

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. I had a few moments so I thought I'd check in. Great pics that were posted.

    I too remember Dark Shadows...it was one of my favorites.

    Well all the schools around here are closed and we had a 3 hour late start. At 7, the real temp was 2 and heading down with wind chill of -28 or so. And that was the high for the day. At least this will be gone by tomorrow. it's really not that bad with my Lands End stadium squall long coat. It's rated to -35 and I'm never cold in it!

    My knee is really bothering me, but I have been up and walking on it since Monday so that's not helping. I'll lift weights today without the squats! All that talk about colonoscopies is also nudging me to making an appointment. My thing is the meds. I want a real anesthesiologist and propofol (a real anesthetic) instead of the sedation that I have never seen a nurse give correctly! That is my pet peeve teaching nursing....use a resource to tell you how fast to push those medications in peoples' IVs!

    OK, I need to eat lunch then back to teaching! Take care and stay warm. Meg from the deep freeZer that is Omaha
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Cold here too.0 with -15 wc.
    son lost his job today,so won`t be hanging with Violet as much.
    Melody is still hanging on
  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    Carol in NC - I'm going through the same thing with my daughter! What I have done is sit with her and have a talk. I've told her that I NEED some time for myself just to be alone, because I end up doing so much for everyone else, and that alone time recharges my soul. I emphasize that I must have my alone time! I've got her trained now to call or text, and that if she wants to come visit to please let me know and not just drop in. And, I've set up "dates" with her to go out on our days off. I don't know if your daughter is like mine, but I think she feels that coming over to mom's house is like a vacation, and she can just drop in and chill, let mommy do all the work! She's getting the message, and I always tell her that I love her and want to spend time with her if I can.
    - Hope that helps Carol! Good luck!
    - Heidi in Florida
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Jane - sorry your son lost his job. I hope things get back to "normal" quickly.

    Carol - My Dad and I own and live in a duplex together, so we really need to respect each others' space. I have to remind DH and DS at least weekly that they must call before going into my Dad's 1/2 of the house, or at least knock whether they think he is home or not. At this time, I am the only person allowed in the house when he is not home (the exercise bike is in his computer room), but I still need to knock and/or call first. I agree with Heidi, that making "dates" should help her with the transition. I hope your daughter understands, and eventually things will be "normal" there, too.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Cold here too! Woke up to over a foot of snow that needed cleared before I could even get the trash to the curb for garbage pick-up. I confess I tried to drag it through first and I discovered that just wasn't going to work after a dumped a whole can! Snowblowing/shoveling ... good calorie burn!

    Today ... finally ... my younger son decided he has had enough with his health situation! He is taking steps ON HIS OWN to eat healthier and get more exercise. At Christmas we bought him one of those small punching bags that hang from the ceiling (can't think of the proper name right now) ... he's been working out on it daily and has asked for the bigger heavy bag as well. We will buy it if he is serious about working out. All of this, I am certain, will help with his anxiety/migraine issues.

    Part of our decluttering has been to make more usable space in the basement. We have a huge basement as we're a 2000 sq foot ranch, but most of it is just packed with junk. And I mean junk. We've now cleared out maybe a fifth of the area and this is where son's fitness equipment is going. There's a treadmill and free weights/weighted balls/etc. The hanging punching bag. My weighted hula-hoop (don't laugh ... that thing's a killer!). And we're hoping to get a recumbent exercise bike. I think this qualifies as good use of the space! We also have a ping-pong table down there that gets a lot of use from my son and his friends ... I just seem to stand there an watch the ball whiz past ...

    Doing ok with the calories. But really need to get more intentional exercise. I still have a gym membership and hope to get back there soon. Gym is undergoing some management changes (a good thing) so I'm hoping it will be a more positive experience in the future.

    Rita ... beautiful photos ... you look so much like your Mom!

    Pipcd34 ... even with all the snow in the Buffalo area, my friend's husband rides his "fat bike" over 19 miles to work most days ... yesterday, during a blizzard, a concerned passer-by asked if he wanted a ride ... he refused it much to the man's dismay!

    Carol ... hang in there!

    OK ... off to get some work done. Have a great afternoon and evening.
    Beth in Western New York

  • Auntieroe
    Hello everyone and Happy New Year to you all!!
    I'm looking for encouragement and motivation; have been on MFP for a short time and trying to stay consistent w/ my weight loss goal.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hello to you all on this winter day.
    (*) Dana, thanks for the giggle. Ya just have to feel that way sometimes.

    (*) grandmallie, hopefully DH will come around sooner than later. They just seem to lose their way sometimes. You hang in there.((((((((((((grandmallie))))))))))))

    (*) pipcd34, what an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing and "way to go, girl"!

    (*) Carol in NC, I hate that you are doing all the move by yourself. I'm sure the cat will adjust since all your "stuff" will be in the new house. About your daughter dropping in unannounced, that is a little harder. I'd probably just try to talk to her and be honest about how you feel. I certainly would never just drop in on my daughter and we always called before a visit. Let her know the key is for emergencies and you want to be there to answer the door when she visits, after letting you know she's going to be there. Make it clear that she is always welcome but a courtesy call is greatly appreciated. Heck, lie and tell her you are starting nude exercising or something. >:)

    (*) Vicki GI NE, thanks for the loose skin info. I don't think I would ever consider surgery either, but glad to know it can be better than worse. I have lots to lose before it will get to be a problem. I just so want to look like a "sexy senior citizen" and not just feel like one. lol

    (*) Meg, my DH had an anesthesiologist yesterday and I'm pretty sure I always have. Is it something you can request? If you're due, you make that appointment. We all have to take care of ourselves.

    (*) For all of you having problems sleeping, my doctor gave me a prescription for Sonata. It comes in a generic. I rarely take it, but it doesn't leave a sleeping pill hangover and is great to have when sleep deprivation gets the best of me.

    (*) Sylvia, I had to laugh when you talked about the butt warmer in your hubby's car. The thing I love about them is the low back warmth that they give. It feels wonderful to me.
    Bummer about your glasses, but hopefully the new one's will be great.

    (*) <3 Welcome to all the new ladies. We are glad you are here and I know you will find this a wonderful group of supportive women.

    I had cereal for breakfast today for the first time since starting MFP. That little 3/4 cup sure looked sad and I must say it didn't stay with me for long. On the other hand, the good news is that with the weight I have lost, I'm finding lots of clothes getting loose and some things that I couldn't wear are now fitting. whoopee

    Thank you, friends for all your support and keep up the good work.

    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone!

    Lovely pics, Margaret! What sweeties!

    So glad everyone is done with their colonoscopies. :flowerforyou:

    I had my holiday jabs today - tetanus, diphtheria and polio. The typhoid is in pill form and I have to take it once a day, every two days, for three doses. It can make you a bit nauseous. I have taken the first one, so it's Friday and Sunday.
    - My deet insect repellent arrived today and my bite itch treatment. :laugh:
    - Got to think about clothes now. I haven't been anywhere hot since I lost weight. Might need a long sleeved something for evenings outside. I will get a plug in bug killer.
    - I woke up at 5.20 this morning anticipating my jabs and knowing I had to get my exercises in first, so I know how you feel Michelle. I didn't manage to fit in my strength training.
    - did do my typing again - hooray! o:) I am now almost one third through. :happy: We went supermarket shopping this morning and I bought a cabbage to make my sauerkraut. I've found a suitable jar. Will do it tomorrow and must make some new yoghourt.
    - Yesterday, inspired by some of you, especially Dr Katie, I sorted out and tidied a whole basket of bathroom stuff. Threw a lot of stuff away. I have a big collection of hotel toiletries which I put in the guest room from time to time and they had all got into a muddle. Much better now. :happy: I have one more box to sort out in DH'S bathroom, which is left over from when I used to use it. All dusty and horrible. Will sort that tomorrow. But the priority is the typing. :bigsmile:

    Love to all. Heather in showery and windy Hampshire UK
  • elliescot
    elliescot Posts: 10 Member
    I just joined 'myfitnesspal' a couple of days ago and I also got a fitbit for Christmas. So there should really be no stopping me! I'm 53 and ready to do this.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi everybody,

    If I didn't know better I would think I caught sleep issues from a few of you. I could not sleep last night.After about 2 hours of sleep I was awake again at 5:15 so I got up and went to the 6:00 am water class. Took it easy. I've been lazy all day and my tummy is "off". I'll have to get to bed early and hope all is well tomorrow.

    Katla - WHEN I win the gift card I plan to use it to get some undies. One good problem right now is that even those are too big. I am trying not to buy things because I have so much more to lose. Scouting the local thrift stores and mark down sales in the meantime.

    I love all the pictures and cartoons. I tried to post a picture once and it didn't work. Not very much of a techie.

    About colonoscopies - If you are over 50 you need to have one. Precancerous polyps are easily treated. Colon cancer is treatable if it is caught early. My mom died of colon cancer at the age of 63. Really the procedure is not the problem because you are usually "out" - the prep isn't pleasant but like so many other things we endure, the misery doesn't last forever.

    Heather - remind us again where you are going.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thursday morning and woke to heavy rain and thunder at 6am. Stan made tea and I got up at 8.30am for poached eggs on granary toast. NO walking due to rain. Will post exercise and food later
    Mildred beagle got on our bed and sneezed fresh blood all over doona and cover which are now in wash, double doona on our bed. She has had her breakfast and pill and sleeping now.
    I think we are driving to Sheffield for a new Akubra hat for Stan and lunch in pub. Rain so no other thing to be done. Will be good.
    In 2 weeks BF% gone from 46.3% to 44.9% muscle from 21.3% 23.7%, so BF% less and muscle more. Weight 98.2 Kg to 97.0 Kg. My ticker started at 97.2 Kgs in New Year
    So glad I saw Brian and got his help. He said WALKING burns far more fat than running.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good afternoon dear ladies.

    It was a beautiful morning at my house, when I went out for my run at about 6:30am. Clear, about 40oF, not too windy, just starting to get light. Looking down off the mountain, the valley was all fogged in. It looked like I was flying in an airplane. Had a lovely run. Still haven’t hit 3 miles (2.99 again – rats!). I am running for 33 minutes (10% increase each week for the next couple of weeks.) The good side is that it means that I am doing 11 minute miles!! Wow!! It was just a few weeks ago that I ran my first mile straight. Talga was a little pokey. I can’t tell it he is getting a little pudgy or just a little warm. He has been getting a ton of training treats lately, as we prep for the early season shows. His body is like a rock so it is little hard to tell muscle from fat. (The big body-like-a-rock-thing runs in his family.) It was such a pretty morning that I took the older dog for a brisk one mile walk after my run. He loved the extra walk and moved right along at a nice pace. Hard to believe he is going to be 9 this year.

    So far today, it has been a great day to move both the run and step tickers along.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Good Evening,

    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Rita love the picture.

    Jane so sorry about your son.

    Lesley hope Mildred your beagle gets better soon.

    Carol it is okay to set boundaries. There is a reason fences make for good neighbors.

    Decided on this sub zero day it was a good time to have some garden pictures.7aqoxi1hmowl.jpg


    smiley-bounce017.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.

    2015 word: Strength

    Quote: Just because I see the hook does not mean I have to bite.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    so, about this colon thing, I have to do one every other year once I told my doc that my sister had colon cancer (cancer free for about 5 yrs now, took out some of her intestine). it's kind of interesting. I asked for them to keep me awake so I could see my colon, it was actually kinda cool.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, we did go to Kansas City after all, and the weather wasn't a problem. It was cold and windy, but no snow or ice. We THOUGHT it would be a great day to go to the museum, since it's the middle of the week and frigid, nobody else would be there, right? Wrong. Apparently everybody else thought that too. It was pretty crowded, but we managed to enjoy it anyway. And I did all the stairs, too. No elevator! Forgot my fitbit though. Darn. Afterwards we stopped at trader joes for some fruit to snack on while we drove home.

    We got home in time to make dinner. I had whole wheat pasta with turkey. It was pretty yummy.

    We watched Dark Shadows too. I saw a bit of one old episode the other day on some strange tv station and it was so bad it was almost too painful to watch. What were we thinking? It was made to be campy, but still.

    I've had two colonoscopies, but the most recent was about 10 years ago. My regular doc keeps threatening to make me do it again, but she never follows through. I did have a lot of trouble with the prep. Did the citrus laxative the first time and the pills the second time. Neither was fun. Is there anything new in that department in recent years? I sure hope so.

    Well, that's it for me tonight. I hope you all had a great day!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif I had my first colonoscopy at age 64. My husband and several health care professionals had tried all their scare techniques on me but nothing they said scared me as much as the prospect of the prep and test scared me. Then I heard one woman after another on this thread tell me that they had weathered the prep and the test in good humor and with no ill effects and my whole attitude changed and I was able to tell the doctor that I was ready. I consumed a tanker load of chicken broth and apple juice for the prep---so much that there was really no weight loss noticeable because all the sodium in the chicken broth resulted in major fluid retention. I remember nothing about the procedure and was happy afterward that I had finally been able to do it.

    smiley-happy020.gif Rita, you are welcome to the quote.....I got it from someone else and have used it for about five years.

    smiley-happy020.gifpipcd, I live a few hours NW of you and I made the decision years ago to walk every day no matter what the weather and I have accomplished that goal....snow, rain, and ice sometimes require some imaginative routes but I am like you that year round is year round...once you make an excuse it's too easy to make the next one.

    smiley-happy020.gifBeth, I have a recumbent exercise bike in the middle of my living room so I can ride and watch TV at the same time. We also have a treadmill so hubby can walk and watch TV...that's how we exercise together.

    smiley-happy020.gifJanet, cereal is a food that I don't eat because a single serving isn't nearly big enough and what I really want to do is eat right out of the box

    smiley-happy026.gif Lesley, that is good news that walking burns more fat than running because I walk a lot and don't run. I am fortunate that I have the time for long walks.

    smiley-chores002.gif 19,000 steps, line dance class, over an hour on the exercise bike.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    January Resolutions
    *walk 18,500 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week smiley-sport017.gif
    *review our will and documents of personal information
    *don't expect praise or recognition
    *learn and teach two new dances253149qtzkf0ld22.gif

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Sylvia - the last colonoscopy I had the doc let me do 2 days of clear liquids and less prep stuff. It was by far easier for me and less in me to get out. (TMI) Ask your doc about this idea.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 13.31min, 13.2amph, 3mi
    Spin- 45min, 83ar, 111aw, 11-15ag, 18.5mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.19min 11.5amph 1.4mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.35min, 8.7amph, 2.7mi

    barbiecat- true, it's not an easy discipline, but once you get used to doing something, it just becomes part of the day, like brushing your teeth, putting clothes on, etc... you just add walking to your day and i add riding my bike and not driving.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited January 2015
    No way I will read every post,just too fast for this old lady

    Same ole,same ole. Post was 4 paragraphs.....only one sentence posted.
  • deeander
    deeander Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I have been a member for a couple years now. I am feeling alone in my journey as the couple fitness pal friends l made are away for months. I was hoping to give and get thumbs up and a few brief words of encouragement. Any takers ;)