registering them as sweet again. They don't taste as satisfying as chocolate or candy at first but once you adjust it's wonderful. You can also eat a hell of a…
  • I'm Australian and thankfully don't have to think about Halloween or Thanksgiving at all. Hah. Take that. On the 24th/25th I throw out all restrictions and macro targets and everything for two days and that's one of the only times of the year I well and truly eat without restraint, often going 2x or even 3x my usual…
  • I don't know if this is actually the same thing, because it sounds like the article is a mental health issue and not a conscious choice, but it kinda reminds me of the death fatty movement. There are a lot of obese people out there (calling themselves "deathfats", apparently to poke fun at the term "morbidly obese") who…
  • Well, that's because it is more casual than "I love you". It just means that he's comfortable enough in the relationship to start using looser/slangier terms of affection, not that he's trying to distance himself (necessarily). Though if I'm gonna be honest, if you're really wringing your hands over the I love you/love ya…
  • You gotta embrace the chicken, man. There's no escaping it. Sometimes I switch to turkey because I'm a weirdo and I like that dense, dry, slightly salty quality turkey meat has. Also, consider seafood, any seafood. Prawns/shrimp are particularly good sources of quality protein. One of the best and most versatile sources of…
  • I eat between 1200 - 1400 daily and I'm kind of hungry. Not hungry enough to be thinking and feeling "oh god I'd kill for some more food" and wanting snacks, but I'm always in a state where I'm just hungry enough to eat something if it's put in front of me. I almost never feel truly "full" unless I'm indulging in a big…
  • On some level it's genetic, but this is less likely to be the case since you're a man (in women, estrogen will stubbornly try to maintain a layer of fat on the lower abdomen as insulation/protection for the womb - this happens in men too if you have particularly high estrogen, though). My suggestions are as follows: Yes,…
  • Nope. I mean, I think when 90% of people say "whew, better take a break, don't wanna risk overtraining!" when they take a night off from their light cardio workouts are misunderstanding what overtraining is... but if you have a serious lifting program it's a real thing. As other people have mentioned, you can injure…
  • I'm fortunate in that I don't get cravings for cakes and pastries and that kind of stuff too often. But it's the middle of winter here, cold and dry as all hell, and I'm definitely overeating carbs. I love *kitten* instant ramen, but this stuff I had today is 600 cal for a serve (almost half my daily limit).
  • Your resident lazy cook, poor as *kitten* 43501 coming to weigh in. I haven't prepared lentils from dry grain in years... I make them from a can, especially since the discount/food dump grocery place always has massive amounts of canned lentils for like, 50c a pop (that's in AUD, so like, 25c for Americans). All they need…
    in Lentils! Comment by 43501 June 2017
  • "Did they draw that?" (You're really skilled if so, lol.)
  • If you've just started and you're quite big, you'll see bigger numbers drop off for the first few weeks (and yes, as other users have noted, some of this is water weight).
  • 9lb over 2~ months for someone who isn't very fat and who is over 50 is very acceptable and good rate of weight loss. I'm a short inactive woman (but 25 y/o), about 130lb now, and I eat a similar amount, 1300 a day. I lose weight extremely slow, 1lb a week if I'm lucky. Addendum: And I'm currently desperately trying to…
  • Short answer: You will probably lose weight if this is your routine. Long answer: The gym routine is all wrong if this is your 'daily' routine, because: - Why a cumulative 45 minutes worth of cardio, on three different machines? Just pick one. - An hour's worth of gym time every day is kind of excessive, although there are…