

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    smiley-cool05.gifI didn't put down do the income tax on my list of resolutions for January, but I've started the process by having Jake help me get the boxes of old paperwork out of the garage and the file cabinet and started an email dialogue with the accountant to get some questions answered. Last year I completed the income tax in a timely manner by devoting 15 minutes a day to the job (I learned this from "The Happiness Project" which is also the source for "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good".)

    smiley-happy020.gif I have written in a gratitude journal every morning for more than ten years.....I was going through a really horrible time in my life and a friend suggested that I end my day by writing down five things I was grateful for.....I could never remember at night and when I did, I found that my sleep was ruined because my whole day seemed to run over and over in my head all night....so I switched to doing the list in the morning....now I start the day thinking about all the things that are good in my life and it makes my day go better.

    smiley-happy020.gifRobin, It's great to hear about you walking with Bodi...glad we have milder weather now for you to do that.

    smiley-happy020.gifpipcd, that is a beautiful picture of you and your hubby and your dogs.

    smiley-chores002.gif 21,000 steps today from two hours of dog walking and a two hour line dance class along with an hour on the exercise bike and a short session of weight training.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    January Resolutions
    *walk 18,500 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week smiley-sport017.gif
    *review our will and documents of personal information
    *don't expect praise or recognition
    *learn and teach two new dances253149qtzkf0ld22.gif

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 14.09min, 12.5amph, 3mi
    eliptical- 20min, 134stpmin, 10-6/10-10
    rowing maching- 18min, 144aw, 4056meters
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.56min, 10.7amph 1.4mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.10min, 9amph 2.7mi
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Did not do well on the eating today ... phlebtt!

    Expecting to get hit with more Lake Effect snow late tonight ... they're predicting as much as 3 feet. Had to cancel my breakfast for my Friday volunteers (as most of them are elderly and shouldn't be out tomorrow) and it looks like I might have to cancel a doctor's appointment for my son that is going to throw a real monkey wrench in his services.

    Reading all the posts and thinking of you all ...


  • vicpoole188
    Hi, everyone - I fall into the 55+ category - 10 years + actually.
    - I am 44lbs (20kg) overweight and this is the biggest I have ever been in my life including being pregnant :-(
    - I have tried almost every diet known to man with varying successes and epic fails.
    - This is the first time I've interacted with other people online so I hope this will be the secret. I did well at Weight Watchers going to meetings but as we are "Grey Nomads" (travelling in our caravan since we retired) I can't go to meetings.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a 20-40-60 workout on the treadmill. Basically, recover for 1 min at 3.5mph, then 4mph for 1 min, 4.5mph for 40 sec, 5mph for 20 sec. Tomorrow's plan is to do a "10 Pounds Down DVD

    Gail - happy birthday to your dh

    Rori - good for you getting those tests done. One good thing about getting the colonoscopy early in the year, it certainly helped (a little) with the weight loss. You know, I still have a bit of cramping. Last night I felt like I was getting my period (please, no). Fortunately, I didn't. I agree with your feeling about cats and home, as long as they have food, litter, you, then they're home.

    Joyce - when Vince got up this a.m., the air temp was 8, we're now up to a balmy 15! Good luck at your exam

    dreamwriter - I guess they found a cancerous polyp, that's why you said it "saved your life". They removed part of Vince's intestine years ago, whenever he goes for a colonoscopy he asks them if he can get a reduction in the price since they don't have to go as far, but it never works.....lol

    Heather in Hampton - some of us also like Dancing with The Stars. I think you have something comparable over there. A friend of mine was able to get all 8 episodes of Downtown Abbey, even tho only the first one has been shown here in the US. I watched all 8. Good things coming (as you know)

    Heather in Hampshire - Typhoid! Take care of yourself

    Terri - would you believe the schools down here called for a 2 hr delay last night? Please, feel better. Sending you virtual chicken soup

    yanniejannie - I don't blame you one bit for not going out! That's terrible about the calendars

    Welcome anyone new that I may have missed!

    swankytomato - good thing you got that first colonoscopy and that insurance paid for it!

    Janet - a yoga instructor I used to have told me she'd read about the nude yoga in one of her yoga magazines. Just the visuals..... I certainly don't want anyone seeing my rolls, that's for sure. I would think that if someone does take nude yoga, they must be very secure in their body -- or else they don't care what any one else thinks

    robin - what a win/win situation you taking Bodi out

    Sylvia - the hook joke gave me a good laugh, glad I wasn't eating something at the time....lol

    Rita - what's happening with the insurance on the TN home? I remember when we moved, our insurance carrier covered us for a period of time. Fortunately, the house sold in that time frame.

    Today was pretty busy. Exercised, came home to give Loki his med and call the place where we're going to have the magic show, then went to lunch with the Newcomers. I was able to get the grilled chicken tenders off the child's menu. Stopped at Aldi since it didn't make much sense to go home only to go to the place for the magic show, went there and paid the deposit, home and then WalMart. Newcomer bowling tonight.

    Joyce - you've *never* had a BDS? Never???? Wow, it's really not bad at all. You lay on a table while this "arm" scans over you.

    Sue - welcome back. Hope your eyes continue to improve

    Margaret - love that pig. Did you make it?

    vicpoole - welcome. I know this'll work for you, just keep at it.

    Michele in NC
  • SugarySweetheart
    SugarySweetheart Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Barbie,

    I'm new to MFP for health reasons and have January Goals:

    1. Eat natural foods ~ not processed or junk food
    2. Stick to my calorie limit ~ 1500
    3. Drink water ~ 8 glasses
    4. Exercise ~ walking
    5. Treat myself ~ not with food

    I'm Sugary Sweetheart, 47 yrs old, from So Cal and I'd like to join your group. <3:blush:
  • 26banker
    26banker Posts: 6 Member
    Looking to lose weight, by exercising reasonably and eating more natural food. Low Sodium is important in my case. I just read any article that not all calories are the same. Unprocessed, minimally processed food lead to less calorie absorption
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Checking in again - later than I'd like, but oy! the work! Tomorrow the boss and I are going to go over the remaining list to prioritize and hopefully, some things can wait until I'm back from my leave.

    Everyone in the US/Canada seems to be in the cold. Grateful for an indoor occupation and a good heating unit!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Good evening,

    Finally got around to taking down the inside decorations but too cold outside to do the few outside. Not too much and will probably get them done tomorrow afternoon. I was able to work from home today and had to break up the ice in the birdbath every hour or so. Was surprised how many birds were eager to drink. Plenty of seed and suet to keep their body heat up.

    Carol in NC - Maybe the book "Boundaries with Kids" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend would give you some good ideas. It is part of the their "Boundaries" series. Others are "Boundaries in Marriage" and "Boundaries with Teens". Their first book is "Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life". You can get them on Kindle for $1.99 - $7.99 depending on the book.

    Robin - so happy that Bodi is doing better with his walks.

    Margaret - love the laughing pig! :smile:

    Vicki - great that you joined the challenge at work again. I'm sure it will help with your resolve. I hate when I get those cravings at night. Been doing better with not eating after dinner but it is a struggle.

    Rita - prayers for your son. Hope he found some help today.

    Barbie - great job on starting on those taxes. We try to get ours done by mid-Feb if possible. Ours aren't too complicated so mainly waiting on getting the W-2 and other documentation.

    Lesley - great to hear Mildred is doing better and had a good night. Congratulations on your lower numbers.

    Jane - keeping you in prayer

    Getting late so heading off to bed.

    My pups are getting a little upset that I'm not sharing their pictures so here is one of them. This is Angel, a rescue that was abused and has scars on her back from either someone pouring acid on her or being used as a bait dog and her hair was pulled out by the roots because no hair will grow back in those areas. She is the sweetest thing and we have never heard her bark for 2 years. She just does a low whine when she wants something.


    Hang in there and keep on keeping on.

    "Quitters never win, Winners never quit".

    Tina in MD

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    vicpoole, so are you traveling around in an RV all the time. I think it would help many of us if you share the ways you find to exercise. Sounds like quite a life. For some of us, me included, that kind of life would never would because it puts to much time with our significant other. Some of us need time away from them.

    My hair dresser has done the hot yoga. I think my Y offers it. She lost a lot of weight but i guess with a room as hot as she said it was (can't remember how hot but was HOT) You would sweat off a lot.

    I just watched a few minutes of Parenthood. I think it was a show I would have really liked and it is down to the last 3 episodes. Guess I missed it :'(

    Joyce, Indiana
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    edited January 2015
    Heather in Northampton - My DH and I watched all of the episodes of Lost and loved it! We didn't start watching until my sister and niece told us about it so we missed the first couple of seasons. We didn't want to watch it out of order so we bought all of the seasons in DVD bundles. We would stay up way too late watching one episode after another. I'm glad we did it that way as having to wait a week between episodes would have been hard. It had a type of cult following and there were pages on Facebook where people would watch the show and talk about it while it was on and talk to others on Facebook. There were other sites on the Internet that would try to solve the different clues and figure out what was happening. Glad you're enjoying it. :smile:

    Tina in MD
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Went to the weight loss nurse and am actually down 3.5 lbs from last time. A pleasant surprise as I was sure I had gained over the holidays. Trying to exercise any way that I can but I find that cold weather puts quite a damper on my enthusiasm. Gone are the days when I would say "Let's go skidooing, it's only -15" Now I just want to stay inside and snuggle up under my warm fuzzy blanket.
    How do you get a ticker to show up here?
    It is warming up here. Yesterday we had a bit of Chinook. My DGDs built a Frosty but he didn't last long since things were melting. We took a photo because they were so pleased with him.
    Chico, our little dog, is giving some problems right now. He hates the cold so he did his business in the laundry room a few times. I thought we had that sorted out but we were wrong. He was with people most of the day but there was a hour and a half when everyone was gone so he did his business on the bedspread in the spare room. I think he was letting us know that he also hates being alone.
    The new from Paris saddened me immensely. Why do we humans keep doing this to each other? Love thy neighbour.
    Heather UK - I hope you feel better soon. Sri Lanka sounds exciting. Enjoy

    Vicki - The Y challenge seems like it is coming at the right time of the year. How about Wonder Women for your team name?

    MN Margaret - Thanks for the photos. Flowers are so good for the soul.

    Barbie - Reading " The Happiness Project" is on my to do list.
    I too have written down 5 things to be grateful for at the beginning of my journal entries. It has helped me to be calmer as I write and saved putting my pen right through the page.
    Yes, my surgeon told me I should kiss my doctor right on the lips. He said if they hadn't taken part of my intestine when they did I would have likely been dead in a month. Colon cancer goes undiagnosed in women so often. I urge everyone to have a colonoscopy.

    Tina - Angel is very cute. Thank you for giving her a chance for a good life.

    Joyce- Parenthood is one of my favourite shows. I'm sure you would have liked it.
    Wishing you all good health and fun on our journey to fitness
    -Sharon in Alberta.
  • heathermach
    heathermach Posts: 11 Member
    Good morning all, I hope you are all doing well today and looking forward to an active weekend.

    Heather in Hampshire I hope you are feeling better today.

    Tina - thanks for the comments nearly finished LOST now so look for recommendations of something else as exciting to watch - any ideas.

    We had a really windy night which was great and are looking forward to more of the same. Scotland seems badly hit with trees down and bridges closed, so glad I am in the Midlands.

    Am sitting in my classroom and it is really dark outside, the students are beginning to arrive so better get ready for the noise ha ha.

    Stay motivated and safe xx

    Heather in Northampton
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited January 2015
    I must have missed a day ? So many pages to catch up with (we are up to page 16 now :o ) I've spent half an hour reading, and still not caught up so thought I'd better do a quick post and catch up tonight.

    I had Wednesday off work and had a restful day. I had to go and get a blood test (not sure if I mentioned but when I was at the hopital visiting DH I picked something up off the floor and it turned out to be a needle and I pricked my thumb) Why I picked it up and fiddled with it I don't know but there you go. I have to go for another blood test in a few months and then again a few months after that.

    It turns out that my grandson Kain has epilepsy - thankfully it is the milder version and he has been given medication to keep it under control. They came to see me on Wednesday evening and the poor little lad looked exhausted, he'd not got much sleep in hospital. He was in good spirits though. His mum and dad will have to be careful though until they get used to giving him his medication etc. Think DS was getting a bit stressed with everything.
    It's my day off work today and I'm going food shopping. I have lost a bit of weight (with all the stress) and i'm trying soooo hard to keep it up but with healthy eating. My aim was to be 10 stone by my birthday at the end of March. So far I've lost almost half a stone (7lbs) my weight seems to go between 10 st 3 lbs and 10 st 5lbs. I'll stock up with fruit and veggies o:)

    Loved the cartoon posted by Diana (I think) it made me smile and also the family photo's from Rita - I think someone already mentioned that you look like your mum. Not forgetting the jokes by Mollywhippet.

    Better get ready - have a good day everyone and welcome to all the newcomers.

    Viv (Windy York UK)

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies~
    yesterday was an unpaid day off, I went to see DFIL first off and bless his heart I got there at breakfast time, he no longer gets out of bed for breakfast.. so I fed him , and he did quite well..he ate all his maypo ,scrambled eggs,home fries,coffee and orange juice. from there I went and got my hair cut,stopped at walmart and got stuff to make chili and individual chicken pot pies, came home and took the dogs out quick,came in and started cooking.. froze the chili and let a pot pie out for DH for dinner tonight,
    I was so bad yesterday ,I just kept stuffing my face,and I dont know why.. I havent exercised and I feel like a slug.. I would love to find a piece of exercise equipment to have here so I dont have to go out in the bitter cold.
    I forgot who was talking about the insurance for colonoscopy, ours is the same, it will pay for the procedure, if they find polyps then it becomes a procedure and not covered.. I had one at 51, and he said I was clean as a whistle so I didnt have to go back for 5 years so another couple of years..
    working 11:30 till 5, and 7:30 till noon tomorrow and then off for the rest of the weekend. I am looking for a part time job to supplement our income,, but can only work a couple of days a week,
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sorry guys, not very chatty. Upset about Paris, work still hanging by a thread, eating not going well.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning ladies.

    Margaretturk, I am loving your photos. I have a new laptop for Christmas so all of my photos are on my other computer. I am a horticulturist so I have a ton of flower pics. I will try and get some on here.

    I went a little over my calorie limit yesterday however not much and frankly that is OK compared to what I was doing.

    Grandmallie, that was me talking about insurance and colonoscopies and I got the same speech at first. I did have to pay for the biopsy and removal but they covered the procedure. At least she agreed to do it. It was like pulling teeth to get her to do one at the age of 41.

    As far as exercise, I am finally not sore today...yea! I am going to go to a step class this morning.

    Jeannine in Missouri
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning; looks cloudy out there today, to be a bit warmer today then super cold on Sat. again. Skipping gym today; will exercise at home.....going out just not appealing between the weather and amount of flu out there.

    Sylvia.........I've had two dogs and both absolutely insisted they were covered at night; one liked nothing better than to get all the way under the covers in bed and wiggle down and sleep by my feet. The other had a dog bed by our bed and tons of covers on it.

    Carol (peach).......Your dog never fails to make me smile every time I see that pic!

    pip......You look sooooo happy in that pic and it looks like the dogs might have got medals too! Love their names too.

    Robin.......YAY for Bodi........he's had such a tough time of it. I'm thrilled he's doing so well.

    Wow, I just realized everything I've written is about dogs.......they truly are family members!!!

    Margaret...........Beautiful lilly; actually found myself leaning forward to try to sniff........

    Beth........Would you please send a little of that snow south..........please?????

    Tina.........Cutie pie dog!!! What a great life you are giving her after such a horrific start!

    Sharon.........YAY for 3.5 down!!! Good for you.

    Viv.......So sorry Kain has epilepsy but glad it is mild and controlled.

    Well, the news is that the French killers are cornered. My DH lived for a good part of his childhood in France and we are both saddened and horrified by these acts of murder.

    Je Suis Charlie.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Last night I took my unofficial-someday-to-be daughter in law for a girls night at Wine and Canvas. (No wine for us) They provide all the supplies and talk you through step by step painting a picture. They were all beautiful and all slightly different. Mine isn't display worthy, but I may hang it any way just to remember the night with her.

    I'm a little frustrated with my progress this week. I've done everything right. Logged everything. Significantly under calorie goal (goal is 1700 and I've been about 1500) and I've walked over 5 miles every single day and didn't eat back those calories. Yet I'm UP 1.5 pounds. I think I need to put away the scale and just weigh weekly.

    Thankful for a treadmill as it is below zero again today and supposed to get significant wind!

    Diana in Northeast Indiana