Stubborn belly fat

im pretty thin but still have an inch or two on my stomach that won't budge. I allow myself a cheat day on Saturdays and usually workout 5-6 days a week both weight lifting and cardio. Any tips for exercises or the best cardio to do? I also eat healthy every day of the week other than Saturday so idk what the problem is


  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    Start an ab day at the gym keep up any other ab excersises through out the week but just add in an ab day sit ups, leg raises, planks different types, an wheel, the step machine etc etc. ..
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Is that you in the picture? Looks pretty awesome from down here.
  • omgitsdaniiii
    omgitsdaniiii Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you!! & yes that's me haha just want a little more definition with my stomach! Hope it helps
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Start an ab day at the gym keep up any other ab excersises through out the week but just add in an ab day sit ups, leg raises, planks different types, an wheel, the step machine etc etc. ..

    Ab work isn't going to help her spot reduce. A solid heavy lifting program is going to do more for adding volume to her abs and helping her get a bit leaner, which is what she needs. More lean mass and less fat. Check out the stomach fat thread that is a sticky in the General Weight Loss section.
  • omgitsdaniiii
    omgitsdaniiii Posts: 19 Member
    So heavier weights? Okay I'll check it out. Thanks!!