debbieedson Member


  • Yes going to try reduce the carbs
    in binging Comment by debbieedson May 2015
  • I think from what I learnt since December it was the guilt of having treat foods and then feeling guilty about it and was then gasping for food so l let myself eat more and include foods which has helped alot but my weight gone up few pounds I'm hoping I can just add some treats to my allowance and try not focus on my…
    in binging Comment by debbieedson May 2015
  • It started of sweets at Christmas like chocolates and biscuits the binges have calmed I now find my self over eating at times on cereal I came off counting but felt like was letting myself gain weight so gone back on it now
    in binging Comment by debbieedson May 2015
  • Thats brill so you didn't gain
  • It's not a few sweet things its eating alot loss of control and feelings go with it till I feel full and sick I know it's not healthy and will just gain weight doing this I know need to eat more but I feel I eat loads in week so I need to work on
  • I'm not offended by any post I'm grateful for all advice I know something not right has carnt be doing with binge eating then hating my self day after
  • Thankyou to all your replies I'm going to try eating adding more calories and the binge was yesterday I didn't log it in I changed what I did log in has wasn't planned I no eating Chinese isn't what some class has binging but it's feeling I get when it happens and I do weights I do kettlebell workouts and cardio and mix in…
  • I've just got to that weight I'm not shure how much I should eat now to maintain my weight without gaining
  • Sorry not share how to work this on replying I eat 1400 calories sometimes on workout days 1600 calories I workout cardio and kettlebell 3-4 week I eat healthy all week then build up to weekend and one day I get feeling for takeout or sweets but I will over eat and feeling I get won't go till I ate it like chocolate and…
  • Quiet alot through week it builds up
  • Thanks I will look this book up thankyou
  • I'm 5 foot 5 109 lb's age 31 I am binging on once a week has carnt control feeling and will eat junk food like sweets takeout that day then feel crap about it I try eat cheat meal turns in to binge thanks for replys
  • I'm same I lost loads of weight I'm on 1400 calories day normally do well with it and cut out fast food weekend's but once a week I find I crave takeout and sweets and can binge easy on that day I definitely need to stop this making me so upset
  • Thankyo definitely have to try something else low calories not eating certain food's not helping and because they in cubards from Christmas not helped not buying no more in
  • I will do I've put them up to 1400 and the Christmas cake gone won't be buying any more going to stock up on fruit and yogurt I like instead and had chocolate bar now and again back in to my diet see if that helps and try not to obsess about calories and that some food's are bad going to just try eat evened food and try…
  • It was the eating all at once that I was ashamed at I just don't eat like that and God knows how much calories I ate I wanted to stay away from chocolate biscuits I normally do have done for long time I eat them has desert when go out or has treat at sensible serving I think it's eating over Christmas what set it off
  • Yes I been eating some back I think the problem is I should be on more calories I'm under 8 stone but wanted to eat cleaner after Christmas after eating what I wanted chocolate cake biscuits I think that what set it off I was planning going out having meal or takeaway has treat in February for eating better but totally…
  • That's what I do work out then go on low calories again today was set fir workout but they upset I'm doing it tomorrow I've set my calories up to 1400 so can add better food in has kettlebell s is quiet a hard workout altho don't feel like eating today but I have definitely don't want it happening again
  • I don't normally keep stuff like biscuits cake chocolate in house I lost a lot of weight and at Christmas decided to let my sen eat what I liked which was fine then after Christmas I set my calories low to 1200 -1300 cal's and do my normal workouts kettlebell s and then yesterday had tiny piece of cake before I knew it ate…
  • Yes that's correct I'm using mobile with nails done lol
  • Im around 107 108 lbs which is 7 stone 8 to 9
  • Once I'm back to it I will be eating more calories with healthy food and workouts
  • Yes sorry I was 7 stone 7 after holidays 7 stone 9 I like been 7 stone 7 for me sorry I'm using mobile
  • I do workouts has been doing kettlebell s for about 3 year it's changed my body shape and helped me be healthier I used to weigh 12 Stone 8
  • Thanks for answering evryone yes I'm on 1200 that what I eat on rest days and on workouts 1500 or little over but I do intense workouts I will be upping my calories in 2 week has I carnt go lower then 47 kg I just wanted to eat fresh get back in my routine and calories I eat back are by fruit and cereal fruit and fiber so…
  • Sorry my question is am I eating too low calories and should I eat back calories burnt off some of them
  • It's what my fitness app has set me 1 lb1its set
  • Yes I do heavy lifting with kettlebell and will try to add more calories just I'm healthy food it's finding right amount has maintenance what this gives me I won't eat most days