angiemann2007 Member


  • I’m confused. The zero Point food list basically has everything i eat on it. So is the new goal not to eat any points? Because i would consistently be at zero. And those foods aren’t zero calorie so how would you know if you are at a calorie deficit? Granted, I’ve never done ww but...
  • I've even used hand weights at work when I was slow ... nobody noticed, I didn't get super sweaty, and my arms thanked me lol also the dips, lunges, squats ...
  • I've never owned a food scale however when I lost my weight I created( like said above) rules to my eating/exercise habits...For example: NO SODA, 1200 calories a day logged thru this app, and a mile walk a night...I tried to increase my healthy foods and cut out junk food but if I really craved something, I ate it as long…
  • I would do vanilla vodka w/ diet coke....or reg vodka and diet soda maybe sprite.....
  • Thanks for the help guys. I guess I just need more patience
  • And I'm going down in other areas. My shirts are looser, my bras are looser ( sorry couldn't think of a delicate way to say that) but pants? Just as tight....argh
  • I'm short so I woulda thought 4-5 lbs down would have atleast made them looser. But atleast it's moving I guess. Last summer when I dropped 15 lbs, my pant size went down 2 sizes but this time it's going a lot slower. Maybe it's my impatience. But I have been working out some so I guess I thought the pant size would change…
  • My daughter used the tofu cubed and rolled in cornstarch, then fried in small amount of olive oil. Added some sir fry sauce and sautéed a little then added to the stir fry vegetables from freezer section.....done in under 30 min and tasted delicious....just make sure the tofu is cooked long enough for that crispier texture…
  • Would also love to participate! I have 5 kids 19, 15, 14, 13, and 6 and work 40 hours .....I am a single mom and have around 20 lbs to lose....Staying on track and squeezing in gym time is a challenge for sure :)
  • I keep having to remind myself that I'm not going to see the huge losses on the scale when I'm building muscle so I focus more on the fit of my clothes/measurements rather than scale....I agree that maybe now is a good time to re evaluaye not necessarily the calories but where they are coming from....lower your carbs,…
  • I noticed when I drink diet soda, I gain weight. I think I have a sensitivity to the artificial sweetners or something...I lost 10 lbs in 15 days when I cut it out and switched to waters flavored with natural sweeteners....Not sure about the stevia but thats whats in sobe water and it doesnt cause the same issue...probably…
  • No, I'm not being consistant with logging these things..I'm better at following it then writing it down. I added my fitness app to my desktop at work to help w/logging...What I've tried to do is add 2-3 sets of arm and leg items with 5 lb weights at work when I have time and doing a stair exercise w/ my stool at work to…