mjwwes Member


  • I have no motivation at all for exercise I think I will start with the 10 minute walking and up the time on it gradually
  • Goals for week Recode food dairy every day to stay I. Track Eat more veggies Keep healthy snaks on hand 30 min exercise 4 x this week
  • August 31, 2015 9:28PM Name: Mary Height: 5'9" Heaviest weight: 337 Starting weight (8/31) 291 lbs goal weight (9/30) 285 lbs 9/2 9/9 9/16 287.0 9/23 9/30 loss/gain for the week -4.0 loss/gain for the month -4.0 struggles I lost the faith had no weight loss since the beginning of month weighed in and 4.0 loss
  • Name: Mary Height: 5'9" Heaviest weight: 337 Starting weight (8/31) 291 lbs goal weight (9/30) 285 lbs 9/2 9/9 9/16 9/23 9/30 loss/gain for the week loss/gain for the month struggles
  • Name: Mary Height: 5'9" Original weight: 337 lbs Starting weight: 298 lbs Goal weight: 293 lbs 8/1 : 298 8/8 : 8/15: 296.4 8/22: 293.6 8/28: 291.0 loss/gain for week : 2.6 loss/gain for month: 7.0 total loss : 46.5
  • Name: Mary Height: 5'9" Original weight: 337 lbs Starting weight: 298 lbs Goal weight: 293 lbs 8/1 : 298 8/8 : 8/15:296.4 8/22:293.6 8/29: loss/gain for week : 2.8 loss/gain for month: 4.4
  • Name: Mary Height: 5'9" Original weight: 337 lbs Starting weight: 298 lbs Goal weight: 293 lbs 8/1 : 298 8/8 : 8/15:296.4 8/22: 8/29:
  • Name: Mary Height: 5'9" Original weight: 337 lbs Starting weight: 298 lbs Goal weight: 293 lbs 8/1 : 298 8/8 : 8/15: 8/22: 8/29:
  • I will be your friend I have 150 to lose so we can encourge each other
  • welcome and good luck I am also losing weight I have a chance to stay off meds if i lose enough weight by next appointment in september I will send you a friend request maybe we can help one another
  • ok so this may not seem like much but 40 pounds ago I could not walk fast enough to use my hand mower (not push mower one of those with no motar) so tried over the weekend I could do first time since I bought it.
  • I just came across this discussion and thought it was interesting to read so here it goes I work at Panera Bakery, I have changed to a lchf lifestyle and I have thyroid issues, passed menopause, IBS and have recently gone over the borderline diabetes line ( I have always been borderline since a teenager). The doctor has…
  • Name: Mary Height: 5'9" Starting Weight (2/19): 337.8 (6/30): 309.4 Goal Weight (7/31): 300 lbs 7/4: 307.4 7/10: 305.6 7/16: 303.8 7/24: 298.2 7/31: Loss for the week: 3.2 .lbs Loss for the month: 9.2 lbs Struggles or struggles for the week I have a goal of working out in the garden yard work at least 30 minutes every day…
  • Name: Mary Height: 5'9" Starting Weight (2/19): 337.8 (6/30): 309.4 Goal Weight (7/31): 300 lbs 7/4: 307.4 7/10: 305.6 7/16: 303.8 7/22: 301.4 7/31: Loss for the week: 2.4 lbs Loss for the month: 5.0 lbs I lose weight slowly I deal with thyroid issues, midlife stuff and diabetes Struggles or struggles for the week I have a…
  • Hello, I am Mary from Alabama, USA my original weight was 337 I have lost 33 1/2 pounds since February 19 of this years I have 140 pounds more to lose. Feel free to add me to your friends list. Good luck to everyone
  • I also loose weight slowly I have past menopause, thryroid issues and dibetic but have lost many inches 5 pounds lost is 5 pounds that you dont have on you I belong to a weighloss internet group and they really help motivate me
    in Slowwww loss Comment by mjwwes July 2015
  • Name: Mary Height: 5'9" Starting Weight (2/19): 337.8 (6/30): 309.4 Goal Weight (7/31): 300 lbs 7/4: 307.4 7/10: 305.6 7/16: 303.8 7/24: 7/31: Loss for the week: 1.8 .lbs Loss for the month: 3.6 lbs Struggles or struggles for the week I have a goal of working out in the gardenyardwork at least 30 minutes every day I used…
  • I would love it if you would accept my friend request welcome back
  • I also have about 150 pounds to lose and would not mind talking back and forth with you.