ElisionJade Member


  • Good afternoon everyone! Today has been semi productive cleaned some went grocery shopping got in my walk and got the kids haircuts. Eating I'm well within calorie limits but could be healthier. Weather really has me down hot one day freezing the next. Literally 82 one day and 31 the next I think I'm getting sick from it…
  • Well, I've definitely taken your advice Alisa! This morning was "walk to school day" for my older daughter so I parked down the road at a park and walked about 2/3 mile each way. Got home and started looking for a document I needed and it turned into a full fledged "why do we have this I'm getting rid of it" cleaning spree…
  • Having a good day today, did some circuit training, walked, and housework too. A bit tired but I'm thinking that I need to up my protein intake or calorie intake in general since I'm getting tired really easy now. I'm still gettin the same amount of sleep and eating about the same amount just healthier and more active. Any…
  • Alisa - so sorry you're sick make sure to take care of yourself and get better soon! Susan - don't get too discouraged it could be water weight or a half billion other factors. As long as you're feeling fit and healthy you will get o your goal. I disappeared for a few days and sorry I haven't checked in, I've had a lot on…
  • So great that everyone is doing so well today! Shower workouts are fun but I suggest non slip mats. Ana great to have you here! I haven't done too much today exercise wise but am well within my calorie limits. I have discovered that when doing a kickbox video in the living room it is imperative to make sure the napping two…
  • Other than overall strength and muscles being sore not really any changes just yet but only been at this new routine about a week. My back is definitely stronger as it doesn't hurt as much. No real change to my clothes yet but hopefully it's just a matter of time. Just have to keep going!
  • I don't consider myself to be dieting as such really just trying to eat healthier which is an ongoing process cutting out sugars and processed food and eating more fresh food. At first I lost a few pounds but then started working out again and gained it all back plus some. Don't get me wrong I'm within recommended…
  • I'm actually a bit discouraged today. I know that it's normal to gain some weight when strength training but it still kinda twinges when the scale goes up. I think I'm doing ok toning wise and I know I'm getting stronger but still want to keep my weight steady or lose some.
  • Too add to the train of not being lazy today (which I am guilty of quite often) I did manage to complete my challenges for today an made a sweet potato bisque for dinner from scratch. Gotta love healthy receipes that taste good! :D
  • @rissavanwey good luck with the resume and jobs! Question too which Fitbit do you have and do you like it? I've been thinking about getting the charge hr for mysel but hate to drop that much money if I won't like it. I'd love your opinion!
  • Started off slow today but actually made myself eat breakfast which I normally skip and got in some yoga and housework hopefully later I'll be able to get in more (my two year old seems to think she's helping by adding her weight to the mix)
  • @nanavickig‌ if you want a good family movie that gets you in all emotions try "the giver" it actually keeps pretty close to the book and is wonderful congrats on the good going today everyone!
  • Starting off good today, all but one of my challenges is a rest day today so I'll probably stick with yoga today. Made blueberry muffins for brunch which puts me really close to my calorie limit but since I was plannin on a dinner salad tonight I'm not too worried it's good to indulge every now and then. ;)
  • @SRJennings‌ challenge met! Instead of my regular body weight routine I did a full body stretch routine after my normal challenges (doing squats abs and push up 30 day challenges right now) great way to end my workout! Also got in some walking while grocery shopping with my friend and did some painting too, wonderful start…
  • @‌ scrapbookingtm what is a gypsy stew and how does one make it? Sounds interesting and Google is giving me lots of conflicting receipes
  • Another newbie here, I'm Jade just getting back into fitness after a way too long hiatus. I want to trim and tone. I'm 5'8 and 143 so really don't have much to lose just need definition and strength. I'm hoping this will keep me motivated, I need to be accountable. So far today I've done about an hour of toning work split…