catchyb Member


  • I'm struggling with today's fast and now I have the perfect excuse to give in :) The thing is, I've been pregnant or breastfeeding for the larger part of 6 years now and I haven't had the time, energy or willpower to do anything about the 8kgs I put on. I've been managing this though, and seeing a result and it's really…
    in Sleep Comment by catchyb March 2015
  • We should introduce your sil to my mil and they can hate the world and know better than everyone else together! Must be hard seeing her at school every day though. What a nasty position to put the other mom in! Nice that she noticed it's working though! Keep it up and keep proving her wrong!
    in whinge Comment by catchyb March 2015
  • @jknight001‌ , love it!!!
  • Thanks for the feedback everyone! I live in France and my Dr told me fasting is a terrible idea for anyone, he recommends moderation... I am the breastfeeder :). Sounds like quite a statement there! I'm on a breastfeeding multivitamin, drink a lot of liquid and eat like a savage on feast days, so I'm hoping that'll cover…
    in Sleep Comment by catchyb March 2015
  • Happy St Patricks Day everyone! Fast day finished, total between 400 and 600 depending on how many cals were in the homemade carrot cake a friend brought this morning that I couldn't resist sampling.... Funny fasting on St Patricks Day, growing up it was always the day we could eat whatever we'd given up for lent! Think…
  • I had a great weekend, saw lots of people I haven't seen for a while and ate loads of cake :D ! Though I haven't lost a lot of weight, people commented on how much better I looked, slimmer, less tired, more energy... All things good to hear, to boost my confidence and keep me going:)
  • My second fast day tomorrow. I don't know what's going on but I couldn't stop eating today, I downed an entire 200g bar of milka caramel, about 20 chocolate covered marshmallows, 2 chocolate cream eclairs, 8 chocolate biscuits and half a twix. Also breakfast, lunch and dinner, oh and I nearly forgot the Nutella... I feel…
  • Just finishing my first ever fast day coming in under 500cals! I usually end up with around 750 - 850. I didn't finish any of the kids dinners or desserts, that's usually where the extra 200 or so calories creeps in, and I resisted a second bowl of soup. I'm so pleased with myself, and I nearly didn't fast today, I woke up…
  • I think you're right! As soon as I filled up on carbs again, the headache went away. Hope this doesn't mean I'm in for twice weekly headaches! Fast day 2 tomorrow, guess I'll find out soon :)
  • The headaches are normal? I used to get really bad migraines but they've almost disappeared over the past few years. I couldn't understand why I was suddenly getting them again. Any tips on avoiding them? I'm averaging around 700 to 800 cal on fast days, just 1 meal a day - a chunky soup (split pea, Spanish spinach and…
  • Hi snaps, thank you for the encouragement. I go from being pleased that it's better than nothing to disappointed because I expected more - I think that's why I was afraid to look, I'd been hoping for something big but knew from all my eating that it wasn't going to happen :) - I'm not really sure how the calculations work…
  • Lost 1kg in 5 weeks. From 71 down to 70. 6kgs to go to get to pre-babies weight, then another 4 to reach my "I like myself" weight. I lack discipline and love chocolate - but only 2 boxes of the Christmas choccies left - I'm easy to buy for:)! Things might start speeding up then!
  • So I weighed myself. I've been putting it off because I didn't know whether this 5:2 thing would work, specially with my loose-ish adaptation of it. I've been doing this for 5 weeks now, thanks to my 2 fast days, I'm eating an average of 4500 calories a week under my weekly goal of 12600 (1200 per day!) though I'm not sure…
  • I went over 900c today. Breakfast: pot of milky tea Lunch: 2 cups of milky coffee Dinner: (my inlaws have just arrived for another 2 week visit): split pea soup ~270c. Should have stopped there, but no.... Cauliflower cheese ~ 300c. 2 slices of ham. Apple & strawberry crumble... Soup was great though, I'll have to cook…
  • Hi snaps27! Not very pleased with myself this week. First ds was sick, then dd and I think it's my turn now... Not much chance to get out and away from food, and with all the sickness, I've been doing ready meals and quick food, neither nourishing nor healthy. I'm averaging around 2500 to 3000 a day, and haven't managed a…
  • I'm doing the same plan as snaps27, the 5:2. I'm still breastfeeding though so my limits are a bit higher. I'm aiming for under 700 on fast days, and 2000 on normal days (target = 11,400 per week). It's been 2 weeks now. My workout options are pretty limited as no childcare around, so I'm aiming to walk the 2.6km school…
  • Me too! Managed to keep under 700 this time, the 3 marshmallows were my downfall... I managed to avoid chocolate though :).
  • Thanks for all the help! How do I calculate my tdee? I googled it and came up with 1600? I'm keeping around 2000 most days. I log the bf as 400c cardio so it doesn't confuse my calculations.
  • Love this idea! I've had a good first week, lost some weight, met most of my goals - wimped out of joining a Pilates class cause cold and rainy though. Weaning not going very well, so far she doesn't like sweet potato, carrot, pumpkin or baby rice, but she did have great fun crushing them and dropping them on the floor.…
  • Feaster - it's not my fault, my gut doesn't tell me to stop eating :) just what I needed, another excuse...
  • Hi everyone, thanks snaps27 for letting me know about this group! I'm a sahm of 3, starting to wean my 6 month old. I just finished my 1st week, and lost nearly 1/2 a kg! I don't know what that is in lbs, sorry :( I don't know if that's down to the diet or my mil going home after staying a month (she takes over the kitchen…
  • Thank you for the link! Couldn't find it by myself.
  • Thank you! Mom of 6? You're brave! I'm drowning with just 3! I just want to go to bed and stay there till they're all potty trained and sleeping through the night. I didn't know there's a 5:2 thread, I'll look it up now!
  • Looks like this is going to be private diary. Oh well. Monday didn't work -I ate all day. But, I did manage yesterday (Thursday), logged just under 600 calories, with the help of lots and lots of spinach! No migraine but pretty exhausted today. Can't see myself doing it again today (already ate 4 chocolate biscuits and…
  • I log it as cardio fitness :)
  • Hi kitteh6, how are you managing 1800? I'm averaging around 2000 and starving and exhausted! (Lack of sleep isn't helping). Though about 500 of that is chocolate :(. I have serious willpower problems and a house full of chocolate. I'm trying the 2 5 as well. Just started though. On my fast day I did about 800, another fast…
  • It's supposed to between 400 & 600 more than your usual intake: they recommend 1800 for the average female, so that's a minimum of 2200 per day. Also at least 2 liters of water which is about 8 glasses.
  • Hi! I'm a 40 year old stay at home mom of 3 (5, 3, 6months). I really want to loose at least the 7kgs I gained since my first pregnancy, and then another 4 to bring me back to a size where I'll feel good. I can't really diet cause I'm still breastfeeding, and struggle to find time to exercise as I have no childcare/family…
    in Welcome! Comment by catchyb January 2015