Almoshposh Member


  • I'm sorry but I live in South Africa. And Spam is the stuff you get through your email that you junk. I didn't know you could eat it. Can someone explain. :)
  • I've experienced the opposite. I used to be wide awake and jumping out of bed at 5am. Now I have to peel my eyes open at 7. And I had bad insomnia before but now I sleep throughout the night no problems. I do admit I worked out some work stress related issues but I noticed the improved sleep within a couple of weeks of…
  • Wonderful! You Go girl!
    in It works! Comment by Almoshposh May 2015
  • :D I thought I was the only one who got light headed just thinking about lunch. Give me anything with HWC in it and I'm happy.
  • Whine away :) . We've all been there. Sometimes just getting it off your chest makes it easier to process and gives it some perspective.
  • I know exactly how you feel. Last year I practically made falling off and climbing back onto the wagon a sport. This year I decided to take it one day at a time and recommit to keto every morning. The problem before was that when I fell off I'd lie there feeling sorry for myself and bury myself in carbs for a couple of…
  • I add a couple of teaspoons on cocoa powder and tastes like a dense chocolate cake.
  • Yep to both. Sounds like the effects of ketosis alright. Welcome to low carb high fat! :Fantastic isn't it <3
  • MFP reported that I had fried my egg in a CUP of oil rather than the tablespoon I had logged. It took some explaining to friends who got very worried about my drinking oil.
  • Hey Tricia and welcome. Don't stress to much about the fact that you're not super low carb. Just good that you are cutting carbs and enjoying the benefits. Hope your stay here is long and happy :)
  • Welcome @Wazzer_B and enjoy. There's nothing quite like the keto way of life. :)
  • Welcome @tammyruth1 . This is a great group so feel free to ask questions, complain, rant or whatever. You'll always find a ready ear here.
  • I have one of these too but all I get for the body fat reading is 'Error-high'. One of my goals is to actually get low enough for it to give me a body fat reading. I know it works because hubby gets one. ..
  • I think the official name is Liar McLiarpants ;)
  • I've lost 6.4kg(approx 14 pounds) in about 2.5 months. I used to drink a lot of Coke Zero when I started out but lately it has become too sweet for my palate. Gotta love low carb side effects!
  • Killing me people! :D
  • I love this approach. I know it's a cliché but take it one day at a time. I was shocked yesterday that I have been low carb for 70 days. In my mind I committed to a carb free day every morning 70 times. You just need to power through one day or meal or snack at a time. Before you know it you'll find yourself looking at a…
  • Oh wow! Well done you guys! This is my favourite thread of them all. Who cares what thescale says! :p I had a nice one today. I went out for my walk and decided to go up a hill I have been avoiding because it is so steep. I got to the top alive but very winded. No, that's not the NSV. I put my hands on my hips to lean over…
    in NSV's Comment by Almoshposh May 2015
  • Lol. I thought about this but I know there's no money. I'm the main bread winner and in currently unemployed. Anyway found out my hubby made a couple of sandwiches while I was out. He apologised profusely and said he didn't realise that was the last of the bacon. I do have 3 eggs left so all is not lost. Also some protein…
  • Sorry to be off topic but how did you change your user name?
  • Welcome! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time in this group. There is always someone with an answer to any question you might have. And of course someone to listen when you want to rant.Everyone is so friendly and understanding that I come here everyday and actually post sometimes *gasp*. Enjoy the journey, it's well…
  • I've had s bit of a whoosh in the last two days with a total of 1.2kg down. :) . It came as a surprise because I've stated excercising and was fully expecting to gain. *little dance here* Please keep you stall stories coming in. I know I'll need them again one day.
  • Today was the third day in a row I had this for breakfast and I'm still loving it so much. And someone said don't drink your calories :p ! I just noticed one thing though. With my normal cup of coffee the caffeine hits me immediately and I'm all hyper as soon as I finish it. However with the loaded BPC (snicker!) there's…
  • I find I wake up hungry and stay hungry the day after working out. So maybe that's a factor. Other days I'm just not interested in food and end up hardly eating. I just listen to my body and give it what it needs.
  • It is hard to bear all that pain and still try to keep to your keto endeavours. I know sometimes life happens and this woe seems so insignificant compared to everything else that is happening. Don't worry about the stress eating, you did what you had to do. Just keep going. You can do it!
  • Are you my sister from another Mister! ^^ is exactly me. I remember being 60kg at 14 and hating being the shortest and heaviest in my class. I want to get down to that weight again though the recommended is about 52kg like you said. Hubby is way fonder of my hips and bum than I am ;)
  • Thank you all for your insights. They definitely put a new perspective on it. The scale is still stuck :D but I'll hang in there knowing it will move soon. I've started wogging (my hubby's term for my attempts at jogging. He says I jog at walking pace! ) and easing in some weights so that will probably cause a gain. Ah…
  • This! If MFP was to be believed I'm already at goal weight. Not! Still I think it reinforces a positive attitude: celebrate the good, ignore the bad. Works for me.
  • Oh my. I tried this for breakfast and I'm hooked. This is breakfast from now on. <3
  • Try the Atkins Flax Muffin in a minute. Lots of fibre there and less than 3 net carbs.