SmartPhone to help me be slimmer

Hi everyone,
I'm not new to dieting, in fact I think I have tried every diet known to man :-)
I've recently bought a SmartPhone and been introduced to My Fitness Pal. I'd never heard of it before. Anyhow, as you do with new phones, I've been having a play and think this could be the answer. Back to basics - counting calories of normal food, exercise (not atm as I have a broken bone in my foot - but hopefully three weeks will see me back in sneakers), tracking water and hopefully some support along the way. I have 20 kg (44 lbs) to lose. This is the biggest I have ever been in my life. This time my husband is coming along for the ride.


  • LazyNightOwl
    LazyNightOwl Posts: 166 Member
    Good for you! I can't remember who introduced me to MFP & would buy them a gift if I could but remember but it's helped me out so much! The first couple years I used the app I never looked through the blog or the message boards but they've been very informative for me the last couple of months. Good luck and remember, the more honest you are with your tracking, the better use you will get out of it! And hopefully your broken bone heals flawlessly! :)
  • Thanks, I've only just embraced FaceBook and started posting on Group pages. I'm getting a lot out of it with like minded people to "talk" to and I feel this will be good for me.
    My most successful weight losses had been going to meetings and interacting with the members.