kalynbreann357 Member


  • This is very off putting... How can you be with someone for 15 years and decide to leave all because they don't follow the same diet as you? You need a reality check, tell your SO how you're feeling and I'm sure they'll give you one.
  • I wear any type of thong and don't think there are any panty line problems and even if they are nobody's paying attention to you in the gym, everyone else is either too worried about other people watching them or too focused on their own workouts. So long as you never wear grey leggings. Ever.
  • I was in Khols trying on clothes and everything that I tried on I hated. My stomach was showing too much and I decided I would do anything to not feel that way again. After trying and failing to really go anywhere I was back at another store trying on a dress for my military ball and my stomach was worse than before so I…
  • This is how my boyfriend is sometimes. Its frustrating because he loves working out and so do I but he says hes "scared that I'll look too good". The only advice I can offer is to ignore it. Continue going to the gym and when he sees the changes he will begin to like the idea of you going to the gym more and more. Maybe…
  • Kanye West - I Am A God Rihanna - Fresh Out The Runway Madonna - *kitten* Im Madonna
  • You can't make her want to go to the gym. She has to want it for herself. Continue working hard and maybe when she sees your results it will be motivation for her.
  • If you're willing to follow an at home program Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is amazing for burning fat. I lost 6 pounds in about 3 weeks doing the program 10 days and eating healthy.
  • Thank you, the help is greatly appreciated. :)
  • I could never workout in the mornings... ever! I usually fall asleep right after my workouts so I tend to do them at night, maybe you could see how you feel working out at night instead and sleep in in the morning
  • Currently at that stage too. Made it about 12 days working out and eating healthy but last weekend my boyfriend came into town and I didn't want to worry about tracking especially when I knew I wasn't going to be eating all that well. Also I planned to start back Monday working out and eating healthy, I did start eating…
  • I have a lot against planet fitness and would rather pay triple the price to go to another gym where I feel comfortable working out as hard as I can and wearing whatever I want. However, if your main goal is to shred fat and calories its not a bad deal. I would say to give it a shot, maybe you can get free trial and see…
  • I have a free gym membership at the YMCA but I do most of my workouts at home, the only thing I really go to the gym for is the squat rack and if I want to add weights in my workout
  • Thank you for the helpful replies just wanted to know if anyone had tried it or had any tips. I was still kind of interested so I read this http://www.elle.com/fashion/news/a2518/kim-kardashian-corset-guide/ and now I realize it sounds miserable and unsafe, I would rather just rely on my workouts for now.
  • I usually get their grilled chicken and ranch snack wraps so yummy and so little calories
  • I prefer going a night. Not that my schedule permits me to go in the morning but even if it did I just couldn't imagine feeling good and having a good day after waking up and getting sweaty
  • I've done it before and felt like it really didn't do much help, granted this was when I first started exercising and I did them completely weightless but I just feel like even if you do weighted squats your body would get used to the movement and it would become ineffective after a while.
  • Honestly I don't think anyone cares what anyone else does in the gym. Maybe if your buddies with someone they might pay a bit more attention to you but I think it's a bit over exaggerated when people say "everyone stares at me at the gym"- reality is nobody cares what you're doing. Everyone is focused on themselves and…
  • I use the squat rack for squats only but if someone is hogging it for something else even if it is bothersome I would never say anything I mean if they are there before you its rude to ask them to move to another area and most likely they'll get offended and won't comply. Just wait it out and try to get there a little…
  • Not really. I'm guilty of looking at the "fitsporation" tag on instagram and pinterest but seeing it in person really does nothing for me, maybe because I mainly keep to myself in the gym
  • Squats! Everyone will tell you to do squats, I started just with my body weight but to get a booty you have to add weight. My favorite machine in the gym is the squat rack but if you don't have access to the gym you can always practice squats with medicine balls or kettle bells. Deadlifts are also really good for the bum,…
  • I did day one today because of this thread and I feel so amazing right now. Usually after workouts I feel sluggish and ready to sleep but 30 day shred is a lot different, I feel like all of my muscles have been used and im very awake. It's hard to explain but I've never had a workout that felt like this. Can't wait to see…
  • I know that a lot of places say it is unhealthy for the average person to consume less than 2,000 calories a day and could cause weight gain rbut Myfitnesspal limits me to 1,200 to reach my goal by late February. I just want to know if this plan is unhealthy or if 1,200 is reasonable and safe and will produce results.