kandeye Member


  • Today's workout: 5x5 squats @ 95lbs 5x5 ohp @ 75lbs...this was tough it I powered through 5x5 deadlift@ 135lbs
  • Hello everyone! I'm Kandi. I'm just getting back into weight lifting so I thought I'd join you guys for support and motivation. I've been at it for just about a month. Today's workout: 5x5 squat: 90 5x5 bench: 75 5x5 row: 75
  • One particular moment that really stands out was when i successfully completed 5x5 100Lbs on overhead press. And I didnt even struggle! When i started weight lifting i couldnt even lift the empty bar over my head so I was really proud to hit my first big goal.
  • About 5 months ago I flew in a plane for the first time in about 4 years. The seat belt was fully extended and very tight! Last week I flew and it fit so much better! I actually needed to tighten the belt a bit
  • Thanks guys! Haha the more I look at the photos, the more I realize how far I've come. I guess it just takes a while for the mind to catch up to the body :smiley:
  • I also start getting a positive adjustment after 2500 steps, while being set to sedentary. I have a jawbone up 2.
  • Thank you for the link, I'm very interested in this. It took me losing and gaining back to figure it out. I found that I feel the best at 1800-2000 calories. It feel sustainable, my mood is happy, and I hit all of my macros no problem. I have a lot to lose still, do with exercise it's still possible to be up to 2lbs weight…
  • Sorry your feeling bad canadianlbs. Sometimes you just need a break :) Yesterday morning I woke up with a stiff neck. It wasn't horrible, but decided to take it easy. Well this morning it's horrible! Uuugh it's so bad i don't even want to move. Well no choice but to take it easy today
  • I still have 80-100lbs to lose so 1000 cal/day deficit is working, but only when I add exercise. I've found eating between 1800-2000 calories a day is where I'm most energetic, my mood is happiest, I hit my macros and I don't feel restricted.
  • Yesterday's workout: Squat 5x5: 140. I agree the squats are a challenge. It seems there is such a fine line between good form and bad form :/ Bench: 3,4,4,3,3 105lbs. Haha all over the place. I think i could have pushed 5 on a couple of those but fear got the best of me. I usually workout with my boyfriend but he has been…
  • I usually cramp on the first two days and then I'm fine. Working out actually does help with cramping. My only problem is I'm also so bloated the first two days. If my strength training falls on that day I have to deload on squats because I cannot brace my core like normal haha.
  • Well it's calorie in vs calorie out, ie. Creating a deficit. Exercise creates a bigger deficit just as eating less creates a bigger deficit. You can balance the two out in any way that fits you. Me personally, I enjoy exercise for both the health and the physical well-being aspects, but I'm not going to lie it makes me…
  • Wow its been a week since stronglifts...no bueno :/ . Got a workout in today, but I'll pay for taking too much time off and be sore tomorrow haha Squats: 3x5 135lbs. My leg/foot feels a lot better, sticking here to perfect form. I feel like I have a little butt wink happening. Ohp:5x5 80lbs. A repeat weight since it's over…
  • I don't think it would count the rest period, 500 sounds very excessive. I usually log half of my workout to account for rest time.
  • I'm always hungry after weightlifting, but strangely never after cardio. I just plan my workout before a meal, typically right before dinner.
  • Yesterday's workout: Squats: 3x5 135lbs. I'm still dealing with my right foot/leg issue, which causes some stability issues. I'm going to stick to this weight/reps until I'm sure it's back to normal. Bench: 5x5 100lbs. Yay! This was my first goal for bench when starting the program :p Row: 5x5 100lbs. This feels so heavy…
  • This thread was fun to read :p My nsv was I successfully completed 5x5 80lbs on overhead press. When I first started stronglifts I couldn't lift the bar for ohp. Also my next bench press I will be at 100lbs 5x5. 100lbs was my first goal when starting the program :D And a little picture for fun. Starting to see a little…
  • My boyfriend and I do stronglifts together. We just adjust the weights accordingly. I just look at it as another activity we enjoy doing together :p
  • Canadianlbs so true about for being 80 prevent of the battle. For me it's especially true for squats. When my former is a little off the weight feels so much heavier.
  • Today's workout: Squat 5x5: 140lbs ohp 5x5: 80lbs deadlift 1x5: 165 All felt good. Today's the end of my week, looking forward to the 2 days rest.
  • Nice workouts everyone! Otiwan, haha people have some nerve! Today's stronglifts: 5x5 squats: 140lbs. Although i completed it, my form was off. I have a bunion acting up due to wearing flip flops all summer, im sure that is the culprit. Will repeat this weight. 5x5 bench: 95lbs. Felt heavy, but good. 5x5 row: 95lbs.…
  • I'd probably just say " I'll get back to you after my workout. You'll be in your office?" Or something along those lines. It's better to speak up and make it obvious you don't want to talk.
  • If you have a step counter, set your profile to sedentary and eat back your calories. Of course they can be inaccurate so trying eating 50-70% of them if you don't trust it. After a month or so you can see how your weight loss is progressing to get a more accurate picture of your burned calories.
  • Thanks for sharing your story!
  • Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. First day of cooler weather in this desert. Was a brutal summer so I'm happy :) Stronglifts: 5x5 squats: 135. Yay! hit 45lb plates 5x5 ohp: 77.5 . Attempted 80lbs, hit two reps and couldn't move it after haha. 1x5 deadlifts: 155
  • I set myfitnesspal activity level to sedentary and synced it with my jawbone up2 activity tracker. My days vary too drastically so this works best for me.
  • My workout was from aug. 31st...overlooked that thread oops haha Today's workout: Squats: 5x5 130lbs...yay 45 plates next time! Starting to feel heavy tho Bench: 5x5 90lbs...close to my first goal of 100lbs :) Row: 5x5 90lbs
  • Thank you fanncy0626 :)
  • Hello group :) I've done a couple months of strong lifts and then took most of the late spring/ summer off. Started back up at a lower weight in early August. Hopefully this group will be a motivation to keep on track. Squats: 5x5 125 lbs Ohp: 5x5 75 lbs - this excited me so much! Deadlift: 155 lbs
  • I took the entire summer off from weight lifting. Early this month I started back up. My weight shot up 7 pounds. Then add TOM into the mix. Yesterday I weighed and I'm back down -2lbs. If you are sure you're tracking calories accurately, I wouldn't worry about it.