Show me your meals under 400 calories
let's see them !!!
Cardio is the devil
I hate cardio . I did 15 mins of cardio , And 45 Mins of weights . will I see any results even if I lowered my cardio. I guess I shall see . Lol
Hypothyroidism and weightloss
ugh ! I'm frustrated
Yoga weightloss success
anyone losing with yoga . Help please I'm new to yoga.
Creative ways of using weight of you don't have a gym ...
well I stuffed my back pack with a bunch of crap I didn't use and did squats with that .
2 hour cardio ?
Does anyone else some days do more cardio than other days ? And if so why ?
Best way to understand weight lifting ?
ok so I've been lifting weights I've been hearing so many different ways to do . I just barely started using Dumbbells . When can I increase the weight? When I feel it's easier to lift with no muscle soreness or don't wait until I get to not feel muscle soreness anymore and just increase the weight . And umm how often…
Pasteles !
Ok so I'm dominican I love pasteles . I'm vegetarian , I became vegetarian about 2 years ago. Any delicious ways to season my veggies before I throw them in the delicious masa dough ? :)
Ways to jump start weightloss again
soooo I've been pretty much slowing down to like no weightloss at all ... I'm in need of help to start the losing weight again .
Left cheek smaller than ms right cheeky
soooooo my glutes are uneven . I definately notice that when I do squats , lunges , and donkey kicks when I go to squeeze coming up my right side is much stronger . Any advice ?
How do I build muscle and
what do you eat to build that muscle ? I've always been so confused when it comes to this .
Hold on to your butt!!!
Ok so the more weight I lose the more my butt seems to disappear ... Any tips on to keep curves while loosing weight ? Lifting ? I'm not sure but please help its shrinking!!! :'(
Hard to hit protein goal
:'( ok so I am vegetarian it's pretty hard for me to hit my protein goal . I've been struggling with that I need help with other ways of getting protein . Is anyone else struggling with this ?
Midnight buffet
:( I just want to eat everything in my fridge . Help me :|
Estimated weight loss ?
Ok so when you log in your diary after it gives you an estimate weightloss within 5 weeks . Has anyone hit that estimate ...or close to it ?
Share un boring vegetarian recipes
share please !
Collagen pills ?
Ok so I've been hearing some people take collagen pills to help with loose skin during weightloss . What do you guys think about this, and has anyone tried this ?
Need California friends to add
hello!!! Need friends
5'7 ladies around 184 trying to lose
(For motivation ) hey ladies!!! I'm pretty much almost at the end of my weightloss journey . I just want to lose about 15 to 25 pounds in that range . I'll see where I will stop from there and maintain . Need some new fitness buddies add me !!!!
How do you carb cycle
please ! I've been reading some postings about it when you hit a plateau you carb cycle ? How exactly does this work ? I'm desperate
New to forum need support
Hello everyone, my name is EBy . I've been on myfitnesspal for a while on and off . Last year I lost around 20 sum pounds, and I've saddley hit a plateau .