kaitkolo Member


  • Hello! I just sent my request to join the group and am hoping it went through!
  • Hi! I'm Kaity and I'm 27 looking to lose about 50 pounds... hopefully I can lose at least 20 of those by my wedding in a little more than 3 months
  • Congratulations everyone! I'm getting married in 102 days... I really need to make these next 3 months count!
  • I'm very interested! Thank you!
  • Hi everyone, I'm Kaity and I'll be 27 in 2 weeks... my first goal is 50 lbs but I can definitely stand to lose more than that. Hope we can keep each other motivated!!
  • I would love to join the group! I'm 26, almost 27, and am at the heaviest I can remember being (236 lbs and 5'10"). I am getting married in October so my goal is to be down 50 lbs by then although I'd rather be toned and fit than worry too much about the final number. Please add me so we can all support each other!!
  • Awesome job everyone! You're all doing so well and really motivating me! I'm sorry I have been non-existent lately... We only have 2 weeks of dental school left so on top of all the last minute cases to finish for my patients, we also have celebratory dinners multiple times per week for different organizations and…
  • I need to be more accountable during the weekend... I feel like I do well Monday-Thursday but then by Friday, I fall off the eating right wagon. This weekend I'll be going to Chicago for a bachelorette party so I know I'll be drinking a whole lot of extra calories. I'll have to be good and take it a day at a time!
  • This might be a silly question, but how many stairs are in a flight?
  • Happy Easter!!
  • Ugh the frustrating thing about losing weight is that it took 2 1/2 months to lose 14 pounds but only 2 days of bad eating habits (I definitely have in to those Easter goodies a little early) to pack 4 of them back on! I'm going to need to buckle down and step up my will-power! Thank you all for sharing your struggles and…
  • This water challenge is going to be super hard for me! I definitely don't drink nearly 1/2 of my body weight (as ounces) ever ever ever. Today I made a conscious effort to drink more water and I think I'm only at 8 cups and feel like I'm going to float away! I guess this is going to teach me that I've probably been nearly…
  • Ugh I randomly got a terrible cold this week... Coughing constantly, stuffy nose, headache. I tried to keep exercising but this morning my body would not let me! So frustrating! The only good thing is my abs are getting a big coughing workout-so sore haha!
  • Today starts my week of "spring break" so I will have plenty more time to get to the gym! My goal is at least an hour a day this week so hopefully I'll help out a little more than week one! But being off also means I'm going to have more time to eat snacks... Gotta stay strong!
  • Oof today was not a good diet day for me... I was visiting friends in Columbus so I went out to lunch and went shopping all day and then I'm off to a dinner party tonight... No real exercise and bad-for-you food all day. Tomorrow will be better!
  • I haven't been near my computer to log my minutes in the spreadsheet and I can't do it from my phone but I will for sure log them tomorrow! It's been super yucky weather out today so it makes me want to laze around all day but at least I made it to the gym before clinic today! Everyone seems to have been losing all kinds…
  • Hi everyone! I fit in a quick 30 minute cardio workout today but I had a meeting to get to afterward. I did the squats and Dumbbells when I got home though! Hopefully tomorrow I can get a little bit of a longer workout in before clinic in the morning
  • I really like the variety in the dumbbell challenge! Day 2 done!
  • Great job everyone! I did 40 minutes of cardio, squat challenge day 2 (I just started that this week...oops!) and the dumbbell challenge day 2 (clearly my arms are weak... the 3rd set of them is tough!). I have a big bruise on my backside from my graceful fall today but I'm not going to let that stop me!
  • Day 1 of dumbbells done!
  • I like what @sepoep2 said! That's incredibly encouraging when this journey is not always the easiest! One of my friends found a quote on how the process happens little by little that I really like: after 2 weeks you feel it, after 4 weeks you see it, and after 8 weeks you hear it from others. We can do it!!
  • Ok great! I just didn't want to count weights or things like that if it was "cheating!" I somehow lost my Fitbit so I can't use that :p
  • This might be a silly question, but do we count any exercise toward our minutes or only cardio?
  • Hi everyone! I'm Kaity, I'm 26, and I'm from Ohio. I am finishing up dental school (only 8 weeks until I'm a dentist!), and these past 4 years I have really been focused more on school and clinic than diet and exercise. One of my classmates and I started going to the gym 4-5 days a week and watching what we are January 4th…
  • Hi everyone! I'm Kaity and I'm 26 years old in Ohio. I graduate in 10 weeks from dental school so as you can imagine, the past 4 years have been full of studying, managing patients and lots of stress-eating. I am ready to get back to healthy habits and a healthy weight! One of my New Years resolutions was to do some sort…
  • Sounds fun! I'm in!
  • Hi! I'm in a similar boat as all of you! I started out at 234lbs and weighed in at 227 today but I keep getting discouraged because it seems like the number on the scale just does not move! I would love to get down to 160 but my first goal is just to get under 200. It feels so good just to share numbers with someone since…
  • Hi I'm 25 and a 3rd year dental student... I'm gearing up to get back on the wagon starting tomorrow morning (and stick to it this time!)