taymam Member


  • I try to stay low calorie for breakfast and lunch so I can eat whatever my family eats for dinner. In the morning I either have Greek yogurt berries and granola Thin Rice cakes peanut butter and a coffee Or A slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana.
  • I am a busy mother of two small children. When it comes to cooking I usually have to cook at least 2 different meals and cut them up into tiny pieces and incorporate more carbs for my husband who is underweight. Alot of the times I only have a minute or two to make my meal. Here's what I do to stay on track. Cottage cheese…
  • It was just the right time. I had post partum depression, started seeing a counselor, started to get insight into why I was so unhappy, dealt with previous trauma. After that I felt I could conquer anything. I wanted to create my own happiness and do the things I've always wanted to do. And I wanted to get this under…
  • You got this! I wish you all the best. Maybe if you have time make a motivation board. Put it somewhere You can see it every morning or where you work out or in the kitchen. Or all three
  • This formula is pretty fool proof my dear. You did not gain all that weight in a day and you will not lose it in a day either. Have faith and eat well. Don't overdo the work outs at first, you will wear yourself out fast. Change your food first, it takes about a month to actually feel full after eating, cravings will curb…
  • That some people won't be happy for you, and that's OK. One of my good friends is in a rut right now and just gets upset by seeing other people succeed. She wishes she could be the one to buy a house or lose weight. I go out of my way to never talk about my calorie counting around her because she's made it perfectly clear…
  • My first NSV! I fit into these pants my mom gave me. They were super expensive dress pants that I just couldn't bear donating in hopes that I would someday be able to fit in them. All of my pants are now too big and out of desperation to find something to wear to a valentine's party tonight I thought I would try them on.…
  • Agreed, when I have an insatiable sweet tooth it's coke zero for me. No calories, not good for you but I see it as a temporary coping mechanism to the cravings. We can't tackle everything all at once.
  • I've logged in for a month now staying true to my 1200 calories goal everyday but one. At first I was sooooo hungry all the time, I would forget and mindlessly put food in mouth (then I would spit it out because it wasn't worth the calories to me) every night I went to bed hungry. To me I see this program as just plain…
  • I've never been a healthy weight. My whole life weight has been the issue and topic that people just identify as being who I am (overweight). I started getting sick of hearing every time I see someone "looks like you lost weight" especially when you know you havent lost weight and they are just trying to cheer you up. And…
  • So many likes! I started out similar weight height. Can't wait to be where you are! Thanks for posting very inspirational!
  • I think I'm going to try to cut back all together. I spend too much at that place for thier crappy coffee. But when I need a fix next time and I give in I will try a single single.
  • I will try that, I like both those teas but never thought to put in almond milk instead.
  • Wise words to live by I have 2 small boys under 3 with lots of energy. I need to do the standing and putting into sentence doing (although that last one isn't so important to small children I can usually just get away with one word)
  • The actual coffee is crap. It the sugar and cream that makes it taste so good to me.
  • I suppose I'm addicted to thw combination of coffee, cream and sugar. But I think it's the sugar that's causing the cravings
  • A double double is 2 cream 2 sugar, sorry canadian term
  • I'm glad I'm looking in the right place for motivation. It's crazy how when you have children you're able to dig deep to find the strength to do things you never thought possible. Good for you! Your family looks beautiful.