I will thank you and I don't mind If I don't lose the other 2st id be happy If I lost another stone
I will I need to try and eat some
True but the ones I have tried i haven't liked so it's put me off wanting to try others
I eat a lot pasta I know it's not the best thing but it's quick and I eat a lot of fish and chicken but it gets boring have the same stuff all the time
I'm going go try and find a goal that will help motivate me to lose it Its just hard coz everyone I live with can eat anything they want to do stuff I should eat is always in the house
Thank you I might just try that with my cousin she's the same as me having a hard time staying motivated and we both have a concert to go to in September so we don't wanna be the only bigger people there
Thank you and ive got really good seats and I don't wanna be the only bigger person there
Thank you everyone I guess I'm just use to people judging me on how I look it's hard that people won't being judging me for using a gym and I've tried work out DVDs and I didn't really get on with them I didn't really think about getting a treadmill or exercise bike I think I will look into getting one of those x
Okay thank you
I didn't think of doing that thank you