Gizmo20783 Member


  • Personally I'd keep my caloric goals the same every day despite whether or not I'm training. As long as you're in a deficit it'll just be a larger one on training days and smaller on off days. I'm speaking from my own experience FYI.
  • I don't have them every morning but I have made a point to fit at least three in a week. I alternate what I use usually based on what's on sale. When I first started I was using strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and bananas when I can fit then in. However now that they are not in season they are…
  • Do what the fitness guys do; protein, serving or two of rice or potatoes and a serving of veggies. Super simple, simple to track, simple to make, unlimited variety, easy to store in bulk and travels well.
  • Weighing yourself daily has ZERO impact on your weight. That said depending on your expectations the scale can either increase and decrease your motivation. I'm in the same boat with the scale. I've hidden it several times but just couldn't resist. Now I weight myself whenever I want and simply keep my expectations…
  • I like to be shirtless when I'm around the house and to get up and order takeout while looking at my body is very hard to do.
  • Cheese steak, Italian cold cut with bacon, half a carrot cake, three pieces of fried chicken, potato wedges and a 2 liter of Pepsi. That was a personal binge. What happened to you was a moment of weakness and hardly worth mentioning. Get back on track tomorrow and you'll live.
  • Glad I saw these responses, now I know what to expect since I'm a weight lifting newbie .
  • You do have a point however as someone else mentioned I don't want to lose any muscle gains espcially because I lift.
  • Just for clarrification; are you saying that I shouldn't strive for 2,000? I should go below?
  • Thanks man.
  • Knew there had to be a downside. Well okay I'll start hitting my caloric goals and will increase my carbs incrementally .
  • Thank you. I think I'm starting to see the light on it. :D
  • I wouldn't mind adding in more carbs however I just thought that the bigger the deficite the faster I would lose. I mean I'm patient but if I have a large sustainable deficite what are the benefits of making it smaller?
  • Well I've lost about 16lbs but I can't be sure how much of that I can attrbibute to cycling.
  • Well MFP gave me like 2250 something around that and I keep that as my maximum but I rarely ever hit it. Eating back calories is too complicated espcially when trying to determine how many I've burned so I never eat them back.
  • I trully appreciate the great advice and thank you.
  • A modified version of it yes.
  • Well I've already set it up for today and Friday so I'll just do them this time and stick with my normal routine thereafter. I use a 150C 70F 175P combination and it's sustainable which is important for me. What do you think?
  • Honestly, I eat pretty well with 150C and it's fairly sustainable without me feeling deprived so unless it's going to help me lose weight faster I don't see a reason to increase it.
  • 6'5 310. My goals hover around 240-250 over the next 18 months.
  • Feel better?
  • But would you consider two low carb days a week and the rest of the week moderate carbs (150-170) a low carb diet? I've done it a few times now and I haven't had any drops in the gym and my energy has remained consistent until it's over.
  • Mainly just experimenting with it to see how my body reacts to it.
  • However "solid" you consider the advice I considered it irrelevant since it didn't relate to the topic much like your comment.
  • Clearly huh? Why be insulting and yet not offer any constructive advice about my issue? Instead you question my method even though your opinion about it wasn't asked. Oh wait, it's after midnight and you must be starving. I'll pray for you.
  • I agree that's why I only do it twice a week as kinda like a modified carb cycling thing.
  • You shouldn't feel any guilt especially if you had a great month. You did fine anyway.
  • I have bacon about once a day. I buy it precooked in this little bag and just take out the bits I need to spice up a rice bowl or something.
    in bacon Comment by Gizmo20783 May 2015
  • Jeez not too many real otakus on here. Weird. True Otaku here. Anime every day not ashamed to say almost all day LOL.