cindip63 Member


  • No workouts since Wednesday, turns out I have strep throat....what? On serious antibiotics, sticking to meal plan but physician said to stay clear of working out for a few days. Apparently, according to my physician he is seeing a sudden increase of strep in adults.
  • No workout today, stuck to the meal plan but I'm feeling awful. We've had brutal weather in Texas, horrible devastating flooding, so many lives, pets, livestock lost. I think the sadness along with feeling sick just wore me out, horrible cough, sore throat & one hell of a headache, going to take cold medicine and get to…
  • @Northern37, great! You will love the program! You are off to a great start. When I started; did my grocery shopping on Sunday, chopped & cleaned veggies/fruits, prepared a few meals and stuck to it, I didn't realize how much you really eat on the program. In the beginning (my opinion) I thought the prep was a lot of work,…
  • @dixiewhiskey you look great! Very inspiring!! Reading everyone's phenomenal results made me realize how much easier this ride has been with the help of everyone on the message boards. I'm not knocking any other weightloss plan (trust me I've spent more money on prepackaged foods than I care to admit) but this plan I have…
  • Round 2/day 20, whew! Dirty 30 done & Jari Love Ripped done! Thought I'd double up today and I loved it! Now, dinner time with a much needed glass of wine & a few squares of dark chocolate for dessert.
  • Missed the pilates workout yesterday, did cardio fix today and I really struggled. Not sure why, sort of feeling under the weather, hope to pick it up again with renewed energy tomorrow.
  • @walkdmc I do the same with push ups & planks, it works just as well. Great weightloss too, congrats!
  • Didn't get my Pilates fix workout in today, this is the 1st workout I've missed since starting the program. I feel sort of guilty about it. I worked late, very tired, starving, needed to eat. Stayed within calories but went way over on the carbs :-( the scale will be very rude tomorrow. But tomorrow is a new day and I took…
  • Round 2/Day 17, lower body fix, thinking about doing round 3 but adding another workout in addition to the 21 day fix. I love the workouts, 30 minutes & you're done. I can't wait to start up my 5 mile weekend power walks again, it's been raining for the last three weekends.
  • @SatiaRenee you look great!!
  • @dford5 awesome results!!
  • I am really excited for you! It gets easier. I grocery shop on Sunday's for the week, get all my veggies and fruits washed and chopped. I purchased the green containers used to extend veggies & fruits, makes a difference for me.
  • Hi there! I love the 21 day fix program. The nutrition guideline of the program made huge difference for me! And that along with the daily 21 day fix workouts made it even more amazing for me. I started 4/13 and I'm on round 2 Day 14, lost 9 pounds so far and quite a bit in inches. I've discovered how awesome fruit and…
  • @SatiaRenee No way! Don't blame you at all :-) I don't like the side plank series either, that is the part of the video when I throw dirty looks at the television, lol! Hope Holly is feeling better, my little guy Cooper had some sort of stomach issue this morning too but he seems to be doing better.
  • @venuila I so look forward to yoga days too!! I'm sitting in bed right now drinking a cup of coffee knowing that down the hall Dirty 30 waits for me :-( I decided to treat myself today after I put in my workout, treating myself to a deep tissue massage!! I can't wait!! Enjoy your day!!
  • @mrsewert Wow! Awesome results!!
  • Melt a tablespoon or two of dark chocolate chips and drizzle over strawberries and blueberries and sprinkle finely chopped nuts over it.
  • @cupcake570 congrats on the loss! All that baking is a workout too! Hope you get some well deserved sleep!
  • @walkdmc I agree, the workout videos are awesome. The plan is great. I'm on round two, day 7 as of today. A few things I love about the plan; the 30 minute workouts are extremely effective and I've ventured out to try an assortment of veggies & fruits I would have never tried if not for this plan. I find myself craving…
  • Workout; 4.5 mile powerwalk, then Dirty 30. I struggled today; think the walk with the humid Texas weather wiped me out. Dirty 30 is challenging but gosh after one of the floor exercises I thought about just staying on the floor & taking a nap but I pushed thru it.
  • @venuila Wow! Great results!! Congrats!!!
  • @dkwi04 for well over a week the scale didn't move for me, kept going up a half pound then down, then up. Although I stayed well within my containers, the weekend came along and I didn't have my usual whole wheat flat veggie pizza but rather grilled chicken & veggies and salmon & veggies for dinner; the following Monday…
  • Wow! You all look amazing!! This is what motivates me to stick with it!! Thank you!!
  • So I feel a bit naughty...bought a box of vitatops muffins, chocolate with chocolate chips. Popped one of those beauties in the microwave, topped it off with sliced fresh blackberries & strawberries....oh my! It's been over 3 weeks without chocolate and it was darn close to an orgasmic experience! Lol!! I'm on Round 2, Day…
  • @nables73 I want your abs! You look amazing!!
  • Round 1 done! Lost 6 pounds!! I am so motivated by reading everyone's updates - you all are awesome!! I'm starting round 2 today!!
  • Hi! Good luck! Today is day 21 for me and I love it! You will do great!! I'm sorry but I'm not sure how you would calculate but I do know you don't want to drop below 1200 calories. Try it the 1st week, rather than counting calories, stick to the number of containers you are suppose to eat on a daily basis and see how you…
  • I went on YouTube to view the fitness videos, they seem to be more intense, also the eating options in each category appear to be much more restrictive. I might go on eBay to purchase the workout dvd's only since I already have the containers.
    in 21dfx Comment by cindip63 May 2015
  • @nables73 same here, 1st time using beach body and what a great experience it's been thus far! My weigh is tomorrow too, today is day 21, love this program!! Here's to a great weigh in!!
  • Day 20! 5 mile powerwalk, Dirty 30 and walked my sweet pups. Weather was perfect today. Seriously thinking about doing another round of the 21 day fix. :) Happy Saturday everyone!!