What made you decide to lose weight?



  • jontucc
    jontucc Posts: 142 Member
    Sick of people asking me if I am pregnant and not believing me when I say I'm not.
    Also hated trying in clothes and not looking good in anything.
    What has kept me motivated is reading all the success stories on mfp and seeing the amazing transformations.
  • Claribear1983
    Claribear1983 Posts: 1 Member
    When I was referred to as 'the big one' in my group of friends by a pal of my dads.

    Also someone coming up to me in a bar and asking if I should be drinking a beer whilst pregnant.

    Urgh!! 11 lbs down, 40 more to go. Never felt this motivated in my life :smile:
  • taymam
    taymam Posts: 55 Member
    I've never been a healthy weight. My whole life weight has been the issue and topic that people just identify as being who I am (overweight). I started getting sick of hearing every time I see someone "looks like you lost weight" especially when you know you havent lost weight and they are just trying to cheer you up. And still now that I am losing weight it just annoys the crap out of me to hear. Because I would like to think that there is more to me than what I weigh and I'm so sick of hearing this broken record play over and over again. I so badly want to. Go to a normal clothing store and buy anything, and it would be lovely if one day I could weigh less than my husband (feeling like brianne of tar over here standing next to my 140lb husband). Lastly I'm sick of my weight being a factor in how people treat me. My father in law tries to shame me all the time, my old boss regarded me a lazy even though I was far from it just because I weighed more. (Actually told me I have to lose weight in a review) and I want to take control of. Y life and set a proper example for my children.
  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    No big revelation for me. One day I simply said "enough is enough".
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've gone up and down, up and down for years. Last spring something inside me clicked for real. I think part of it may have had to do with starting online dating and wanting to feel better about myself and be more attractive. But that turned out to be superficial. What's really kept me going (I've lost 23 lbs since last May) is wanting to be strong and healthy. I'm in my 40's and not getting any younger--do I want to have a middle/older age that's plagued with heart problems or the like?

    It's been hard to stay motivated because I do still go up and down. A big part of my motivation is really staying engaged with my friend list on MFP. They cheer me on and remind me to never give up. So community is important. I also remind myself that if I give up, I will be back where I started (or heavier) and will feel miserable and self hating, instead of proud and strong. I don't forget that every little bit counts. If I don't lose weight but my fitness improves, that's great. If I lose my weight very slowly, I'm still better off than I was.

    It's never too late to get on the road to health, so I remain positive, even though my weight loss has been a little slow for my taste. But still, I'm lighter than I was, and a bit healthier. I hope to hit my goal this summer, motivated by my health, improving my self esteem, and the desire to be strong.

    *Even though this is a zombie thread, I'm glad it was reactivated :) I love reading everyone's stories.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I had been wanting to for years, I always had motivation. I just didn't realize (for me) it was calories in/calories out, and all I had to do was eat small portions and track my intake.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    My self esteem had always been really low, and I was slowly watching my clothing sizes go up and up. Even as I changed my sizes to fit my body, I just kind of always felt like a sausage being stuffed into a casing that was too small. I was also having some issues with my health, asthma-related, heart-related, mental health-related ... so multiple reasons, really. I just didn't want to feel like crap anymore.
  • ssanford77
    ssanford77 Posts: 20 Member
    I stepped on the scale at the doctors and was over 200 lbs. my blood pressure was so high it was setting off an alarm on the machine. We had a really small lawn and I couldn't mow it without my blood pressure spiking really high. I was scared I was going to have a stroke. I wasn't scared of death but I was scared of living disabled or being a burden to my family and that's where I was heading. I knew it. First I quit drinking alcohol, then I quit smoking. Now I have lost 70lbs. I have come off my blood pressure medication and am into a healthy bmi. I can do more than just mow the lawn now, I go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week and am getting stronger all the time. I stay motivated by using social media and by watching the changes in my body. The other day I discovered I have hip bones! I am getting faster on the treadmill every week and that gets me motivated. I still have 14lbs to lose and I want to have that off before my sisters wedding. I don't want to be the fatty there. I can do this and so can you.
  • ColoradoBringItOn
    ColoradoBringItOn Posts: 132 Member
    I saw a picture of myself full on from the front taken while I was sitting down. I saw all the rolls and my very heavy bloated face and it made me cry (pic is actually one of my profile pictures and it is my 'before' picture). That was the last straw for me.

    A friend of mine joined Farrell's and started kickboxing and invited me along. It was the hardest workout I ever did because I couldn't breathe! I signed up right then and there and decided to become the "AFTER" picture.
  • RussWTX
    RussWTX Posts: 352 Member
    edited February 2015
    My mom was overweight for much of her life, and also a diabetic. I saw the complications she had - she developed neuropathy in her feet, and also lost her sight because of the diabetes (retinopathy). One day in 2007, I was at a friend's house for a swim party. I went into the bathroom to change to my swim trunks. I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. I was 237 lbs then, and realized that I didn't want to have health problems of my own.
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