

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's a sunny 16 degrees F here this morning. Brrrr! I slept a little later than I planned. My weight was up more than a pound from yesterday, but down a pound from before I got sick, so, I claimed it, since this is Monday and my official weigh in day. I could eat and drink yesterday and don't feel dehydrated this morning. So I hope the rest doesn't decide to come back now.

    This evening I'm taking my girls to a womens basketball game on campus. That should be fun. Just us girls. My youngest DGD is really getting into basketball, and the older one just likes to go anywhere her little brother isn't. Our team is the Gorillas. Sounds like a stupid name for a sports team, but it's actually historical for this area. We had a huge mining industry here in the late 1800's up through the 1930's, and when the miners came out of the mines people thought they looked like gorillas, so the nickname for miners became Gorillas. The local university adopted the name in the 20's or something. I don't know why I thought that was interesting. Hope you weren't bored.

    Any yoga lovers out there? Check out this video:
    I got the giggles thinking about doing this with my hubby. We would break something.

    Well, I have to get busy. Have a great day everyone!


  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I haven't caught up reading yet (not sure I'll be able to) but wanted to jump in and say hi. Oh, and Happy New Year!

    I'm still moving things from the old house to the new. My son struck and attitude and refused to help me move so I'm farther behind that I wanted to be by a lot. He and I will have a serious discussion when I'm not as stressed and have less control over my temper and my words. He has disappointed me to no end with his attitude and his grades. For now, I'm having to put it out of my mind so that I can focus on the things that are needing my attention right now.

    I'm loving my new place (I saw that someone had asked) and mostly have my bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen sorted out so that I can function. I will be stopping by Home Depot on the way home from work today to pick up two programmable thermostats. I am totally unused to this whole waking up to a cold house thing! Of course, I am getting more exercise by getting into bed then remembering that I forgot to turn the heat down downstairs or getting downstairs and ready to leave the house the remembering that I forgot to turn down the heat upstairs! :smile:

    I'm off to take a quick walk around the building and then get to work. Year-end bookkeeping is upon me!

    Carol in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Good Morning,

    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Viv so sorry about grandson. Did he have the flu? A high fever can give you seizures. I learned when I had that high fever with the swine flu (105) that even as an adult you should not take aspirin with a high fever because of Rey (not sure how to spell it) Syndrome. During flu season I make sure I have ibuprofen that is up to date. I remember I was so sick I could barely walk to the couch. I was fortunate I did not have a seizure with that flu.

    That is why I work so hard at trying to keep my gut healthy. I caught that flu about a month after having severe stomach problems. I am convinced they are related.

    Diet goal for 2015 is to have a high fiber, good fats (fish oil,nuts, seeds, avocado, coconut oil), (the fats are for my brain), and fermented foods(Kombucha and plain not reduced fat yogurt just no sugar) (the fermented foods are for my gut) and try to minimize foods that are high in sugar, fats like corn and soy oil, over processed salt. When I stick to this basic diet I notice my cravings go way down and I get sick much less often and if I do it is a mild case. My weight is up because I am not moving as much and I have not been watching portions. I am logging my food again and trying to move more.

    2015 word: strength

    Quote: Just because I see the hook does not mean I have to bite.

  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    Instead of me listing out all the members of this group individually, I'd just like to wish you all a very Happy New Year!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    wizzy- sorry to hear about your grandson. take care of you though.
    rainy and windy ride in today (for those of u that don't know, i'm a year round bike rider).
    my word of the day - poop. why? everybody poops and no reason, just came to me. :0)
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    edited January 2015
    Barbie you gladden my heart and renew hope. Happy to see you still here.
    Finally mustered the courage to step on scale and update most measurements.
    Finding you and the 50+ gals here is my rich reward.

    Just for now: listen 5 seconds after speaker stops
    Today: Log like Mary MSH, every bite lick or sip whether over, under or sidewise!
    January: mat, weights, dance or walk every day.

    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD who wants to feel good NOW.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Anyone wannt to join in on the discussion about over consumption at Christmas and the possibility of doing without presents this year? I am still not decided. Part of me would like to, but the other part might feel something is missing as I get close to December. :ohwell:

    I have just pre-ordered my DDIL'S new books which are coming out this month. She is the pretty one in the Christmas photo with my grandchildren. :happy: Her two new ones are THIS BOOK WILL MAKE YOU MINDFUL and THIS BOOK WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BEAUTIFUL. The publishers wanted to title the latter one T B W M Y Slim, but she vetoed that, quite rightly. This one is all about self acceptance and our body insecurities. They are also coming out on Kindle. Her name is Dr Jessamy Hibberd. I am sooooo lucky to have such a great daughter in law and she is a role model for me. She has the knack of being both charming and self assertive. When I first met her I thought she was so sweet she would never cope with my son. How wrong I was! Her parents call my son, "Poor Jack". But she does it all in the nicest possible way. A great mentor for me.

    Done the decoration dismantling. Didn't take long once we got round to it and I did an hour's typing first. :bigsmile:

    Heather in damp Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: Welcome back! You have been missed. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Viv: I’m keeping your grandson in my prayers. I hope this turns out to have a simple explanation that is not scary. :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Sounds like you have some big changes coming up. Watch out for stress. Good things can be just as stressful as bad ones. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I like your idea about Christmas giving, but I doubt that my children will be on board. :noway: I tend to give needful things rather than junk. DGD got a cargo-ship load of presents this year. I think it was too much but haven’t talked to her mom about it yet. DD was so proud of herself for finding many gifts at bargain prices that I couldn’t bring myself to rain on her parade. I am on a similar page as you on wrinkles, which makes sense since we’re close in age. I don’t mind the wrinkles I see. They’re a huge improvement over the fat that used to be there. I’ve never been a tanner due to my fair skin, and I think that helps the overall flexibility of my skin and perhaps has kept some of the wrinkles at bay. I wonder what the “Baywatch” girls will look like at 65. :laugh:

    Alison: Throwing yourself a birthday party doesn’t seem so bad. I hope your son has a good time and his guests do, too. :flowerforyou:

    Anamika: Your goals look excellent. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Acro-yoga is NOT for DH & me. It might have been possible when we were in college. Or not. I loved seeing it, though. :flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: Your son is likely upset about change. He probably thinks that he gets to go off to college and make changes, but mom is supposed to be right where he left her. I’m thrilled for you that you’re happy in your new home. :flowerforyou:

    MNMargaret: I love today’s quote. Your diet goals look healthy. :flowerforyou:

    Barbara from SW ID: Welcome back! We all want to feel good NOW. I love your listening goal. I am often busy thinking about what I‘m going to say and not actually listening. I tend to do this more to family than anyone else. Not good of me. :flowerforyou:

    Busy day. Our dog is currently at the groomer and has a vet appointment later because he has a lump of some sort on his hind leg. I hope it isn’t serious. Your good thoughts will be welcome. DH has a PT appointment about 45 minutes away and I’m sending him on his own so that I can take the dog to the vet and not worry about being late to the appointment.

    Katla in Beautiful & drizzly NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone ! ! ! Out temp is currently at -3 with a wind chill of -25 or so. I am VERY happy that I can see the sunshine from my desk. The day is packed with flu symptoms again, so I am keeping the mask supply full, and using plenty of the hand sanitizer, etc.

    DS is feeling much better, just a lingering cough, which seems normal since he is an athlete that has been "lazy" since getting sick. He found his groove at yesterday's tournament - his third game was 254, for 624 series. I hope, for his teammates sakes, that is enough to look good on the boards once scores are posted. All 4 kids love donuts, so they named themselves "Epic Sprinkles". :)

    I also fell off the food wagon this weekend, so it's time to keep it serious. My supervisor said she noticed my loss, so that was good to hear.

    My lunch replacement is here, so more later.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited January 2015
    Just to give quick update on grandson, he's much better this morning but staying in hospital for a few days to try and find out what caused the seizures. He did have a bit of a temperature though so it could have been that.

    I left work a bit early today it's been a full on day, and I am so tired. Going to get myself something (healthy) to eat and have a rest. Want to watch Broadchurch (TV drama) tonight if I can stay awake.

    Heather it's a good idea about giving money to charity instead of presents at Christmas. As long as you give people plenty of notice they shouldn't have a problem with it. Another thing is you could all agree to get a token present for say £1 ( a novelty or fun type present from one of the many pound stores) and still give money to charity.

    Welcome back Barb

    Have a good evening <3

    Viv York UK

  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    I joined MFP a month ago.

    Happy that I am able to exercise much more than when I started, going from 2.5km in 27 minutes to 4.94 in 38 minutes makes me feel very good but I am really battling with the weight loss.

    My initial goal was 30 minutes of activity per day, which I have now increased to 7 hours during the week.

    I want to love 66lbs by June 30.

    I've been totally inactive for almost 3 years and have a sedentary job.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :D We don't celebrate Christmas, but we have pretty much stopped giving gifts. I contacted each friend that I gave birthday gifts to individually and told them that I wouldn't be sending gifts any more and hoped that they would honor my wishes and not buy gifts for me. We send a small check to each grandchild under the age of 18 on their birthday.

    <3 Barbie
  • salubrioussteff4ever
    Word for 2015…DETERMINATION!
    I am determined to be a better person, to live in the moment, to think before I speak, to be purposeful in my daily life, to read the scriptures, to work out weekly, eat more healthy 80/20, to care for myself, to see the good in others, to find the positive in my children and tell them. I know I will need constant reminding and forgiveness and it is my hope and prayer that my determination along with the support of my family and friends and a lot of prayer will help me to be successful this year.

    Good Luck to all of us, not a New Years resolution for me, but rather just an opportunity to realign my life with what I feel in my heart.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    My word for 2015 is boundaries.

    My rebellious inner child needs constant reminding that boundaries are a good thing. I feel better, my body functions better, I sleep better, and I am happier when I stay within my boundaries for eating, exercising, and sleeping.

    Welcome newcomers and welcome back returners. Prayers and hugs for all dealing with sick folks, grief, and disappointment.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    aaliceinw wrote: »
    I joined MFP a month ago.

    Happy that I am able to exercise much more than when I started, going from 2.5km in 27 minutes to 4.94 in 38 minutes makes me feel very good but I am really battling with the weight loss.

    My initial goal was 30 minutes of activity per day, which I have now increased to 7 hours during the week.

    I want to love 66lbs by June 30.

    I've been totally inactive for almost 3 years and have a sedentary job.

    I'm pretty sure you meant that you want to lose 66 pounds by June 30. I am confident that you can lose 66 pounds if you stick with it, but it may take longer than June 30. It took me more than a year to reach my goal and I am doing a good job at sticking to my new eating habits so that I don't simply regain what I lost. In order to be a permanent loss this needs to be a permanent lifestyle change. It takes time to lose in a healthy manner and learn new eating habits. Good luck to you and welcome to a great group of wise and supportive women.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Viv - I'm glad your grandson is getting better, and pray that he keeps on the path to wellness.

    I am also in favor of not exchanging gifts, unless something little and special is "thrust" into my life, then I would prefer to give that when I see it. It took years to get my in-laws to stop exchanging gifts at Christmas. With my DH, I either buy myself what I want and put a bow and his name on it, or tell him straight-up what I expect him to get for me (but there is a long, sad back-story for that situation).

    My "best laid" plans got thrown to the curb this morning: I awoke early, got DS in the shower early, left the house early, all so I could work-out 15 minutes prior to work. Then realized my lunch box was still on the front steps, so I had to turn around, and arrived at work exactly on time. This means I need to stay at work a little late to get in my second 1/2 of work-out. But my food plans for today are still looking good, so I can get back on track with this life-change.

    aaliceinw - My goal is 30 minutes of exercise per day at least 5 days per week (weekends are tough to schedule), and to get out of my chair and act silly at least every hour. I sit all day at work, too. Sometimes I march, or walk sideways or backwards, or just stand up and swing my arms. I have some 3 and 5 pound weights that I sometimes lift in special ways that have been assigned by my Physical Therapist. I only record the time I actually work-out, not the short bursts. My short-term weight loss goal is 20 pounds by June 1 of this year.

    Hug to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Hello to all: Went and did water exercise this morning before the snow started falling about 10:30. Also ran a few errands. Supposed to have winter storm with wind and snow. Makes me glad that I am retired and can spend the afternoon hibernating, reading or working on my latest prayer shawl. I would like to start doing some mindfulness meditation, so maybe this is a good time for that. Oven quit working on New Year's Eve so no temptation to bake!

    Katla - DGD lives in Snohomish, WA. She got breeches at tack store near there.

    Viv - Sending good wishes for DGS. Hope things go well.

    Kim - So glad to see you posting again.

    Heather - Our children always ask for a list from us. I try to put necessities, like a gift card for a new swimsuit on it or this year I asked them to make a donation of a flock of chicks to a needy family through Heifer, Intl in my honor. ( I grew up on a chicken ranch in California hence the chicks.) We also do what my cousin used to call "nothing gifts". Just some little thing like note cards or a desk calendar. My mom does counted cross stitch items like bookmarks or tree ornaments. We are growing older and do not need things so I like the idea of charities.

    Determination sounds like a good word for the year but so does now. Maybe I will use both.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Greetings all. Welcome to the newbies and welcome back to the lost sheep. I'm glad you are all here.

    Heather in UK, I love your idea about the Christmas gifts. At Christmas time all the charities are begging for donations and I hate buying a gift for someone that needs nothing and already buys anything they want. I'll always give a little something to only daughter. DH always says he doesn't want or need anything. So I'm with you. Thanks.

    Barbie in Wash, I like your word, "Now". No matter what we have done, now is the time to start doing it right. I always laugh to myself when I see or hear people say they are going to start doing it on Monday or tomorrow or the first of the month. What about NOW??

    I hope Mildred gets better soon. Keep us posted. There is nothing worse than a sick fur baby because they can't talk to us.

    Joyce, Indiana, so sad about the little one. My prayers are with her.

    Kim, "Hi all, Here is the lost one! I am back and ready to get back on the wagon"
    So glad you have been found. Welcome back. You can do this.

    Viv, how scary about your GS. Prayers and good thoughts are going his way.

    Sylvia, glad you are on the mend. I think the gorilla story is interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    Terri in Milwaukee, I know it must feel great to have someone notice your weight loss. It still surprises me at how much I have to lose before it is really noticeable. You try to stay warm up there. It is sunshine and 56 here. Would be beautiful if not for the wind which makes it a bit chilly.

    Carol in NC, sorry to hear about your son's attitude when you needed him most. Isn't it interesting how that always seems to work? Hang in there. It sounds like it will all be worth it.

    Katla in NW Oregon, Thanks for the giggle of the day. " I wonder what the “Baywatch” girls will look like at 65?" And ain't it the truth!

    pipcd34, I don't know why either, but I love your word of the day. Yes, everybody "poops" but some of us not as often as we'd like. :( When we work to hard, we often feel pooped at the end of it all. When we are sick, we feel like poop. Some of the dog walkers in my neighborhood don't pick up their dog's poop. And I'll stop this silliness because I'm sure some of you don't give a poop about reading more. :)

    I had my Dr. appointment this morning to follow up on labs. He gave me an A+ all the way around, including weight. I get to cut my Metformin to 1 a day since my A1C has been really low for over 6 months now. yippee I woke up to a very achy low back this morning. Think it might be from increasing exercise yesterday, so might take a day off.

    I'm so glad you are all here and so supportive. Keep up the great work. You are amazing!!!!

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good afternoon,

    Determination I like that too as a touch stone word.

    As I tweek my eating habits I think of Deepok Chopra's quote "Losing weight and keeping it off is a marathon not a sprint." For me it is longer about losing a certain amount of weight by a certain amount of time. It is about eating foods that keep me healthy and trying to maintain my weight
    where I feel my best. Logging does get me to stop and think about my food choices.

    2015 word: Strength

    2015 quote Just because I see the hook does not mean I have to bite.

    rose.gif MNMargaret
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, hello! Good afternoon, all. Nice sunny chilly day with a steady breeze.......big change from yesterdays 70's. Colder spell coming. My Cowboys won last night, YAY!!!
    Gym this am for ladies stretch and light aerobics class. Then a few errands.

    On the mirror discussion.......one day, years ago (in my 40's), I was bathing suit shopping (we ALL love to do that, don't we?), in a dressing room with one of those triple mirrors and caught sight of another woman in the room with me, whirled around only to find out that fat flabby back with the rolls was mine. I was so shocked and devastated that I came very close to fainting. That time I got down to 105; of course that was not remotely sustainable or healthy but that was how affected I was. For months and months all I could see were those back fat rolls.

    Heather.......It's a great idea but would not be popular in my house. I gave someone 10 chickens in Africa once and to say it was not well received is putting it mildly. I still "hear" about it. This year DH bought himself the iPad and also received 2 paperback books and underwear. DD got a rather expensive coat and odds and ends like a lip balm and cleansing cream she likes. I got some yoga socks and the 23and me genetic testing kit (I do suppose that was the most frivolous). Friends gifts were nominal as were those given in return: teas, books, CD's, Avon, baked goods, candy, bedrooom slippers, small Starbucks cards. It was a devoutly religious friend I gave the chickens to and thought they would be thrilled.......hah.
    Congrats to your DIL on her books!

    Margaret.......Sorry you didn't see Imitation Game; better luck next time. It was good.

    Toni.......I love the fact that lots of us were watching Downton together too!

    Lesley.........Hope Mildred has improved greatly!

    Cynthia........Fingers still crossed on the work situation for you.

    Alison.......I must be missing something. What is wrong with giving himself a pizza party for his birthday? Sounds OK to me.

    Viv and Joyce........May your sick kiddies get well fast.

    I have a sinkful of dishes but I think a small nap is next. Happy to share the word determined.

    Hunger is not an emergency.