Working Mom's Community

Supporting each other through tough and crazy days with laughter, joy, and compassion in order to make healthy choices for ourselves and ourfamilies


  • choosinghappy
    choosinghappy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. Im.just getting started this week. My lo is one year now and I still have the last 15 pounds of baby weight that never came off.
  • nunasprecious
    nunasprecious Posts: 1 Member
    Hello i have 2yr old and teenager. Trying to lose weight and be fit.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    This might be a good one for me. I work full time and have a 17 yo and a 5 yo. I have about 80 to get rid of and trying to find time to exercise is really tough.
  • jsobole
    jsobole Posts: 139 Member
    Would love to participate! Got a 2 year old and a 6 year old and work 40+ hours a week! I'm actually probably done with weight loss (hit my goal weight recently after almost a year), but I'm Group X certified - hoping to start teaching this summer - and LOVE working out. So I'm happy to help in any way! :smile:
  • angiemann2007
    angiemann2007 Posts: 17 Member
    Would also love to participate! I have 5 kids 19, 15, 14, 13, and 6 and work 40 hours .....I am a single mom and have around 20 lbs to lose....Staying on track and squeezing in gym time is a challenge for sure :)
  • torengla
    torengla Posts: 2 Member
    Me too. Work full time, office job, so no exercise in my working day. Have been walking 6 miles few times a week & I have joined the gym! Week hasn't ended yet and I have lost 4lbs.
  • Chilena69
    Chilena69 Posts: 15 Member
    I also work full time, married, with 8 yo son. It's been a challenge to watch what I eat because I LOVE food. Also have little time for exercise, but squeeze in one 45 min. spin class per week. Been using MFP for 29 days and have lost 12 lbs. so far. Goal was 15 lbs., but wasn't sure I could even do that, so now revising goal to 20 lbs. I've made lifestyle change by avoiding processed foods and eating whole foods like grilled chicken on a massive salad with tons of veggies. Joined a farm to work program to eat more organic produce. Taking a probiotic and totally avoiding artificial sweetener and margarine. Bad gut health can derail weight loss. I've had no acid reflux since I started MFP.
  • dawnsnarks
    dawnsnarks Posts: 101 Member
    Work full-time and have an 8 yo daughter and 5 yo son. I'm 5 lbs from goal but spend this week in maintenance due to taking off for the kids' spring break. This program WORKS and I've got the saggy pants to prove it. :D
  • katemary2015
    katemary2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I work fulltime, married, two teenagers. Also a large dog who needs a lot of exercise. I've been doing this for 3 weeks but planning to be a long-termer. Lost 3kg, 14kg to go.
  • cheethnico
    cheethnico Posts: 57 Member
    Hi I have a nearly 16 year old a 4 year old and 6 month old baby which I juggle with running my own business. On paper I should be tiny I don't have a massive appetite it was just what I did eat was junk food,despite cooking meals for the kids I was just snacking when I could. I've been at this since January and I'm 31lb down so so far so good only another 60lb to go
  • ecantino32
    ecantino32 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 35 and my son is 4.5! I weighed 148 pre pregnancy and weighed in at 232 at delivery! I lost 50 pounds right after giving birth! I have gotten down to 160 BUT I am back to 179.8..... Struggling to stay within calories! Feel better to see other moms experiencing the same!
  • Cokieess
    Cokieess Posts: 3
    2 babies! 6 and 4 full time working mommy trying to get my body back!
  • Alimacbean
    Alimacbean Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 9 months post baby. Didn't gain any baby weight but need to lose about 25 pounds of prebaby weight. Full time mom with a hubby who works massive overtime. No time for anything it seems. :( I currently take a circus arts class once a week. I find that doing an activity out of the ordinary keeps me interested.
  • Stephanie3399
    Stephanie3399 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow ladies! Keep it up! I'm not a mom yet, but I know I will be one day and I love seeing y'all's desire to be healthy!
  • raeyaz
    raeyaz Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Rae..... I am 25 years old.. mother of two kids.. I work full time and I'm also a full time student and a full time mommy and wife.. It is hard to find time for myself to work out, and eat healthy.. but I am starting my journey this week and hope to keep myself motivated.. I am hoping to lose about 50 lbs.
  • Lynniebinny76
    Lynniebinny76 Posts: 455 Member
    Would love a group like this! Work FT (from home - thankgoodness!), 2 boys - 1 year old and 2 year old. 14 months apart. I could use humor in my day! Have lost 30, have 75 more to go. I don't know how I'd do this with my insanely supportive work and manager, and my insanely supportive husband. I. Am. BLESSED! It is hard finding the time to get healthier with exercise and healthy eating. But as the days go on, i get even more motivated. I have cut out nothing, just portion controlled everything, and made better choices.
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Me too!!!!!
    I've got 13, 7 & 2 year olds. I work 4 days a week as a personal care worker in a high care nursing home. I'm the lucky person who gets to shower, wash, clean their bums, dress their yucky skin sores. Feed them etc...
    My husband works away in the mines so he's kind of home sometimes but not regularly so I can't rely on him to have the kids while I exercise.

    I go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week, do Pilates once a week and run on my treadmill most mornings.

    Wow I'm exhausted just writing that lol. A group of like minded mum's would be awesome!
  • marcied2015
    marcied2015 Posts: 17 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi, I'm Marcie a mother of a 4 and 2 year old. I work 40+ hours a week. I've been on MFP since Jan 8th and I love it. I'm here to support if needed. My starting weight was 232.5 and I'm already down to 192. :)