Meg035 Member


  • I'm adding you! We can help keep each other accountable!
  • For me, low carb days are so much easier! Does anyone have advice for high carb high protein low fat snacks for my other days? I have rice cakes for high carb days, but I don't like to eat them plain, so I try adding peanut butter, but that has so much fat in it that it throws everything off! Help!
    in Snacks Comment by Meg035 April 2018
  • I'm in!!! I'd like to drop 20 by June 2nd for my sister's wedding!
  • Welcome back! I'll add you... I can always use the motivation!
  • Exactly! I couldn't agree more! Baby steps! Set a no-brainer tiny goal and stick to it. You'll feel more confident and be ready to set an even bigger tiny goal next time! For example, just tell yourself you're going to eat an apple every day or 10 carrot sticks for an afternoon snack. This is easy and will give you the…
  • Whatever you do, it needs to be something you can live with unless you want to gain it all back. I think a lot of dieters deprive themselves until they reach their goal and then they go back to old habits. Take baby steps. Dieting shouldn't be about giving things up (like delicious food and a social life); it should be…
  • Great advice! I'm in the same boat. I am disciplined for a few weeks, then life happens. It's best to just think of it as a minor blip and move on! If you want it badly enough, them you'll find a way to make it happen! Also, don't view yourself as a victim. You are in control!!!! Don't stand in your own way!
  • Good for you! My best advice is to take baby steps and do it for yourself and how good it makes you feel not just the weight loss!
  • Hey there, gomissfitnes! I'm looking for people who have similar goals and lifestyles to add to my friends network. I'm a middle school teacher in Indiana. I'm also trying to lose about 10 pounds. Add me if you're also looking to connect with more people on here! :)
    in hi there Comment by Meg035 December 2015
  • Follow simple rules, make small changes. That's what works for me! For example, my exercise rules are 1) never skip a Monday workout and 2) never rest for more than 2 days in a row. For eating healthy, I started with 1) eat a healthy bowl of cereal and fruit every day and 2) no candy for a month.
  • Hey! I'm thinking of getting one of those! Some reviews said that the heart rate monitor is inaccurate a lot of the time. What are your thoughts?
  • Hey, I'm 29, a teacher in Indiana. I was at my all time heaviest in 2008. Then, I met someone and it motivated me to get back in shape. We got married four years later and I'm slowly putting the pounds back on. I'm looking for people who actively log in to my fitness pal so that we can encourage each other. Add me if you…