30 day DO SOMETHING challenge



  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Day 28 - Walked 7651 steps, 3.05 miles, and did 20 minutes of strength training.
  • TundraSwan
    TundraSwan Posts: 12 Member
    This is a brilliant challenge! Simple and not restrictive. Just started the summer hols after a long teaching year and very little exercise so trying to shift the pounds which have inevitably crept back on!

    Goal today is to walk at least 5,000 steps.
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Hello challenge peeps! Day 6- added an element of difficulty to my squats this morning. After the squat itself I came up into a standing crunch (knee to opposite elbow). Really intense! I did 50 of those instead of the extra plié squats. Then I walked for about 90 minutes. Gardening this afternoon!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Day 28 - Walked 9034 steps, 3.61 miles, and did 20 minutes of swimming.
  • TundraSwan
    TundraSwan Posts: 12 Member
    Day 1: did a half-hour walk although forgot to wear my pedometer so not sure how many steps! Also did a pile of ironing-it counts, right? :)
  • adiamond2c
    adiamond2c Posts: 9 Member
    I've never participated in online challenges but I am inspired this month to participate with 1) 30-day DO SOMETHING challenge and 2) 20 lbs by September 12. I am eating less, moving more and gaining NOT losing weight (What's wrong with this picture?)
  • TundraSwan
    TundraSwan Posts: 12 Member
    Day Two: lots of housework followed by half an hour of moderate walking.
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    G'day challenge peeps! Day 7: 50 squats with standing crunches, 1 minute plank, (still kills me!!) walked 90 minutes. Busy day today! STILL don't have my new plants in the ground.
  • suchaprettyface70
    suchaprettyface70 Posts: 49 Member
    July 15th ~ swim 30 mins & Zumba Gold class for the first time 55 mins.

  • TundraSwan
    TundraSwan Posts: 12 Member
    Day Three: Half-hour walk. Lost a pound since Friday!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Day 28 - Walked 12,826 steps, 5.13 miles, and did 20 minutes of strength training.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    edited July 2016
    Day 30 - Walked 10,520 steps, 4.21 miles, and did 20 minutes of strength training.
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Hello MFP challenge friends! Day 8: 50 squats, 30 high knees, 30 oblique crunches, two hours of gardening (finally got the last two plants in the ground!!) then three hours of painting prep for my kitchen. Painting tomorrow!
  • kellibee2000
    kellibee2000 Posts: 87 Member
    Yes! A challenge I can commit to! Getting up & doing SOMETHING everyday, great idea.
    Day 1: Zumba class
  • TundraSwan
    TundraSwan Posts: 12 Member
    Day 4 was not very eventful with the exception of a bit of housework but Day 5 was filled with hoovering and painting my house, so lots of exercise. Ate really healthy too :) well done everyone, sounds like you're all doing great!
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Hi challenge peeps! Day 9: 50 squats, then hours and hours of painting. Such a pity MFP does not have "painting" on their exercise list! Hey, if "cooking" can be on there... !! I certainly worked off a boatload of calories. And still didn't finish!!
  • TundraSwan
    TundraSwan Posts: 12 Member
    Day 6: more painting. I'm surprised that's not an exercise too, bweaverband, because it sure does knock you out! :)
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Hello there challenge peeps! Day 10: squats, squats, everlasting squats! Contrary to popular belief, they don't seem to be doing anything for my "booty", ( been doing them for most of the year, so I really should have seen something!! Haha) but they sure do help my arthritic knees! So I keep on keeping on. They're really helping my quads, too. Then outside for some serious yard work and gardening. Sweating like crazy!! Aaaaaand then there's painting. Doesn't seem like I will ever finish!! But, it's an awesome exercise!!
  • TundraSwan
    TundraSwan Posts: 12 Member
    Day 7: Tons of housework- changing sheets, hoovering, dusting, moving stuff, scrubbing walls etc. Now I'm zonked! Keep on going everyone :smiley:
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Good morning challenge friends! So this is day 11 AND 12! So busy yesterday I forgot to log! Yesterday I spent a very long time painting. All day- but I finished! Today started with squats and yoga, then I'm off for a walk. Have a beautiful day everyone!