bweaverband Member


  • Good morning challenge friends! Day 30!! Started with 50 squats and 20 plié squats. A good 45 minute walk completes my 30 day challenge! Wish my emojis worked here, because there would be an entire row of big grins! Much love and health to all!
  • Hello all! Day 29: 50 squats. 20 plié squats, 20 kickbacks and 30 second plank to start my day. Painting again today, too! Be blessed! B
  • Hello challenge friends- Day 28: 50 squats and 90 minutes of walking. About to get started painting again! Be blessed today! BW
  • Good morning challenge friends! Day 27: Started the day with a little yoga. Getting ready to head out the door for a long walk. Be blessed today! BW
  • Hello friends- Day 26: walking, SERIOUS cleaning and laundry. Looking forward to a quiet afternoon in my garden. B
  • Hello challenge friends: Day 25- travel home today, so not much physically. Just 30 of walking before dinner, and about 45 minutes of gardening "catch up"! Be blessed! BW
  • Hello friends! Day 24: cloudy and rainy today, so I got my walking in at the Aquarium and shopping! Forecast is for clearing this afternoon, so swimming in the beautiful Atlantic is definitely on the agenda! Be blessed! BW
  • Hello challenge friends! Day 23: MILES of beach walks today!! Awesome, beautiful day on the water followed by a visit from our son, wonderful dinner, and more walking along the harbor of this historic old town. Swimming and a nightcap in the hotel lounge topped off this spectacular day. Hope your day was as blessed! BW
  • Hello challenge friends- Day 22: road trip to the beach today! Long walk through the surf this afternoon, followed by a beautiful swim. My reward? Snow crab legs for dinner!! Blessings, B
  • Hello challenge peeps- day 21: gardening today, then packing! Going on a much- needed vacation tomorrow morning. There will be miles and miles of walking/running on the beach all week with some serious surf fishing thrown in for good measure. "Bee" blessed today! Bonnie
  • Hello all- day 19 and 20..,, so busy yesterday I forgot to log! Lots of walking both days, and gardening. General lawn maintenance, plus weeding, potting, etc. Have a blessed evening. B
  • Good morning challenge friends! Day 18: Used my much-ignored gym membership today! 30 minutes of treadmill running, and 45 minutes of strength machines feels awesome! I always wonder why I go so seldom when I feel so great afterward! Be blessed today! (Still not posting pics :( but keystroke emojis seem to work! Wonder if…
  • Just noticing that everything after the "bee" picture in my posts is being deleted. Hmmmmm.., anyone else noticing pics or emojis not getting posted?
  • Hello all- Day 17: squats and morning yoga. Only 45 minutes of gardening, and only painting trim today, so not much there. Got a walk planned for later in the day.
  • Good morning everyone! Day 16: morning yoga and squats. 65 minutes if gardening. And painting (again), is on the agenda for the day. See, the thing about painting is like Lays potato chips! You can't do just one room!!
  • Hello challenge friends- Day 15: 50 squats with oblique lift and kickback. 60 minutes of walking, 3mph.
  • Hi everyone! Day 14: very quiet and restful Sunday. Other than playing piano for worship and helping my drummer hubby pack and carry his big drum set home from church, not much activity so far. (Oh yes... There was the epic battle with the wasp in our house!
  • Good morning challenge buddies! Day 13: 50 squats, 20 minutes of yoga and 45 minutes of gardening to start my day. Hope your day is active and blessed! Bonnie
  • Good morning challenge friends! So this is day 11 AND 12! So busy yesterday I forgot to log! Yesterday I spent a very long time painting. All day- but I finished! Today started with squats and yoga, then I'm off for a walk. Have a beautiful day everyone!
  • Hello there challenge peeps! Day 10: squats, squats, everlasting squats! Contrary to popular belief, they don't seem to be doing anything for my "booty", ( been doing them for most of the year, so I really should have seen something!! Haha) but they sure do help my arthritic knees! So I keep on keeping on. They're really…
  • Hi challenge peeps! Day 9: 50 squats, then hours and hours of painting. Such a pity MFP does not have "painting" on their exercise list! Hey, if "cooking" can be on there... !! I certainly worked off a boatload of calories. And still didn't finish!!
  • Hello MFP challenge friends! Day 8: 50 squats, 30 high knees, 30 oblique crunches, two hours of gardening (finally got the last two plants in the ground!!) then three hours of painting prep for my kitchen. Painting tomorrow!
  • G'day challenge peeps! Day 7: 50 squats with standing crunches, 1 minute plank, (still kills me!!) walked 90 minutes. Busy day today! STILL don't have my new plants in the ground.
  • Hello challenge peeps! Day 6- added an element of difficulty to my squats this morning. After the squat itself I came up into a standing crunch (knee to opposite elbow). Really intense! I did 50 of those instead of the extra plié squats. Then I walked for about 90 minutes. Gardening this afternoon!
  • So busy today I almost forgot to log my activity! Day 5 for me- started off with 80 squats (50 regular ones and 30 plié) then spent about an hour walking around the local farmers market. WONDERFUL veggies and fruits this year! Bought two nice plants to put in my garden, too, but it will be tomorrow before I can get them…
  • Good morning Challenge peeps! Day 4- started off by increasing my normal 60 squats to 80- 10 more on both types. Then ran (jogged- I'm slower than a turtle!
  • Typeitdaily- I'm retired and have no excuse whatsoever to not make those 10k steps!
  • Typeitdaily- your step count is phenomenal!!
  • Hello MFP friends! Day 3- today I spent my entire morning in my garden. Pulling weeds, dead-heading flowers, planting and re-potting, and listening to a newly hatched family of house wrens chirping away! Hours of hot, sweaty work, but so worth it! Hope your day is as blessed! BW