About to start a midnight to 8am schedule EST , add me if you need more support :)
Originally from England, But moved to Clearwater Florida
4,401 mi direct damn long way
Cases of batteries
That was aimed at @slimgirljo15
One night stand
@jenmar17 Date And apparently i was on an old page Pass on @ransom_g
I have walked about 6 miles and also as it was raining on my break at work spent 10 minutes jogging up and then down 20 floors of stairs
Focus on the goal , and it makes it a little easier, for me at least.
Welcome, you have come to the right place, this site has been a HUGE help for me
Woot well done and keep it up it sounds like , working on losing about 50 myself 14 down so far
Bacon Fish
City / Beach love it
@NNG69 beautiful eyes and smile
Nice Abs
Enough Candy
Yes i have! Would you streak naked at a sports event
Little spoon while on a diet Whats your favorite ice cream flavor?
Hiya and welcome
Yesh !
Wherever i may Roam - Metallica
Oh yes
Superhero Costume
I use Mccormick's Grill Mates - Montreal Chicken Seasoning but sparingly it is high in sodium sadly, but the flavor is awesome, especially if you Bake the chicken wrapped in foil to keep the juices in.
nod nod
She didnt want rabbit stew
Atreyu - Lip Gloss and black or Bleeding mascara are pretty good too
wouldnt let me borrow her under things
Comanche is an awesome work out tune by In this Moment
In This moment has been my work out music of late