30 day DO SOMETHING challenge



  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    edited July 2016
    I forgot! Since I cannot (yet) exercise as others can, I learned today that I should fidget! Swing my crossed leg from the knee, then switch and do the other one. Make circles with the foot on the leg that is crossed over the other, then switch. These might be the most socially acceptable fidgets, but they use up calories and increase muscle for someone who is sedentary. Then there are other "fidgets" one can do if you don't care about what is socially acceptable or you are at hom -- although pacing is also considered to be fidgeting. https://www.bing.com/search?q=fidgeting+calories+used&form=EDGNTC&qs=PF&cvid=f84b94678a6d4394a20352879ef3fbc7&pq=fidgeting calories used&elv=AMLRtN3kujN9XfyQoRrUcJX1Eu4Bd6INwtNle6XzfYLD

    Other fidgets: shoulder circles, pulling on your bent fingers, squeezing a ball, kneading malleable erasers or clay -- and they even make "fidget toys"!

    Then there are bands. (They gave me one today.) Those long rubbery bands you can exercise with. I did that on the 8th, too. Quite a bit of that. https://www.bing.com/search?q=exercise+bands+workout&form=EDGNTC&qs=AS&cvid=7fe40bda73a641dba52d9256aa7412ba&pq=exercise bands&elv=AMLRtN3kujN9XfyQoRrUcJUqzff*xaFxmFAOvoJfpLxQ
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Day 23 - Walked 9456 steps, 3.9 miles, and did 20 minutes of strength training
  • Redwineandmuscles
    Redwineandmuscles Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in. Today I did 25 rows with bands.
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Just found this! I get so bored with "regular" exercise- so I do lots of other things to stay active. This challenge is EXACTLY what I'm looking for! So if it's not too late to join, I'm in! Here goes!
    Day 1- this morning I did 60 squats (40 regular, 20 plié) and 30 minutes of gardening.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Day 24 - Walked 10,569 steps, 4.23 miles, and did 15 minutes of strength training
  • katorihanzo
    katorihanzo Posts: 234 Member
    edited July 2016
    Day 1: Hiked up a mountain, approx. 196m elevation, 1 hour round trip.
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    edited July 2016
    Day 6? Can you believe it? I walked a mile today! Seriously!
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Good morning MFP friends! Day 2: Today I did my normal 60 squats (I do these EVERY day- even if I do nothing else. It's the only exercise I do really consistently.) and I ran a mile and a half, 5mph, around my neighborhood. Have a beautiful day everyone!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Day 25 - Walked 12,103 steps, 4.83 miles, and did 20 minutes of strength training.
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Hello MFP friends! Day 3- today I spent my entire morning in my garden. Pulling weeds, dead-heading flowers, planting and re-potting, and listening to a newly hatched family of house wrens chirping away! Hours of hot, sweaty work, but so worth it! Hope your day is as blessed!
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Typeitdaily- your step count is phenomenal!!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Typeitdaily- your step count is phenomenal!!

    Ahhh thank you!! I have a desk job where I sit pretty much 8-10 hours a day so I have to work to get my steps and create ways to get them. You made my day!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Day 26 - walked 11,359 steps, 4.52 miles, and did 20 minutes of strength training.
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    Bought (what I've always called) a camel pack. Is that what they're really called? Those backpacks with the long drinking straw attached to a water bladder inside. What I did not write was that when I did my mile walk, I had my first (known) diabetic reaction. Called my HMO, and they advised me. From now on, when I go out of the house to exercise, I will be wearing my camel pack and carrying stuff I need, should that happen again.

    Other than that --
    Day 8: lotsa house cleaning, which included lifting, scrubbing, painting, washing, etc. All I had time for.
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Typeitdaily- I'm retired and have no excuse whatsoever to not make those 10k steps!
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Good morning Challenge peeps! Day 4- started off by increasing my normal 60 squats to 80- 10 more on both types. Then ran (jogged- I'm slower than a turtle!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Day 27 - Walked 7684 steps, 3.07 miles, and 20 minutes of strength training.
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    edited July 2016
    Day 9: walked. Not sure how far yet . . . .

    A teensy bit more than a mile.

  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    So busy today I almost forgot to log my activity! Day 5 for me- started off with 80 squats (50 regular ones and 30 plié) then spent about an hour walking around the local farmers market. WONDERFUL veggies and fruits this year! Bought two nice plants to put in my garden, too, but it will be tomorrow before I can get them in. Then spent two hours with a local kids camp providing some music instrument demonstrations. REALLY fun! After lunch, I walked about 90 minutes. And after dinner tonight, I plan on standing for a very long time at Best Buy while I wait on someone to fix my laptop!! Haha!