airmedic8 Member


  • If you have an ALDI near you go there for produce. FYI Trader Joes owns ALDI...Dont believe me look it up
  • I would suggest something with some fat to coat them. It will keep them moist and they won't burn as easy. A healthy oil such as Olive Oil...not a lot bit a little. EVOO in moderation is healthy and good for you and your heart and HDL cholesterol. In large amounts....look out calories. Also cook slow on low heat...some…
  • my wife and I have fast food friday...few meals of stuff we crave. By the end were satisfied and ready for the week ahead after that. It helps keep your sanity
  • your liver and kidneys are cleansing you as I type :)
  • I dont log fruits and veggies......GASP
  • That is a great idea and is very helpful. Also realize its not gonna happen in a week month or even 6 patient, and be consistent ... Good LUCK :smiley:
  • As someone with an understanding of that in I work in EMS and deal with type 1 and 2 diabetics everyday. Metformin is a specific type of drug that does specific things with your blood sugar and when taken improperly can cause a multitude of problems. Take advice from your MD....not from my fitness pal. No offense…
  • Remove the word diet from your vocabulary...that would be the best thing you could ever do. Change your LIFESTYLE...
  • That is not that many put it in perspective...I would write down what an average day was for you when you were eating prior to your change (as good as your memory allows).... Plug that in to the tracker just to get an may be shocked at what you were taking in at that time....1700 calories is…
  • Men are dogs...i am one
  • What meds or issues. I have a medical background is why i ask. Its hard to answer your question without that info... No secrets here
  • Les brown , td jakes, tony robbins all have amazing books to read. Though dont directly adress diet per say. However, they address motivation and making the most of your life!
  • Well i was 244 6 years 195ish now. Dont set a date like july. Just let it unfold naturally
  • It sounds weird but when I finally made the turn years ago...I use to imagine that my kids and my wife would be without me. That it was my fault and I had not taken care of myself and I had left them, because I was selfish and I wouldn't change. That my health had gotten the best of me. I never told them that of course. It…
  • 95% diet....5 % workout Keep calm and Carry on :)
  • You can't reverse years and years of bad choices in 20 days. If it was that simple we would all be in awesome shape. It has taken me 6 years...6 years to be where I wanted to be but it took me many more than that to cause my problem. You can't downplay changes that go on in your body that you cannot see. Weight can vary…
  • 6 years brother…its not easy. Follow my page and my blog and you'll see my motivations. If I can make a suggestion to you. Surround yourself with motivation. Check out all the videos on youtube. Type in the words "workout motivation". I listen to them EVERYDAY…a smarter man once said motivation is like a vitamin, its best…
  • Remember years of bad choices don't get erased in 3 weeks of good choices. Their is good things going on inside your body you can't see on the outside. Stay the course and you'll be fine.
  • Remember that 80% of people just plain don't care about your problems. The other 20% are just glad it happen to you and not them. Thats sad but true. On the journey through life you will go alone through almost every hard time. When you make it through stand proud that you were able to do it, even if it was alone. You will…
  • Its is easy to be like everyone else. Remember that you have one life and there is no do over. If I could make a suggestion. Look up on You Tube the following videos/people Les Brown, CT Fletcher Greg Plitt, zig ziglar, tony robbins. People will roll their eyes if they hear you are watching these motivational…
  • Just remember that pain and sacrafice are temporary feelings. Success and triumph take time, but those feelings never fade. There will never be a crowd of people on the success path. Being overweight and out of shape is easy, be different and be a success story! Be a role model!