What was the last straw?



  • sjadev1108
    sjadev1108 Posts: 26 Member
    1.) A "friend" said, "your mom is so much hotter than you"
    2.) My daughter (4) called me "chubby"...followed by "I love you anyway, mom"
    3.) I lost 60 pounds 3 years ago, and put it all back on.....I kept referring to "when I did it before"
    4.) I became totally obsessed with looking at others and picking which part of their body I wanted....decided wouldn't it be nice if I just wanted my body
    5.) I realized I was spending time and energy on many other people that didn't give a crap about me or ever even initiate contact with me......decided wouldn't it be nice if someone spent time or energy on ME, then figured that should probably be .......ME
    6.) Seeing pictures on Facebook taken on a fun night out with my partner's 4 brothers and their girlfriends/wives.....my partner looked like a chubby chaser and I felt mortified seeing those photos

    That was 5 weeks ago......I have worked out for over an hour everyday and been within my calorie limits everyday.....I have quit drinking, drinking pop, smoking and I feel like a million dollars......it hasn't even seemed all that hard

    This time I'll NEVER go back.....nothing tastes as good as the compliments feel
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    What was the final push you had to finally lose the weight? What was your motivation?

    I had to take a 5 minute breather after walking to the bathroom and back before I could get back on the phone at my job. (It was like 30 feet both ways)
  • FashionQueen86
    FashionQueen86 Posts: 51 Member
    I got on a scale that told me my body was 44 years old. I'm only 28. Of course these types of scales are not always accurate, but I was very concerned about what was happening inside me. I wasn't severely overweight, but mildly.

    I'm afraid of pain, fear of being sick and coming in and out of hospitals. This is the only body we have. Why not try to take care of it?
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    A month after I graduated from college I realized enough was enough. Years of being the "fat" girl out with my size 2 friends. I was hanging out with other people I didn't even like just because I was into partying. I was into partying because I hated myself and would just drink away that pain. I couldn't walk up the stairs to my room without getting out of breath. I saw my grandmother starting dialysis and her frequent trips to the ER based off a lifetime of not taking care of herself. I hated shopping and the way I looked in clothes. I hated how I looked in pictures, I'd crop them to cut off some of my body. I had loads of self image and self esteem issues, not thinking I deserved anything in life.

    When I realized all of this was linked to my weight and honestly admitted to myself that I was the only one able to fix this....I signed up for personal training sessions and never looked back. I have fallen down A LOT, but I always get back up. My life has changed in so many ways over the past 2.5 years I can't even describe it all. I have changed inside and out. I've lost 40 pounds and gained so, so, SO much more than I ever thought possible.
  • cnadiger
    cnadiger Posts: 168 Member
    About 10 yrs ago I lost over 100 lbs and swore I would never allow myself over 140lbs again. Fast forward and the weight just started creeping. When I started a new job in a new town and started seeing pictures of me with my super fit new boss I realized how much it had "creeped". At almost 175lbs on a 5'3" frame it was fo surz time to do something! 17 lbs down and 25 more to goal....and I still need MFP motivation every day :\
  • 1992fx3
    1992fx3 Posts: 35 Member
    The last straw that spurred my weight loss was a visit to a specialist because all of my liver test results were in the danger zone as a result of my excess weight. Also, the doctor referring to my BMI as being in the obese zone was a kick in the pants. Seven months later I'm down 63 pounds to 154 and my liver tests are all back well within the normal range, along with the rest of the various blood tests.
  • daisyisfab
    daisyisfab Posts: 3 Member
    My almost 5 yr old asked me if I had not just one but TWO babies in my belly. No, I am not pregnant.
    Before I got pregnant I was really healthy. I have let 5 yrs of raising our daughter become an excuse for so many things. Now I want to be able to keep up with her and show her how great it is to be healthy. I miss taking charge of my health. I forgot how fun and creative it can be.
  • xero2099
    xero2099 Posts: 49 Member
    6 months before I was supposed to get married my fiancee broke everything off. I had to reevaluate aspects of my life and weight was one I was going to change
  • taymam
    taymam Posts: 55 Member
    It was just the right time. I had post partum depression, started seeing a counselor, started to get insight into why I was so unhappy, dealt with previous trauma. After that I felt I could conquer anything. I wanted to create my own happiness and do the things I've always wanted to do. And I wanted to get this under control before it turned into a problem with my kids.
  • spilledmilk
    spilledmilk Posts: 83 Member
    Gaining back 25 of the 30 pounds I previously lost.

    Getting engaged and realizing I don't want to get married looking the way I do. Your wedding should be the happiest day of your life, and not spent worrying about how fat you look.
  • fbcarlson
    fbcarlson Posts: 283 Member
    When I quit chewing tobacco over 2 years ago I used quitting as an excuse to eat all I wanted, never mind that I was already at 300 pounds. I could justify the eating to myself by saying "well at least I am not chewing". Eventually I got to the point where I could no longer tie my shoes or walk up stairs but worst of all, I could not play with my kids. I was miserable but I kept trotting out my get out of jail free card.

    My final straw was at my son's baseball tryout when I was helping out and hitting grounders to the fielders and was winded just by doing that. Literally winded by standing still and swinging a bat.

    No more get out of jail free cards. It is time to pay the piper and get off my much too large backside and get moving again...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Losing 50 lbs and feeling great about myself 3 years ago. Donating all my clothes and getting all new fabulous clothes. Then realizing I had gained back 30 of those lbs and all my 'middle size' clothes I hadn't donated were the only things I now fit into and they were all way too tight. A friend was also wanting to lose weight. We decided to do it together. But he was doing really well early on and I was cheating all the time. One night after pigging out again and the next day seeing how well he was doing it made me ashamed of myself. I got serious and so far we have both lost 25 lbs and I am back into all my skinny clothes and my 'middle size' clothes are all hanging on me again. Maybe it's time to donate them too. :)
  • beckystocking
    I went to the video store to get a movie, crouched down seeing one of my favorites on the bottom shelf, and could not for the life of me, get back up. I thought, oh I will grab the shelf and use it as support, but it moved and all I could envision was the whole shelf coming crashing down on me. So I seriously had to roll on the floor like a taco and use my some weird combat role to get up. And I dropped the DVD. I am 52 years old and should be afforded the dignity of gracefully retrieving any DVD I so choose.
  • May33338
    May33338 Posts: 300 Member
    I no longer fit into any of my nice clothes and decided that there was no way I was gonna replace an entire wardrobe. I also felt depressed and unattractive. One day, I just woke up one morning and decided to make a change.
  • afur73
    afur73 Posts: 63 Member
    my wife told me that she no longer wanted to have sex with me. my weight was ust one of the reasons. i cant fix the others but i can do something about my weight. that was 6 weeks ago, now lost 19lbs so far.
  • addictedtograce
    Mine is kind of funny but it really did bother me...I was watching the Super Bowl with my husband and they were giving the players stats...and I weighed more than some of the linebackers. Boom. Time to lose weight.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    My first initial thought to this question was, "At what point in my journey did I feel 'this is the last straw'?" Because over 7 years ago I weighed a least 241 lbs. During that point I tried tying my shoes and realized it was a struggle because my belly was in the way. I made some changes, and with help from roommates, dropped some weight. However, I never went under 200 pounds. Over the years, I tended to fluctuate around 215. Last year in the spring, my whole family realized we were fed up with being sluggish and I was sick of having a muffin top on my jeans, which I kept having to debate if I would have to buy a larger size...and I didn't want to!! Since last spring, I've lost 46 pounds, 61 pounds from my heaviest point. I still want to lose another 20 pounds, but I understand it's a process, so I'll take the time to get there.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Getting cheated on then later asked for a divorce.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    When my twins were toddlers I didn't think much about my health - I was so wrapped up in them. One day when drying myself after showering I happened to catch a side glance of myself and my tummy was protruding further than my chest. I was mortified and disgusted at how I could've not noticed how far gone I let myself get. The next day I bought the old-school version WW formula on eBay for $0.99 (yes, the actual mathematical formula). I couldn't afford to join WW, but I had to do something. So I carried a calculator around with me and punched the formula in for every single thing that passed my lips. You can imagine how time consuming and tedious this was. But it worked. I lost about 70 pounds that year and got down to about a size 12/14 in the end...having left behind 18's that were a popped button away from 20's). Now I'm back at it, having regained maybe 10 pounds from that 70 loss, but wanting to lose another 25-30 from where I am now. My newest motivation is purely health. I don't want to die young of some preventable BS disease.
  • Original_Sinner
    Original_Sinner Posts: 180 Member
    It was white, it had red stripes swirling around it. It had the accordion pull part about an inch and a half down. It was beautiful. I miss it.....it really was the last...straw
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