I hate running period , I don't like swimming and Hiking I'll probably try . Ok I'll quit these awful jumping jacks .
Idk just because lol
Pass the love for cardio lol I need it
I did 5 minutes of jumping jacks ( which was torcher for me ) then I ran on the treadmill for 10 minutes 2 of those ten I jogged .
I guess I just need the steps in doing this without cardio and just resistants or just lowered cardio or maybe learn to love it lol
I still want endurance I guess I just ust need to find a new love for cardio lol
So true ! I washed my earphones in the washing machine . Haven't bought anymore yet that's probably why it's so much more boring lol . Another form of cardio I'll try . Thanks a lot .
Thanks ! I just get so bored of cardio .
Oh my gahsh! You look great!
You are gorgeous girl !! Keep up the hard work !
You look ahhmazing!!!!
Oh that sounds great! I would love to try it . Thank you for the info !
Thanks everyone for the replies !
That's awesome . :)
Hey everyone! feel free to add me and add me on tsū.co username ebyla85 follow my journey
True I understand that . I'm not trying to down anyone for doing cardio on a machine for 2 hours plus. I was just curious why becAuse many people have their own reasons why . And it's interesting to me to see why .
Hey there !
That's awesome ! I understand that . you gotta do what you gotta do no excuses .
Oh that's understandable interesting just to see why people do it so long . :)
Lol oh ook I see
I agree machines are so boring
True everyone has their reasons why . I just thought I'd ask. Curious George here <<<
Lol i have no idea *shrugs* maybe they love the machine ? Or in a serious competition ?
I don't lol I was just curious . I hate cardio but I was wondering why people would do so much maybe they learned to love it or already loved it . Maybe I could learn to love it so much lol
Probaly a dumb question but hey I needed to ask I see people who stay on those cardio machines 2 hours plus lol
thanks guys I'll check out both !
Oh ook thanks so much for the reply ! It's sinking in all this info I love it ! :)
Awesome I'll look into that book. Wow I never knew how much stuff I had to actual read :s I have to do some studying lol
No . I haven't followed a strength program :( .... I'll look on here for that info thanks much !
Thank you so much that all makes sense .