So is that the same for protein powder? I'm going to get brown rice protein powder but it's not a full amino acid profile so I'm trying to figure out what bcaas to get?
Thank you everyone. I'm reassured to know that I'm doing what I can! I increase my weight every week so my muscles will be growing. Maybe in another few months I will start to notice small changes!
Thank you all so much for your helpful comments! All have really helped me :-) and yes, I notice that body builders will lift light and superset when they're trying to get really lean whereas I want to get strong and I'm not worried about looking bulky coz I know it won't happen!
Have you always been overweight? Maybe it's about what food gives you? Comfort? Being healthy is a lifestyle change. Yeah you can cut your calories but 1000 calories a day of pizza is still a bad diet! Changing your diet takes some getting used to. If it's comfort, you need to be creative and find other ways to get this or…
Good luck! It's gonna be tough and a lifestyle change but it's important that you do it!
Feel free to add me :-) I'm living in Warrington at the moment. Grew up in Bedfordshire, lived in Bolton for 5 years now Warrington for 3!
Feel free to add me! I like to watch what I eat (high protein diet) but struggle at times with chocolate ah! Lol I enjoy working out at the gym - mainly weights training. As heavy as possible! 4 or 5 day split depending on time. I love interacting with others on MFP and have been using it on and off for 2 years now. I live…
Hey! I'm in Warrington but travel all over the north west really! Find me in DW gyms from Warrington, Wigan, Leigh, Bolton etc!
Useless! I guess I'll have to keep tracking and re-calculating myself
Does anyone else use this to plan treats? How much weight to do they expect to put on? At first I expected to maintain if it was planned like this or if my figures for the day were high calories but still green (due to exercise) it would maintain but I'm starting to see that each time I do this, I do put on weight but I…
Sorry I may have got the calculation slightly wrong as I never talk in pounds. I've put back on 1kg which I think is 2 pounds. I know what the calculations are and I guess I have a slow metabolism or something as usually after a treat (usually I'm way under that 4000 calories deficit figure. 1000-1500 calories is my treat.…
Yeah I've dieted like that before - adding in a small chocolate bar or whatever to your daily plan. My post was more about eating a well balanced, calorie controlled diet normally and how it would be possible to have a cheat day or treat without it screwing up your weight loss plan. I think I get it now :smile:
Great idea! My friends always have a set back around that time of the month! I'm usually ok but I also think it's important to have the odd week where you change what you eat to suit mood/PMT!
I suppose I could do this too but I would need to calculate the total calories and work out how to still build a deficit into my week either by exercising more or eating less calories before/for a few days after. I couldn't just eat everything I wanted to on one day and go back to the same diet the next day. I think this…
I have a healthy lifestyle normally and when I maintain my weight, I can have treats without putting on weight or worrying. It's just the 6 weeks of dieting I'm doing now (following Christmas of course) where I'm trying to diet/tone and being encouraged to have a day off to cheat but for me it doesn't work as then I'm not…
So I think you have answered my question.... To eat higher calorie foods as a treat (like a pancake or chocolate cake here and there) I should eat more of a deficit every day so that when I eat the cake I know it's worked into an overall weekly deficit to still lose weight.
I'm trying to lose weight so I have a calorie deficit and enjoy what I eat every day (fish, nuts, avocado). When I hit my target I can maintain well and work these treats in no problem. What gets to me is when I'm trying to lose weight and it's the weekend. My friends want me to eat popcorn at the cinema with them, or go…
I looked in the shops for unsweetened Apple sauce but I could just find variations for Bramley Apple sauce. I like Apple sauce and it would go well with the raspberry coconut flour muffins I'm making anyway so I'm going to try it! I've never tried coconut oil but as long as it helps the mixture stay together, I'll try it!…
Thank you Cloudy! My original idea was a low carb diet as I want to lose some weight but I also do weights/Rock climbing so I'm looking to get strong and toned (trying to get in lots of protein) so I'm not 100% Atkins (coz I know with Atkins they say too much protein can be bad) I'm just kinda doing what works for me! I…