

  • Potato chips, corn chips and any salty snacks. Chocolate can go white in the fridge (unless my dh finds it :-)) I have like a "clean plate" fettish - an empty bag fettish. I also buy a bag and promise to eat only a few each day - doesn't happen!! I have found that if I divide the bag into servings in zip lock bags I get…
  • In one of my weight watchers meetings the leader listed a few foods eg. party sausage roll, a couple of chicken nuggets, small fries, I think iced coffee and a few other small items (hiding that it added up to a day's worth of calories). She asked us whether we would feel that we had overeaten that day. To a person we said…
  • I'm a Grey Nomad. At the moment in Albury. I have 20kgs to lose. Quite a few years ago I had success with Weight Watchers. This is like "on-line" meetings - I would like MF Pals so please add me.
  • I am addicted to Vegemite. Its my go-to food - when I can't think of what to eat. On toast, on crackers, salad sandwiches, in cooking, to drink. The Americans don't understand it because they spread it on too thick and also you (I) need some butter on the toast.
  • Yep! Magnum ice cream on a stick 1595kjs. They aren't that big and I was gobsmacked when I looked it up - I could've had a roast dinner for that!! Magnums are going to be a very rare treat!
  • Hi, everyone - I fall into the 55+ category - 10 years + actually. - I am 44lbs (20kg) overweight and this is the biggest I have ever been in my life including being pregnant :-( - I have tried almost every diet known to man with varying successes and epic fails. - This is the first time I've interacted with other people…
  • Sorry, I'm late but can I play too, please? I have been a MF Pal since New Year - I've just discovered the forums. I'm from Australia so we use metric - but I'll try to convert. Name: Vicky Height: 167cm (I think that is 5'6") Starting Weight (1/1): 90.9kg (200lbs) Goal Weight (1/31): 88kg (194lbs) 1/2: 1/9: 1/16: 1/23:…
  • This is my husband and I the week before Christmas.
  • Continuing the above post - I had an appointment. I have only been on MFP for 6 days - so its early days yet but on so many diets I barely lasted 3 days - I love food and its usually not the right food. If I can have a small serve of fries and my favourite bacon and egg breakfast muffin (I have had both this week and been…
  • I agree with jgnatca - I have been battling my weight all my life - I'm sure I have tried every diet known to man :) and I know I am an "all or nothing" girl - if I fall off the wagon I abandon that day - eat everything that is not nailed down and start again tomorrow - maybe!!! - . I am aiming for a loss of .5kg or 1 lb…
  • I don't know if its psychological but I'm going for only .5 kg loss a week - so my target is 1500 cal (6280 kjs). I have been able to eat whatever I want although I have cut down the quantities. Its only early days but I'm happy with this and I have kept well within my limits. I know from a lifetime of dieting that I am an…
  • In summer - freeze a small tetra juice or milk and you have a big ice block that takes ages to eat. Most of the time I only get through 1/2 at a sitting.
  • Good luck with this one. You don't realise how much sugar, fat and cream is smuggled into the healthy looking food.
  • I've done this one with good results. Unfortunately as soon as you (reach goal weight) go off of it you (me) tended to eat everything that wasn't nailed down - all the things you've been missing and of course on goes the weight again. You'll say you won't but you do. This time I'm not denying myself anything - the last few…
  • Sorry, what does USDA stand for?
  • The National Highways of Australia - Albury, New South Wales at the moment
  • Thanks, I've only just embraced FaceBook and started posting on Group pages. I'm getting a lot out of it with like minded people to "talk" to and I feel this will be good for me. My most successful weight losses had been going to meetings and interacting with the members.