mamichula1173 Member


  • I've been on keto for about six weeks. I recently spent 48 glorious hours in NYC. You better believe I indulged in the famous pizza, etc. I also walked about 15 miles in that time and I didn't feel too terrible. I can tell I am retaining water but I'm not sure if it was all of the walking or the food. Regardless, I made…
  • Keto allows me to lose weight because I don't have the blood sugar highs and lows that I did with the SAD. It allows me to stay at my caloric deficit and I'm very happy with that. But, yes, CICO will help you lose weight. LCHF is just a great way for me to get there.
    in Carbs Comment by mamichula1173 June 2015
  • I agree, you need to speak with a doctor. In the meantime, are you consuming enough sodium? Are you monitoring potassium? In my experience, if I feel that way, I put 1/4t of Lite Salt (50% sodium, 50% potassium) in 16oz water with a splash of lime/lemon juice. Down that sucker and I feel better in about 5 minutes. I never…
  • My protein goal is 90g. I aim for 1550 kcal per day. I do 5% carb, though, and am taller than you are. Someone upthread posted a link for the keto calculator. Thats the one I used. I've read that with keto, 20g carb is most important, then meet protein goal, then fill the rest with fat.
  • I drink it for breakfast when I have to leave for work super early. It's usually when my commute is greater than an hour. It keeps me going for about four hours before the hunger starts. I tried adding coconut oil and I found that it did not keep me as full as when I used butter alone. Plus the taste was different. My…
    in BPC Comment by mamichula1173 June 2015
  • I always thought I drank a ton of water throughout the day until I actually started tracking. I downloaded a free app called Water your body. It's very simple, yet effective. I found I greatly underestimated my hydration levels. If you are as active as you say you are, you will need even more. So my first piece of advice…
  • Ok I'm not that great with the quote function, apparently!
  • Hi everyone. 36, married with three kids, 5'5.5" (why can't I grow 0.5"??), 189.4lbs down from 220 last Oct. I'm finally finding what works for me. I lost weight as a teen on Atkins but I never understood why I was always starving. I started researching keto in April and I haven't looked back. 16.6 of my loss has been in…
  • I used to drink a ton of beer. I've since stopped that completely. I will drink dry wine, vodka and soda, or rum with diet juice. I tend to savor the drink now as opposed to downing it as fast as possible. It takes much less to get tipsy now so I do have to be careful. I'm still losing weight but I'm probably slowing it…
  • You need to read your first line of your first post in here. You know its a toxic relationship. It's unhealthy for both of you. You said you live as roommates but Im reading that you both treat each other like you are begrudgingly together. So much hostility, aggression, drama. It's not worth it. You've indicated all of…
  • Way to go!
  • I love it because I'm never hangry anymore. My blood sugar is stable without spikes and crashes. That alone is worth it. I feel leaner every morning. I used to get so puffy and bloated. Even when Im out drinking I wake up refreshed. Beer would be my go-to drink and I loved the dark beers. No wonder I was so bloated. I have…
  • Welcome! This community is a fantastic resource.
  • Yay for feeling better! It sounds like you've had a heck of a ride getting here but I'm happy you're discovering a way of eating that is helping you. Welcome! This community is very supportive.
  • I thankfully do not seem to have any reaction from sugar alcohols. I don't like the taste of Xylitol. I remember buying Spry gum a few years ago and the taste was unpleasant. Something about the aftertaste. I try to limit them bc as someone else said, it's a slippery slope for myself. If I'm making more and more dessert…
  • I like BPC bc I work in surgery and have an erratic schedule. I never know how long until my next meal. I used to cram food in the early AM and my blood sugar would bottom out a few hours later. All I could think about was food. I can't exactly leave in the middle of surgery to grab a bite (not always anyway). My BPC is…
  • Ha, yes, maybe I like to drink more than just beer. It was such a pretty picture, though. ;)
  • I budget in my 16oz every few days. If I give it up completely I have found that I crave it more, thereby binging eventually. I would rather have a big salad for lunch and hoard my calories for a good, non-light beer. I savor it nowadays instead of drinking it fast.
  • I look up the restaurant online to see if there is nutritional info. If not, I stick to chicken or fish, and do my best to guess. You can also get whatever you like, and ask the waiter for a to go box as soon as you get it. Take half home, and enjoy your dinner out.
  • If its not sustainable for the long haul, you shouldn't try it. Taking pills is just a bandaid on the real symptom. To answer your question, I find if I drink a large glass of H2O about 15 min. before I'm about to eat, I eat less. That is my appetite suppressant, and its probably bc I was thirsty anyway. Good luck to you.
  • I agree with PP, its all about calories. Its taken me years of fad diets to come to this conclusion. No amount of EZ bread will help me if I'm overeating, even the healthier stuff. As it is, I was not a fan of the EZ bread. It was too dense, too expensive, and I had to keep it in the freezer to extend its life. I bet the…