Chikika Member


  • My goal is to increase strength and stamina, and I'm aiming to lose .5 lb per week(20ish to lose). I'm in the process of joining the armed forces so I'm prepping for that.
  • Today I was shaving my legs and I thought, "what the heck is this lump on the back of my leg??" It was a muscle. LOL
  • I've done 30 day shred before, and while its a good workout, its so incredibly boring. 10 days of the same exercise...I can't bring myself to do it. Lots of people have said that level 2 feels like the most difficult of the three. Level 3 probably just feels easy after working out for 20 days straight. If you like…
  • I recently bought a Weight Watchers scale from Walmart, very consistent and accurate. Was about $40(CAD).
  • Way to go!!! You look fabulous! What's your exercise routine?
  • I'm not done with body revolution yet, but this might give you a good idea :) I just finished week 7 and I've lost 10lbs. I haven't been following the diet that came with the plan, I've been eating 1800 calories with maintenance on Saturdays. I have a physical job as well though so this might be more calories than you want…
  • Another thought, get good flavoured coffee for drinking black, much better than plain if you don't usually like that.
  • I just drink a smaller coffee and make it as creamy as I like it, which usually only takes 1 or 2 tablespoons of cream that way. I don't feel deprived of the flavour I like that way, and if I need more coffee then I go for black. :)
  • Hair of the dog I say!
  • You can get a lot of, if not all of Jillian Michaels work outs off of youtube. A good channel is BeFit. You could download others that are usually expensive like p90x. Maybe check kijiji or craigslist for cheap/free equipment and weights.
  • Thanks for the info :)
    in Polar H7 Comment by Chikika April 2015
  • Oh I also have a polar loop, can it display the calories there maybe?
    in Polar H7 Comment by Chikika April 2015
  • Vanity is a good start. I run my own business and it sounds shallow but I think people would respect me more and do more business if I looked better. It's also a physical job so it would definitely be easier if I was more fit.
  • If I can't find the right amount on the site, I just calculate out how many calories it should be and match whatever measurement they have to the calorie amount I calculated.
  • I'm in this boat now, I've injured my leg from going at it too hard and too fast and now have to rest. Rest is important and we're all in it together! :) Enjoy the rest day! Go for a short walk, plan your meals for the rest of the week, just general things that will keep you on track. Good luck!
  • Anything with peanut butter. Maybe make yourself some no bake peanut butter and oat bars for snacking while at work to keep the energy up. Or a fruit smoothy with peanut butter. Or just a spoonful of peanut butter. Mmmm peanut butter :smile:
  • Same here. Lentils and rice err' day B) Feel free to add me!
  • I agree with John, at the beginning of your journey I think you're more likely to be analabout your calories. But then as you move on, lose weight, have bad days and still lose weight, you realize that it's not that serious. So personally I would have fished it out, just because I can't imagine that being tasty, otherwise…
  • Completely in my legs and butt. If you looked at me from the waist up you wouldn't know I need to lose weight. But then you get lower and daaaaayum that's a lotta booty :p
  • I'm vegetarian with vegan tendencies... :) if that counts enough!
  • Lately I've been having my workouts just before lunchtime, so I prep my lunch in advance and log it before I work out. Then I can't overeat, and I'm satisfied and on track anyway!
  • I don't like the taste of artificial sweeteners, so an iced soy latte is my new go-to. I used to get peppermint white mochas every couple of days, at 500cals a piece :sweat_smile: mmm
  • Great job! :)
  • Also anyone can feel free to add me, I've never tried doing it with friends :)
  • Wow this is all so good to hear :) You are all so wonderful. I had never heard of muscle inflammation before. Every other time I've dieted, it's been closer to starving myself while I watch tv to pass the time. This time I want to be STRONG!