kellibee2000 Member


  • I'm in, too!
  • I appreciate you sharing, @mlrtri. I'm at that point where I know we have things, I just can't find them with all the other stuff we have, which is seriously annoying. I'm starting small with decluttering & I can't wait to feel some relief 😌
  • Ok, I've set a goal for myself to do 15 min of decluttering on my worst spot, my vanity. Wish me luck!
  • @ninerbuff @Xellercin that sounds amazing! Was there a turning point for you before living this way, or was it a more gradual thing? What systems or habits make this lifestyle possible for you? I'm so curious & looking for sustainable ways to start.
  • Drive your plow over the bones of the dead by Olga Tokarczuk
  • Watching YT videos on minimalism, I think I've fallen down a rabbit hole 🐰🕳️
  • Hello peeps, how's your week going so far? My priority is to track everything I eat, today is just my 2nd day & although I'm motivated now, I want to stay connected for when I'm not feeling so jazzed about losing weight. I'm planning on going swimming today, so that'll be good exercise! I hope everyone has a great day…
  • Hi Deni, congrats on your progress so far! It's so motivating to see 😊 I'm happy to encourage & I'm sure I'll need some myself on this journey!
  • Hello! I'm also hopping back into mfp & would love accountability buddies. I have over 100+ lbs to lose & have been in & out of MFP for years. I'd really like this time to be different. Feel free to add!
  • Hi there! I'm in the same boat as far as weight loss amount (about 140lbs) & I know for me, accountability is huge! Feel free to add 😊
  • Hello, feel free to add! I'm looking for accountability buddies, so if you're into that, let me know! Good luck on your journey 💜
  • I'm also in this boat! Feel free to add me.
  • Awesome @wornoutmamabear! Hmmm, I wonder what @Neds1980, @ashleycarole86, @justanotherloser007 are up to? I have been travelling a bunch the last 2 weeks, and I have another trip this weekend to DC for my anniversary! We're going to see Green Day's tour and hang out in the city. We live about 1.5 hrs away so at least it's…
  • This is so exciting! I don't post much, because I don't have much to add to the lovely supporters you have on here. I'm inspired by your shares and how others have responded. I see the progress that you are making and you are the best kind of human! Rooting for you, every step of the way. <3
  • @Neds1980 Sweet! Nice job! Glad you're here. Yes, you're not only restarting with a loss but you still have all the knowledge and experience you earned losing the first time. You CAN do this. @ashleycarole86 Thanks! Yes, I need something to shoot for or working out seems nice but more arbitrary. I'm excited and a little…
  • @ashleycarole86 That is so bad ash! (I'm gonna start cussing like they do in the show The Good Place 😂) Welcome @Neds1980! I've lost all of 2lbs since starting being more active. Since it's been over a month, you could say it was terrible (it's what I'd used to say). But I consider it a success! I have been working out…
  • @Matahairi I love your post and identify with it so much. Thank you for putting it out there! @RubyRed427 I am working on this, too! I have sorted through 100 books, and I gave away any book I cannot get through the library and would read RIGHT NOW or is an absolute favorite I would read time and time again (which is…
  • Thank you! @ashleycarole86 @mvarraveto, me too! I'm at 273ish now. @MargaretYakoda That's awesome! It sounds like you've hit a stride. Anyone who wants to be a buddy, feel free to friend me. I love checking on my feed and giving props. @ashleycarole86 Oooh, such a good question. I struggle most when I get in my head about…
  • Hello peeps, I love the people here, so I want to keep checking in. Hey @CurtisHouse180 @ashleycarole86 @Virginia32174 :) It's also nice to see the new folks get inspired and come to connect. Feel free to friend me so I can cheer on your progress! Last Saturday after my walk I started feeling crappy. I ended up suffering…
  • Starting the day early with healthy movement and checking in with my body when eating. Often it's my head that wants more, not my stomach. What worked for you today? :blush:
  • @jenilla1 I love that idea & I feel the same! Let's think of extra items as bonus or extra credit, so encouraging more than 1 item but not obligated. And keeping track of the # can help with feeling big progress by the time the month is through. Even 31 items sounds like a lot! I would like to join in, but I'm a one track…
  • Wow @wornoutmamabear that's fantastic! I'm glad you're seeing clear progress! @ashleycarole86 that's so inspiring! I'm so excited for you to hit such a meaningful place! Hi Carrie @cswirl76 adding you ;) I just started getting serious about this a week ago. I'm in my late 30's, 276lbs, and I just want to be able to keep up…
  • Wow, thank you so much for taking the risk to post. Your experience is so inspiring because it is so honest about mental health and how that connects to physical health. I wish you all the best in your continuing journey!💜
  • Hi @heatherbluebell, welcome! @wornoutmamabear Yes! My job is sedentary, & if I make an effort to stand up, stretch a bit & walk around my office for just a few mins, how much those steps add up & how much better I feel at the end of the day. So, I was really nervous to do my first full run through of the workout the gym…
  • Welcome @joemccullum! So glad you are here 😊 if you want accountability, open your food log & I'll send you a friend request. I have a similar goal of playing with my kids, ages 7 & 10 without feeling like I'm dying. That's a very worthy desire 💗 20 min is an awesome start! See you around 👍
  • @wornoutmamabear Yes! You rock 💪 @justcandi12 Welcome aboard! 🚂 So yesterday I signed up for a hospital gym that's open to the public. Today I had the best experience designing a plan for me & running through it. They were so nice, thorough & supportive! Tomorrow I run through the routine fully with staff assistance & I'm…
  • Alright, you all should seriously hop over to this group. Marilyn is so sweet, it's small & v. supportive! I'll keep checking this thread, but that's where I'll be hanging out! @britneynorthington only 20? ONLY 20! That's 20% there! Can you do that 4 more times? Of course you can & you're there! 💪😊 You got this! I think…
  • This is what I want. I can't keep up with 85 messages on a board a day, but I'd love to get to know a smaller group of people & feel like I'm actually apart of it. 💜 Last evening, I had a 'come to Jesus' moment & I'm on fire to get started & have a more healthy life. I woke up early, joined a medical wellness center,…
  • I. Am. Here. For. This! I've been in & out of mfp for years, but at 278lbs, it's time to get down & dirty to get rid of excess weight & anything else holding me back from the kind of life I want to live. I can stand to lose half of me *mother of God* and I'd love buddies who are just as serious as I am. Feel free to add.…
  • Same & same! I have a bit more to lose but I'm game if you'd like to add 😊👍