kikichewie Member


  • You can get a decent set of measuring spoons for $1 at any of the dollar store out there. They all have them as well as sets of measuring cups. They will go a long way toward helping you reach your goals. A scale is nice, but a luxury in this case, I think. You're starting out with a great attitude - getting creative with…
  • Read The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss, at least for inspiration about how to own a business without killing yourself. It might give you some good ideas for becoming more efficient with your work time. And figure out a better time/place/way to work out that gives you energy va sapping it. Ignore the haters.
  • It's better in the long run if you experiment and plan, do some research and learn how to eat right than if someone just gives you a list of foods to eat. Start with breaking you calorie goal up into meals and snacks, and then look for tasty recipes and ideas that fit those calories. See how you like them and if you are…
    in HELP Comment by kikichewie May 2015
  • You might also want to share what kind of injuries you're talking about.
  • What are the steps for fixing the diastasis? I'd start there, then body weight exercises, then dumbbells, then go from there. As far as the fat, that's all diet/deficit.
  • Yeah it sounds great to me except for the gelato. Eat it!
  • Yeah, there's no way.....
  • Hmmmm. Sounds like it's related to your history.... Do you log things before you eat them? Prelog what you plan on having for dinner in the morning or the day before so you can fit everything into your day? If you log in advance and think about it before you're hungry or before you need to go to the store or choose a…
  • Your teeth will be happier if you don't drink it at all. Just drink plain water.
  • Sounds to me like you are eating at maintenance bc you are significantly overestimating your exercise calories. Have you lowered your weight on your HRM? If it still thinks you weigh 200+, it will overestimate your burn. Also, if you are doing intervals, it will overestimate.
  • If that were true, you wouldn't be here.
  • I used to put hot sauce, lemon juice, garlic salt and a drop or two of liquid smoke in my tuna, then eat it w trisquits. It makes a decent smoked fish spread type thing.
    in tuna Comment by kikichewie May 2015
  • I plan out my calories for the whole day, then measure out what I plan to eat with each meal. If it looks like too much or too little, I go to my app and make some adjustments before I sit down to eat. It's important for me to plan dinner before I eat breakfast and lunch, otherwise I may not have enough calories left over.…
  • The last thing I'm going to order at a fast food place is a salad. I like good salads. And most fast food salads suck, aren't filling, and still manage to have a crapload of calories that just aren't worth it. I'd rather have a double cheeseburger and unsweetened tea at McDs, and just accept a high fat day. I'll still stay…
  • I think she's a fraud, and bulimic or anorexic. Or some combination of the two. She's not eating that much fruit for realz.
  • Stop using that machine. It is designed to build the muscle under the fat. It's a very small muscle, but not one you really have any need to focus on and build size or strength. Unfortunately, you may need to get extremely lean through diet to make that fatty area smaller. My thighs are the same, and it's just something…
  • That's not true for everyone. My cellulite is directly tied to my muscle mass and body fat percentage. It does away very predictably as I lose weight, and even better when I've got bigger glutes underneath.
  • I have to disagree that written plans are part of a personal trainer's job description, unless you plan on compensating them for that time. What you could do is ask that your last workout or two be a general full body or upper/lower body workout that you can repeat for a month or two. Then write down the routine as you go…
  • Weighted hip thrusts and glute bridges.
  • Lots of great information and advice so far. All I can say is that if you keep going, it will get easier. If you make eye contact with someone, a smile is nice. Many people are more than willing to answer a quick question too. I just started two months ago, and now I have no problem asking people questions or for help. I…
  • Set your calories goals lower during the week and higher on the weekends, so that the average for seven days is your deficit goal. For instance, I need to eat 1700 calories per day. So that's 1550 Mon-Thurs, 2000 Fri-Sat and 1700 on Sunday. That gives me more wiggle room when I need it, without killing my deficit. I just…
  • Because it has nothing to do with exercise and everything to do with diet, which you didn't even mention. Look at the sticky post at the top of the forum page.
  • End of the day? Dark chocolate and red wine. Or a protein shake if you're feeling virtuous. I make one w chocolate milk and egg whites that tastes like dessert.
  • Green tea is nice in general and has antioxidants. Tea with lemon is refreshing, but the acid is horrible for your teeth. Vinegar is a complete, Total waste of time AND bad for your teeth. Actually tea is acidic too. Really, water is all you need now that you've quit smoking. If you want to relax in a sauna occasionally,…
  • A major benefit of veggies is the fiber, which you don't get in juice. You can make smoothies with whole fruits and veggies in a blender like a NutriBullet. Then it's the same as actually eating it because you're not leaving the fiber out. I make one w spinach, carrot, Apple, sometimes banana and egg whites. It actually…
  • Horrible, horrible idea. Do the program as written. If you want more cardio, cross train with something else on your off days. Bike, swim, or preferably weights, etc.
  • All I know is that infrared heaters heat objects but not the actual air. They are often used in outdoor heaters, small pizza ovens and warming stations for food.
  • I prelogged my day today all the way through dinner, and a while ago I was starving. I have a big workout in an hour, so I knew I needed to eat. So I had to look at my budget for the rest of the day and decide what I was willing to give up In order to meet my goal. Sadly, today it had to be my 5 oz glass of wine. But I…
  • Oh but saunas feel wonderful..... Although regular heat with or without steam makes more sense to me than infrared, which I'm pretty sure just warms the surface of your skin and not the air in the sauna. We have an infrared heater outside at our house, and it's definitely a surface thing. A sauna, on the other hand, is…
  • The whole point of the program is to give you enough rest to avoid injury, so follow the program as it's written.