omgitsdaniiii Member


  • Thank you! I'll try those things! Just trying to remove as much chub as I can before summer!
  • Could u explain what that is? Haha
  • Yes I do hiit! But I guess I could watch what I eat a little more on Saturdays. Thanks
  • Hahaha yes but I still can't see little abs yet so I'm trying to lower my body fat % enough to where I can. I guess I'm just going to continue eating how I am and maybe step up my workouts even more, idk.
  • Okay I was just curious. I've been eating healthy for over a year and working out 6x week both weight training and cardio for about 5 months and I've always been pretty small, I just want to lose my last stubborn inch or two and I'm trying to find any option I can
  • I think I'll be fine since it's only a couple times a week and I only eat them for protein! Also could I have come examples of compound weights? Other than deadlifts, pull ups and squats
  • Perfect! Thanks everyone
  • Thank you for all of the advice! & I do strength train and cardio about 5-6x a week. Do you suggest lighter weights more reps or heavy weights lower reps?
  • Basically I just need to lose the last stubborn inch of belly fat and hopefully my abs will start to show so I'm trying to do whatever I can and if that means eliminating those foods then I would! But as long as it's not hurting me I'm good! I'll look into that pb2!! Thanks :)
  • Some say quest bars are overly processed and wasn't sure if that was true & if it would make an impact on weight loss as well as pb which some say isn't good for you either
  • So heavier weights? Okay I'll check it out. Thanks!!
  • Thank you!! & yes that's me haha just want a little more definition with my stomach! Hope it helps
  • This is where I'm at and its been like 6 months.