struggling with exercise

I've been trying the 1200 calorie goal . I've not really lost any weight, though. I go down then up and its frustrating me. I'm 5'2" and 151 lbs according to the scale this morning. I'm trying to incorporate more strength training and exercise in but I have trouble carving out more than 20-30 min of light strength training and exercise a day 5 days a week due to a crazy schedule at work and home.....Any ideas to help sneak it in that aren't time consuming? I do not have the money or time for a gym membership...Or is this enough by itself?


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Look up HiiT workouts on Fitness Blender - you'll find quick 20-30 minute workouts to give you good burns when you're short on time.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Are you logging everything that you eat in your diary every single day without fail? Are you weighing everything you eat before you eat it on a consistent basis? Until you're doing that, you won't find consistent weight loss.
  • angiemann2007
    angiemann2007 Posts: 17 Member
    No, I'm not being consistant with logging these things..I'm better at following it then writing it down. I added my fitness app to my desktop at work to help w/logging...What I've tried to do is add 2-3 sets of arm and leg items with 5 lb weights at work when I have time and doing a stair exercise w/ my stool at work to try to help add in this stuff when I can..Is doing these things gonna help at all?